
Flash Back: Covering François Sagat with Mud


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Like digital Pack Rats such as myself who have drives and drives filled with archived video, pictures, audio clips, random apps and various… things backed up, I occasionally will haul out a drive to see what’s on it.

Found this rather cute clip of me on my first day shooting with Titan. I had left my previous job for another studio about a month before and was working for a bunch of studios freelance when I got a call from Brian Mills asking if I’d be interested in coming out to Palm Springs for a week to shoot with the Titan crew. Working for Titan had been a dream job for years, so I jumped at the chance, but it wasn’t until I got there that I realized I’d be working on the new epic François Sagat movie. Quite the trial by fire.

At the time I described it as “an incredible experience and it’s awoken a new love of movie making that I was starting to lose.” Four and a half years later, I still have that fire and it’s still burning away. Being here at Titan has been a total dream and I’m very proud to call Titan home.

The resulting movie from this shoot was, of course, Incubus. You can watch the trailers here for Part One and Part Two.

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Being Brian Mills. Making a Francois Sagat porn movie with a camera on your head….


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While going through a massive archive of video shot on the set of Francois Sagat’s Incubus (it’s over 2 1/2 years ago), Titanmen director found what he calls “a gold mine of some hot, funny, cool and amazing” videos shot by the crew and cast during the 4-week shoot. He says he’s going to start going through it and posting it to his tube site Mancast.

Don’t miss the bit around 8 Minutes when they joke about the future of porn (which seems a lot like the movie Wall-E… eerie considering the movie hadn’t come out yet) and the part about 11 Minutes in when Brian gets the whole room to do an impression of Shay cumming.

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Look Back… Making The Rope Suspension Scene from Incubus


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Check out this pretty fascinating 2-part “making of” video shot on the set of François Sagat’s Incubus. He’s posted this video over at his own blog before, but I wanted to post them both here to show you just how much work and thought went into the making of François’ magnum Opus, multi-award-winning movie.

Here’s part 2…

You can download Inbucus DRM-free at Titanmen or stream it and the entire Titanmen online catalogue in crystal-clear HD to your computer or mobile devices at

Check out some stills after the jump…

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François Sagat and Brian Mills win big at the PinkX Gay Video Awards


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PinkX – the French Gay Porn TV – has just announced the PinkX Gay Video Awards 2013 results.

Created in 2013, The awards honor European and international gay adult movies broadcast on PinkX or PinkX Gay VOD, their VOD service. PinkX’s viewers have been asked to select their favorite movies on and they selected François Sagat and Brian Mills for their work on François Sagat’s Incubus.

Best International Movie : Incubus (Titan Men)

Best Director : François Sagat & Brian Mills (Incubus – TitanMen)

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Titanmen Receives Numerous TLA Gay Award Nominations!


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Nice to wake up to so much love and support. The TLA Gay Award nominations are out and Titanmen got a bunch of nods and so did some of our best friends in the industry.

Francois Sagat’s opus Incubus 2 got a nod in Must-Own Gay Movie of the Year. This would add to Francois’s recent win at the XBiz Awards where Incubus took home Best Gay Movie for parts 1 & 2.

Trenton Ducati was named in both Best NewComer and Best Performer categories. Trenton made his debut in Francois Sagat’s Incubus… more proof of what a fantastic movie it was.

Click Here to watch the trailer for Incubus 2.

Titanmen Exclusive Jesse Jackman was also nominated for Best NewComer. You’ll remember that he also appears in Incubus. Both in an incredible hardcore scene with Christopher Daniels that’s been called “the closest thing to Clash of the Titans porn.” He also appears in an uncredited role as Francois’s evil doppelgänger in the jaw-dropping Underwater Wrestling scene from Incubus part 1. (check out Jesse’s blog here)

Nominated for Most Filthy Flick were two Titan Rough features Fist Fight & Fuck and Loud & Nasty PLUS another mention for Incubus 2.

Topping it all off, we at Titanmen are very proud to get nominated for Content Producer/Studio of the Year.

But that’s not all…

In the most fun category, Most Entertaining and/or prolific Twitterer category, Francois Sagat is mