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Throwback to my first Titanmen movie Nightfall


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Hard to believe that was 6 years ago when I directed my first scene for my debut Titanmen movie Nightfall.

We shot this at the Oxballs factory and warehouse in the valley. It was late at night and there was that empty, eerie and mysterious feeling being in a deserted industrial area. I was a bit of a mess… I really wanted to impress my new employers and have them happy with my first outing. I had written a loose script and had an idea of what I wanted in mind, but explaining that to my crew was difficult. They all thought I was lighting things too dark, they didn’t like that I had the guys up on a huge table and they thought my concept was “creepy.” It was… I’ll admit that. Thomas is lured to a dark area by a mysterious person he meets online. What follows is a rather stunning sex scene with Alessio Romero that got RAVE reviews and sold an unexpectedly large amount of DVDs and Titanmen memberships.

I still remember feeling vindicated when I was told that the DVD had gone into a third printing.

The opening sequence was shot mostly that night, although I ended up adding the city footage after I spent an evening driving around Los Angeles and getting that amazing night footage (which I then spent hours pixel fucking into looking like Blade Runner).

I was very proud of how I was able to edit the movie and come up with that look of darkness and shadows that still allows you to see everything. I spent days editing the scene and then doing the colour corrections and grading that resulted in the final look. It’s still one of my proudest moments.

Click Here to see the whole movie Nightfall and get a very special Blog readers 50% Off Join Price.

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Director’s Blog: Most people have never had to direct their best friend in a porn scene, but…


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OK so… let’s go back a few years. I was just granted my dream job. I was now director of production at Titanmen. I had worshiped Titanmen since their debut in the 90s, and even after working in porn for a few years, I’d never allowed myself to think I could get a job at Titan, let alone be given the Captain’s chair. And yet… there I was.

Except… I was now kind of on my own. The team I’d worked with for 3 years as 2nd director and camera man were gone. I had to hire a whole new crew, I had to find locations in Los Angeles, I had to cast the movies, write the scripts, plan shoots, buy plane tickets and book hotels… drive the stars from the airport… All that Jazz. The buck, which I was mostly responsible for before, was now landing directly in my lap. And this was my first movie at the helm.

I can’t give names, but instead of hiring a crew of unseasoned workers, I dipped into my pool of friends who worked for major studios. My buddy Darius Union had been a camera man on a LOT of movies you’ve seen (a couple of which may have won Oscars)…. Motorboot Robert was a line producer for a major Los Angeles new agency. These were guys who I knew had the chops, even if they’d never seen a naked man at work before.

Then I had to cast the movie. I called in some big hitters… Landon Conrad, George Ce, Alex Graham, Eric Nero, Tex Davidson… but I had to cast a teacher for the “coach fucks the quarterback” scene.

And while I was going through my rolodex ( had considered Dirk Caber, Spencer Reed, Will Swagger and Allen Silver), my best friend Tom Nero called me and said “So…. I dunno if this could happen, but I’m going to Thailand next summer, and I’d really love to make some cash to pay for it…. would you hire me for a Titan movie?

My first reaction was “Tom…. I know you have a dick, but I never EVER want to see it.

But then I thought… well… he was in two Joe Gage movies, Joe said he was “amazing and that cock is like a missile” and hey…. he’s my best friend so… sure… why not? I knew I could count on him.

So… there we go… and I shot Tom along with Alex Graham in my first movie as Director Of Production for Titanmen.

I walked onto the set (which was the same basement in a huge house in Atwater Village where we eventually shot both Bad Cop movies, parts of Jail Break and Muscle Daddies) and there was my best friend Tom.


I stood there in a bit of shock… He’s ripped and hairy ( I already knew that) and his dick is quite impressive.

So… we just pushed forward.

We got the acting part out of the way and then it was time for the making out, the dick sucking and the fucking to happen. THAT was kinda weird but hot to watch. Tom is hot… I’ll admit that. He’s handsome and his body is amazing and his dick is big with a huge mushroom head. He’s covered in hair and he’s got this amazing intensity that makes him a perfect porn daddy.

But I was still directing my best friend fucking Alex Graham.

And then… just because I was the one in charge… I said “I think we need to switch positions…. I think Tom needs to bottom here.

He gave me a nervous look and then a “we’ll talk about this later” look. And then… he got up and got fucked. And I was the one yelling “FUCK HIM HARDER!”

Editing that scene was rough. I had to throw in a lot of sounds of a bunch of men in a gym playing basketball and a lot of sound editing… and I had to watch my best friend get his ass fucked. but in the end, we got a really hot scene.

That said… Tom told me “one of these days, I’m going to get you back for getting me to bottom and you’re going to limp for a week.”

So… looks like it’s my ass and he’ll get the last laugh. Oh well..

Wanna see the whole movie? It’s downloadable at Titanmen in crystal-clear HD and you can stream it in HD to your computer or mobile devices… it’s like having a complete and ever-updating Titanmen DVD catalogue in your back pocket any time you want to watch.

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Director’s Blog: Making West Texas Park & Ride


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When Joe Gage is coming to shoot a movie with you… you have to pull out all the stops. His movies are known for their dialogue that’s as hot as the sex itself. His movies are also known to use multiple locations and specific costumes.. so when he said he wanted the film to open with “a helicopter shot showing the car driving through the Texas desert” and have a scene that took place in an open-air parking lot… none of us really were surprised, we just had to figure out how we were going do it.

We’ve had plenty of drone shots in Titan movies. I’ve used them a bunch of times… starting with the famous “Jail Break” scene in Jail Break, we’ve incorporated drone shots into a LOT of movies to give us a cinematic feel.

We drove out to Palm Springs early the first day of that production run so we could get the quick shot of the car driving under the camera… however, thanks to an accident on the 10, we didn’t arrive until mid afternoon and the wind had picked up enough that we couldn’t get a steady shot. We figured.. “we’re here for 6 days, we’ll find time to shoot it…” And literally every day there was another delay or snag that stopped us from getting that quick 20-second drone shot.

Finally.. on the last day… we drove out deep into the Coachella Valley to grab the shot and yet again, our plans were thwarted by wind, too many cars on a road and a lost cell phone.

So that drone shot that opens the movie… that’s only 20 seconds total… was shot a month later when we came back to Palm Springs.

One of the other challenges was getting a parking garage late at night. Even in very porn-friendly Palm Springs, we weren’t able to find an open air parking garage that would allow us to shoot. So we had to get creative. Our friends at the Jim Support factory where we shot Sling allowed us to use their loading dock.. we lit it with dark blue lights to simulate night (we started shooting at about 10AM) and in post, I added a bunch of cricket sounds and layered it with audio I recorded by literally sitting in an open air parking lot in Glendale one night. The end result was perfect (although shooting a scene in a warehouse without getting boxes in the shot was a huge challenge… we managed to do it). Joe also wanted someone in a CHP uniform. We had a lot of uniforms, but most of them were huge… for men a good 9″ taller than Jeremy Spreadums… we had to get very creative with how we used clips and deceptive angles to make it look like the uniform fit Jeremy. Watch for that scene with Jason Vario and Jeremy Spreadums next week.

One of the scenes called for Matthew Bosch and Dakota Rivers to meet up in a parking lot mid day… we did a bit of a sneak on that, shooting covertly in a rest stop out on the 10. Another scene required a construction site… luckily, we had one of those at our disposal but the house which had been torn down to not much more than the wooden frame) had no electricity. We had to pipe power in from a nearby telephone pole using about ½ mile of power extension cords.

In the end… it was all worth it. West Texas Park & Ride is a great movie and another spot-on addition to the Joe Gage/Titanmen Legacy.

You can see the latest scene with Tex Davidson and Luke Adams at Titanmen right now.

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Director’s Blog: Making Bad Cop with Bruce Beckham and Jason Vario


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Bruce had been gone for a while. A LONG while. A detached retina had left him enduring numerous surgical procedures, unable to work out or exert himself… production assistant/camera man Don Simmer and I are both blind in one eye and did our best to be supportive, but we mostly just had to wait for him to fully recover and get back in shooting shape.

Those few months were really hard on Bruce and when I got the call that it was time and he felt ready to return to shooting… I told him we’d do everything we could to make it a good experience. I even told him to give us some suggestions for scene partners… He timidly asked if he could shoot with his friend Jason Vario. He was expecting us to say “no” (they’d already performed together in my movie Cauke For Free (as well as another studio), but we were actually just fine with that… fans had LOVED seeing them together and had wanted to see them paired up again. Their undeniable chemistry was apparent just sitting around having dinner… paired up naked they looked hot and the action was perfect.

So sure… we’d do another Jason/Bruce scene.

We were in Los Angeles shooting in a friend’s basement. He’s got a full play room, all the fetish gear you’d want (Including 2 slings, one of which I slept in once) and as a uniform collector, he has a GIGANTIC collection of just about every kind of uniform you’d want in just about every size you could need. I say “Just about” because Jason has such huge shoulders, traps and lats, getting him in and out of his shirt was… pretty much impossible. We had to resort to some editing magic to get that police shirt off of him.

Bruce’s eyes are one of his most unique features. His eyes are just a bit bigger than most, which gives him one of the most intense but somehow soft looks. The sky blue colour of them give him that jaw-dropping handsomeness that is his own. But since his eye wasn’t fully healed after the multiple surgeries… so we had him leave on his aviator shades. I was a bit worried it was going to look wrong but it doesn’t. Totally fits. Score another one for “Cop Uniforms.”

The scene itself is everything you’d want it to be. Action is intense but the kind you’d expect from men who have sex regularly in their private lives (fun side note: Jason had slept over at Bruce’s house the two nights before and they… were really ready to go when they arrived on set).

With such a low ceiling, we had to get creative with lightning. But we made it work (I had to attach a reflector to the ceiling for a couple of the angles).

My favorite position is that riding on the floor. Seeing Jason’s HUGE dick slamming into Bruce’s perfect ass is a thing of beauty.

Hope you enjoy it.

Joining Titanmen doesn’t just get you full and unlimited access to the newest scenes (multiple releases weekly give you an endless supply of new stuff to watch), it gives you COMPLETE access to the Entire Titanmen On-line Catalogue. That’s OVER 20 YEARS of the hottest gay porn ever made… from the top directors like Bruce CamBrian MillsTony BuffJoe GagePaul WildeFrancois Sagat and Jasun Mark.

Members can stream in crystal-clear HD to their computer or mobile devices… so when the mood strikes, you have a complete Titanmen DVD catalogue in your back pocket.

Prefer to download? Members can download their favorite scenes DRM-free.

Full picture gallery after the jump…

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Director’s Blog: Tex and Micah in the scene that wasn’t supposed to be made.


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OK so… I have a confession.

I’m a very disorganized person. I fuck shit up a LOT. I get the big picture right but there’s always some detail that gets left behind and forgotten. I forget to book a flight or forget to pick someone up at the airport… I leave my notebook with my shot lists at my house… I forget to pick up food/condoms/lube/baby wipes…. you name it.

It usually does’t totally throw things into chaos… we’re usually able to make things work.

And it sometimes leads to happy accidents. Like in the case of this scene with Tex and Micah that wasn’t supposed to happen.

The original plan for Bad Cop 2 was that it was going to be like the first Bad Cop. Three unrelated scenes with men in police uniforms fucking. It worked for us last time and people wanted more. However… when I woke up on the day we were supposed to be shooting scene one with Dallas Steele and Tex Davidson, I realized that I hadn’t heard from Tex. I’d confirmed the day and time with him, but I hadn’t confirmed the location and hadn’t spoken with him in a couple weeks (since we’d shot his scene with Hunter Marx for Swap).

I started to panic. We were supposed to be on set in under two hours and he wasn’t picking up his phone and wasn’t returning texts. The usually reliable Tex wasn’t reachable.

Fast forward to 15 minutes before shoot time and I had Dallas on set wondering who he was going to perform with and… we had to scramble. Dakota Rivers had already performed in the movie with Jeremy Spreadums, but he was the only person I could get on the phone who was in town and able to shoot… so Dakota was now going to be in TWO scenes in the movie (watch for the Dakota/Dallas scene coming next week).

I finally heard from Tex later in the day. He hadn’t heard from me so had thought he had the day wrong and had taken some personal training clients which is why his phone was off… Anyway… it gave me an idea. Instead of three unrelated scenes, Dakota and Dallas would be watching two of the men get into some action on a security camera… and those two men would end up being Tex and Micah Brandt… we shot the scene the next day in the same location (although in the opposite corner of the room). And we now had a theme for the movie.

Micah and Tex had GREAT chemistry… Micah loves a big dick and the two of them spent most of their time off camera cuddling on the couch and laughing while we adjusted lights and cameras.

That “Twerk On The Dick” moment wasn’t planned. I had planned a riding position into the scene (I love seeing a nice round ass riding a big dick like that), but when he climbed on and started to shake his ass like that, I knew we had a magic moment.

After each position, we had to pull back all the lights and gear so I could shoot the “security camera footage” with a different camera. The footage with Dallas and Dakota would be dropped in when I was editing.

OH… final story from the set… when shooting the last position, Tex had a bottle of lube at his feet that he needed (when your dick is that big, lube is required). Nobody noticed that it got knocked over and by the time we finished shooting, half of the bottle of silicone lube had leaked out all over the smooth concrete floor.

THIS is when I demonstrated my knowledge that the best way to remove silicone lube is nail polish remover. Everybody loves a happy ending, right?

You can see the whole movie at Titanmen. Download DRM-free OR stream to your computer or mobile device in crystal-clear HD.

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Director’s Blog: Making Bad Cop 2 with Dakota Rivers and Jeremy Spreadums


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Dakota Rivers was a Titanmen exclusive back in the 2000s... Tall, handsome, striking chiseled features and of course, a REALLY BIG DICK. He’s also funny and smart and a blast to have on set. We hadn’t seen him in years when he called me up asking if he could maybe return to Titanmen. He’d been chatting online with Adam Ramzi and they wanted to do a scene together (they did… in a movie coming out later this year) and would we want him back at Titanmen.

Well… yes. We did.

But we were also in the middle casting Bad Cop 2… the follow up to Bad Cop that raked in award nominations and fans… We knew he’d look hot in the cop uniform. Perfect.

Jeremy Spreadums had been around in porn for a while but we hadn’t worked with him yet. Adam Ramzi to the rescue again… he told us Jeremy was great to work with and it would be a perfect scene.

The scene itself has a really simple setup. The new recruit Jeremy wants to know why he doesn’t get a stun gun… Dakota says “you don’t get one until you’ve had it used on you.” So… he uses it on Jeremy.

OK, full disclosure… I took the batteries out of the stun gun and what you hear and see is all CGI movie magic.

Jeremy’s body is amazing… like carved marble. That smooth skin, that amazing muscle tone… I also love the eyes and those thick eyebrows.

What blew me away was how his dick stayed rock hard the whole time… even in a riding position which is one of the hardest ways to keep hard. His cock pointed right up at the ceiling the whole time. THAT was hot to see.

We ALSO got some amazing cum shots out of it all…

REMEMBER… Joining Titanmen doesn’t just get you full and unlimited access to the newest scenes (multiple releases weekly give you an endless supply of new stuff to watch), it gives you COMPLETE access to the Entire Titanmen On-line Catalogue. That’s OVER 20 YEARS of the hottest gay porn ever made… from the top directors like Bruce CamBrian MillsTony BuffJoe GagePaul WildeFrancois Sagat and Jasun Mark.

Members can stream in crystal-clear HD to their computer or mobile devices… so when the mood strikes, you have a complete Titanmen DVD catalogue in your back pocket.

Prefer to download? Members can download their favorite scenes DRM-free.

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Director’s Blog: Tex Davidson tops Hunter Marx


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When I heard that Hunter Marx was coming back to America (he currently is living in Australia) and would have time to shoot two scenes with us… I made a whole list of men I wanted him to be paired with.

Top of my list (which, admittedly, was pretty long) was Tex Davidson. They’re both big, meaty men’s men. Muscular and masculine. The “strong silent type.” They’re also those sweet, soft-spoken gentlemen who can fuck like wild animals when they let loose. And they both have REALLY big dicks. So… perfect.

There’s very little opening dialogue setting up this scene but what we got was funny… kinda sweet. Tex and Luke Adams play a couple coming to visit Hunter and his boyfriend Adam Thicke at their place in Palm Springs… And of as the title would suggest, they swap partners for some fun.

Anyway… we had Luke walk into the bedroom with them and then casually strip naked in front of Tex and Luke before going out to join Adam by the pool (their scene comes out next week).

Once we got that part out of the way… WOW. Everything I hoped would happen happened. Tex and Hunter were totally into each other and couldn’t wait to get their dick and asshole together (remember many years ago in 2012 when Hunter was still a dedicated top?). The sweat and heat you see is all real. The guys burned up the screen.

Hunter said that Tex’s dick “feels so good up my hole… it’s shaped perfect. Hits me right in the spot.”

Tex just gave a quiet chuckle at that.

You can see the whole movie Swap, along with the entire Titanmen online catalogue available streaming and download DRM-free, at Titanmen.

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Director’s Blog: Making BOOM with Liam Knox and Matthew Bosch


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This was a fun scene, although every scene has a unique set of challenges.

For the opening scene from the movie Boom, we had a bit of a walk-through of changes that will be coming to the house that’s being renovated. This is the third but kind of fifth movie in the “Titanmen Renovation Series” (that includes Blue Print, Say Uncle, Parole, Demolition and now BOOM).

We started that series with the movie Blue Print that introduced Bruce Beckham to the Titan family and also featured Matthew Bosch, Dallas Steele, Eric Nero, Adam Ramsey, Dirk Caber and Max Sergeant. At the time, Titan had a large house we’d used to shoot a bunch of scenes for various movies (including Rent and Silverlake),  but they had decided to renovate it and that meant we had a lot of fresh locations for the movie… but they’d all be construction sites and as time progressed, it would get harder and harder to shoot as we had to grapple with no shower… limited  access to electricity and at one point, a house with virtually no walls.

The script called for Matthew to lead Liam down a narrow hallway as he walked him through work that was going to have to be done… This was a rough shot to get that required me to walk backwards down the hallway in front of them with a steady cam  while one of our camera men walked with a boom mic right behind me. We lit the shot with lights in each room but that meant that the light level went drastically up and down as they walked past each door… So in post we had to slowly adjust levels through that 20-second clip to help balance out the light as they moved in and out of each light pool.

Here’s a side-by-side comparison of what the shot looked like before and after.

Liam and Matthew are both great guys… Matthew is tall and lean, Liam is shorter but very muscular… the body types contrasted well and their natural chemistry meant that we were able to just shoot the action how it would unravel… We didn’t have a huge space to shoot in, so we had to improvise with props and lighting. Worked well… usually a scene on a couch is hard to shoot but the one we had there was minimal enough that it looked great and allowed us to shoot the men without much in the way.


The one thing I remember more than anything was that it was hot… we couldn’t leave the air conditioning on, so it ended up being very hot inside between takes.

When it came time for cumshots, both men were happy… they told me they’d been so turned on that they’d been holding back for a long time… they both blew their loads fast and we had another scene shot… that’s always a good feeling.

Don’t Forget… Joining Titanmen doesn’t just get you full and unlimited access to the newest scenes (multiple releases weekly give you an endless supply of new stuff to watch), it gives you COMPLETE access to the Entire Titanmen On-line Catalogue. That’s nearly 20 YEARS of the hottest gay porn ever made… from the top directors like Bruce CamBrian MillsTony BuffJoe GagePaul WildeFrancois Sagat and Jasun Mark.

Members can stream in crystal-clear HD to their computer or mobile devices… so when the mood strikes, you have a complete Titanmen DVD catalogue in your back pocket.

Prefer to download? Members can download their favorite scenes DRM-free.

Featuring the hottest roster in all of gay porn… men like Dred ScottDean FlynnJesse JackmanFrancois SagatDamien StoneHunter MarxDario BeckNick PrescottJay BentleyDavid AnthonyScott Hunter and MANY more…

Click Here to see the full scene at Titanmen.

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Making OUT. Scene One: Director’s Blog


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outt_slider_911x330_3While I was still buried neck-deep in piecing together Cauke For President, shooting/recording the extra scenes, bumpers, graphics, fake campaign commercials, celebrity cameos and extra footage to complete the movie, Keith Webb told me that he and Jesse Jackman were hard at work on an idea that we’d thrown around for a while. A movie about a gay baseball player coming out.

I was intrigued. While Cauke For President tells the story of a closeted gay politician who attacks the gay community in public while covertly sucking dick in private, Out was about a gay man who privately was quite open with friends and family about his sexual orientation but wouldn’t publicly discuss it.


The contrast between the two characters was what excited me the most. While Mike Cauke is a smarmy jerk who gets outed in a humiliating revenge-porn video by a Manhunt hookup (and then becomes a story of personal revolution and redemption), AJ Benson is an honorable athlete who takes control of the story and comes out in a nationally-televised interview.

Unlike Cauke For President, I had virtually nothing to do with the story and script. Keith and Jesse based the character on Jesse’s real-life experience as a gay athlete and when I read it, I was drawn to the likability of the characters. How real it all felt. How emotional it was in all the right places and how it never strayed away from the goal of getting your audience turned on. Porn often ends with the asshole getting what’s coming to him, but I’ve always liked watching good guys winning in the end.

We shot the two book-ending scenes with Jesse, Nick Prescott and Dallas Steele last July in Palm Springs. It was swelteringly hot (which worked for the setting of AJ’s spring training home in Arizona) and as part of a grueling production run that had us waking up at 4 A.M. to get sunrise footage… we were all earning our stripes.


What I wanted for this scene was to bring the feeling of “Spring Training” into view. I wanted blooming flowers, lush green grass, blue sky and the feeling of that fresh, clean desert air. But it still had to take place inside. The easy solution was to shoot with Nick and Jesse in front of open glass doors opened to the green back yard… That looks great to your naked eye… but to a camera, without the proper lighting, you’ll have a dark foreground and a totally blown-out, burned-up background. Your image will look horrible. We’ve all seen those poorly-lit movies where the guys are lit a bit too dark to see the action and the windows are just a bit wall of white. That wasn’t going to do.

I’d planned for this shot for a while. We brought every single light we had at our disposal and lit the guys brightly from every angle. I had lights on the floor, the ceiling, spots across the room, reflectors adding warmth and gels matching the blues outside. The end result is pretty stunning. The guys look perfect.. their skin tones are warm and natural… like healthy athletes… and the outside is bursting with a bright colour explosion of nature. The hedges and flowers and sky are all exactly the colour they needed to be. It took us a long time to light that shot, but it was worth it. I’ve always said that a porn movie should look so warm and bright and colorful that you feel like you could peel off your own shirt and join in the action. This setup is where the story actually starts… with Jesse/AJ getting  the text message that sets him on the path to have his coming-out interview with “Jim Weaver” (played perfectly by Dallas Steele… more on that in three weeks).

The film originally opened up with Nick’s face buried in Jesse’s crotch. The two men in baseball gear is a mega-hot image but when we had our first screening, Keith, (lead editor) James Sheridan and I all agreed that we needed to put who these guys were into context and explain to the audience that they were rumored to be a couple in the press. “Leave that to me, I’ll come up with something,” I said, and a day later… I had THIS…

This cute little 38-second bit brought in enough info to explain that Nick and Jesse were rumored to be gay and sexually involved, that the press was onto them… that they were, in fact, major league baseball stars and that the press was hounding Jesse’s character for a “quote.” Now when Jesse gets the text message while Nick is sucking his dick, it doesn’t come out of nowhere. (btw… that weird Japanese commercial… we’ll explain that one soon, trust me, it makes sense in the final movie).

Nick and Jesse have wanted to do a scene together for a long time and we at Titan have been trying to find the perfect scene for them. This was it. They both look stunning on the baseball gear and the hot, lazy summer day brought out the sexual energy in both of them. This scene is stunning… and has all the parts you expect from a Titan movie… hot, muscular men, natural sexual energy and beautifully shot action (if I don’t say so myself).

Here’s a rather fun little BTS montage…

Extra points to Keith for the SF Titans logos, uniforms hats, posters, baseball cards and promo material. This was another movie where the whole Titanmen team pitched in to make a hot script into a really hot, fun, entertaining movie.

You can watch the full movie at Titanmen.com

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Making Cauke: Scene Three “My Favorite Comfy Chair.”


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Scene 3 in our movie Cauke For President is where I think we all finally earned our stripes.

This is where “shit gets real” in the serialized story. The video covertly shot of Mike Cauke getting fucked (from scene 1) has been sent to Tex Davidson’s reporter character and he’s invited Senator Cauke’s campaign manager to give a quote about the video. David Benjamin’s acting skills were totally put to the test here. He manages to play the asshole political operative perfectly, and when forced to beg on his knees and then get fucked by Tex, he never breaks character. For Tex’s part, he does a great acting job, too.


This scene is a slam dunk. David and Tex knocked it out of the park with this one. They exhausted us all on set.

BUT… I gotta say that the crew really pulled this one out. We shot this at my own house in Silver Lake, a neighborhood located between Hollywood and downtown Los Angeles. We wanted a location that was big enough to shoot in and had an open enough layout for all the gear and crew and action, but it had to look like a home office. My house fit the bill, but we hadn’t really planned on the heat. Shot late in the summer, Los Angeles was in the middle of a massive heat wave. With the lights, all the crew and performers and only being able to leave air-conditioning on while we weren’t shooting… it got hot. REALLY hot. At one point it was over 100° inside. David resorted to sticking his head in my freezer between takes and we went through a LOT of water.
This was also the last time we had to use Tungsten lights. After seeing how the heat drained everyone, Keith bought us a nice new set of LED lights.
Keith Webb managed to keep the guys motivated by running down to the corner store and returning with bags of popsicles and ice cream.
OH and if you look closely, you can see my rather large collection of skull shaped vodka and tequila bottles in the background.

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Making Cauke: Scene One (Director’s Blog)


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cauk_bts_iPhone_AdamLuke_1499It’s been in the works for nearly a year. Keith Webb and I independently had the same idea… making a gay porn movie that would skewer closeted gay conservative politicians who publicly vote against the rights of GBLT people while privately being gay.

We spent a while going back and forth on ideas… do we make this a straight-forward “porn parody” or do we make it more serious? Do we make it about a real-life politician or do we just make a composite character based on the MANY different guys who fit the profile?

cauk_bts_iPhone_TexDavid_1603We chose to create a fictional character and use aspects of many different people… there were a lot of stories ripe for the picking. We chose to have a few light-hearted moments but not to make a “comedy” at all. Neither Keith or I have ever been accused of being that funny.

Keith came up with the name “Mike Cauke.” It’s pronounced “Coke” but looks like “Cock.” It gave us a good running joke to help tie the scenes together and if you say “Mike Cauke” fast, it sounds like you’re saying “My Cock.” Yes, it’s a silly joke… that’s the point. Once we had that, it was just a matter of choosing a title. Again.. Keith came up with “Cauke For President” and we knew then just how much fun we were about to have.

Once we had our rough script put together, we had to concentrate on how to fine tune it all and pull it off. We needed our leading man. He needed to look like a wholesome young man. No tattoos, no piercings and have that midwestern corn-fed look. He had to be able to act enough to carry off the dialogue and he had to be a good porn performer BUT we wanted a totally unknown actor to play him.

cauk_bts_iPhone_DallasMatthew_1594We found our Senator Cauke in Matthew Bosch. A friend of Jesse Jackman and Dirk Caber who had recently mentioned to his friends that he was maybe interested in making porn. He had all the parts we needed… literally. Not only did he have the look of Wally Cleaver, he had a ripped body, a killer smile, a big round bubble butt… he also had a HUGE, thick uncut dick.


Weeks of rewrites, location choices, more rewrites, buying new gear and planning specialty shots with new cameras and gear… and we were ready to go. Nick Prescott was chosen as his first-ever scene partner not only because he’s hot and fun and we knew the two would hit it off… but because Nick is a great “first scene partner.” He’s patient and encouraging to new guys and we knew we could rely on him to help Matthew hit it out of the park the first time. There was a lot of pressure on Matthew here… his first movie was going to be a pretty big event and the movie would open with a solo jerk off scene followed by a bottoming scene and would require some actual acting. He’d be on the cover of the movie, featured in two scenes and we were planning a pretty big news blitz. He had to have a good supporting cast and crew to pull it off. We did. He did. The resulting scene with Nick and Matthew is about as perfect as it could get.

cauk_bts_NickMatthew_1656No porn shoot goes off without a hitch and this wasn’t any different. Nick’s plane was delayed 24 hours and he sat in an airport for a full day waiting to make it to Palm Springs where we were shooting two of the scenes. We chose not to recast but instead spend half of the first day alone with Matthew… taking still shots, getting all of the B-roll of him doing his solo jerk off, jogging through the streets of Palm Springs for the story set-up… even doing his mock campaign ads.

Nick arrived at 3PM after traveling and sitting in airports for 30 hours… he walked in the door, grabbed a small bite to eat, hopped in the shower and was naked, hard and in front of a rolling camera by 3:30. THAT is how much of a reliable rock Nick Prescott is. Even with all of that, Nick took the bull by the horn, became best buddies with Matthew in no time, gave him all the tips and tricks and helped him through his first-scene jitters and before dinner was served, we had a top-notch, bang-on porn scene shot that we’re ALL proud of.

Watch/download the movie at Titanmen.

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Flash Back: Covering François Sagat with Mud


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Like digital Pack Rats such as myself who have drives and drives filled with archived video, pictures, audio clips, random apps and various… things backed up, I occasionally will haul out a drive to see what’s on it.

Found this rather cute clip of me on my first day shooting with Titan. I had left my previous job for another studio about a month before and was working for a bunch of studios freelance when I got a call from Brian Mills asking if I’d be interested in coming out to Palm Springs for a week to shoot with the Titan crew. Working for Titan had been a dream job for years, so I jumped at the chance, but it wasn’t until I got there that I realized I’d be working on the new epic François Sagat movie. Quite the trial by fire.

At the time I described it as “an incredible experience and it’s awoken a new love of movie making that I was starting to lose.” Four and a half years later, I still have that fire and it’s still burning away. Being here at Titan has been a total dream and I’m very proud to call Titan home.

The resulting movie from this shoot was, of course, Incubus. You can watch the trailers here for Part One and Part Two.

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Up Tibor’s Hole. Today’s Random Cell Phone Clip


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Today while trying to organize or at least catalogue the mess of drives piling up on my desk. I find a huge drive full of… stuff. Including many fun clips, especially this fun clip of Tibor Wolf putting on a ball stretcher and then shoving a testicle-shaped butt plug up his ass.

Most remarkable thing is that this three-minute clip is all one take.

With a Cameo by Allen Silver.

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Production Run Shout Outs


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We had an amazing production run last week. I’m still recovering from that… early mornings, long days, late nights… Non-stop hard work from everyone… my crew Darius Union and Jeff Park along with Titanmen VP Keith Webb, my stars Jesse Jackman, Nick Prescott, Dallas Steele and a very special visit by Dirk Caber.

We also had a super-special new performer who you’re going to love, and we’ll tell you about him soon.

But I wanted to give a few personal shout outs.

Dirk… You and I apparently met in 2008 when I was working for another studio and I tried to talk you into becoming a porn star. I guess at the time you didn’t think I was serious, but while I don’t remember this interaction, I clearly knew class when I saw it. I’ve been working in porn for well over a decade.. more than ¼ of my life and you’ve shown me just how great porn stars can be. 100% reliable, fun, funny, supportive of your scene partners, you always show up in peak shape, never complain even when I’m putting you through all sorts of challenges. Your scenes are always a joy. So are you. Thanks so much for agreeing to just… show up without much notice and spend a whole day running around in the 110° heat, diving into the pool for 20 takes, burning your feet while doing push ups in the gravel and just smiling thought it all. You’re also a good friend and part of the family.

Jesse… you and I have always kinda been Titanmen frat brothers because we started the same week. I’ve lost track of how many scenes we’ve done together and I’ve SO enjoyed watching you go from slightly nervous porn newbie jerking off François Sagat underwater at midnight to one of the biggest gay porn stars ever. People will remember you for generations as one of the big guys and I’m so proud that I’ve had the luck to be the one yelling “action” for about half of those scenes. Sorry we put you through so much this weekend (especially waking up at 4AM to run in the desert) although it seems you had as much fun as we did.

Dallas… that scene… you know the one… is going to be a Titanmen classic that I’ll brag about directing for years, but without you and your experience, it would never have come across as well as it did. What could have been a torturous project shooting 45 pages of dialogue ended up being a fantastic single-take joy that took about 30 minutes and we all ended in semi tears with how you and Jesse let down the curtains and showed us what you’re both made of.

Nick… When you called and said your flight was delayed 18 hours and you wouldn’t arrive until 6 hours after we’d planned to start shooting… I should have been in a panic. We usually like to have guys arrive the evening before, have 12 hours to relax and settle and sleep and be ready for a long day of shooting. But I knew you’d walk off the plane, onto the set and be ready to go. I knew you’d be able to join a total newbie in his first scene, make that magic happen and finish the scene in under no time. And I was right. You’re more dependable than my bike and I sit on that and ride 100MPH on the L.A. Freeway. I mean 65. I go 65. You can’t prove a thing.

Darius… your experience directing and film making is an inspiration to me and everyone on set. Even when I’m quietly losing my shit on the inside and getting frustrated, you just ground me back and help me keep going. It’s because I have such a great right hand man that we’ve been able to kick things up a notch. I can’t wait for people to see what we’re doing.

Jeff… Every day I have someone contact me and ask if they can be my production assistant. I always tell them that the one I have is exactly what I need. You started with us not that long ago with very little experience and very little knowledge about how things were done. You didn’t even know what I meant when I said “I need three 1Ks placed at thirds with 201s and 224s with fill boxes spacing them,” but now… you know exactly what I mean and just make it happen. And your irritating laugh that always comes at inappropriate times keeps everyone in a good mood. So don’t stop. And don’t get bothered by the fact that I don’t laugh. That’s my secret… I’m always angry.

Keith… I’m still a bit amazed that of all the very able people for this job… you chose me. I can’t thank you enough for that. Or the support, the cheerleading and advocating for me. For making me take the job when I told you I didn’t think I could do it. These last few years have been so much fun, so much stress, so much work and I wake up every day with a smile on my face because it’s been worth every second.

I should also add that most porn studios provide food for performers in the form of bags of chips, string cheese, “peanut butter” that’s 80% hydrogenated palm oil… Maybe if they’re lucky, some sandwich meat and wonder bread. You make us BBQ short ribs, Carne Asada, Banana pudding from scratch and an endless list of gourmet meals. I know you enjoy cooking and setting up huge banquet spreads like that but it’s a lot of work that you don’t really have to do and you do for the guys and it makes the shoots go faster, better and stay fun when they’re all fed well and in good moods. I’m really looking forward to what we do next.

New Guy… We’ll introduce you to the world soon. They’re going to like you as much as the rest of us do already.

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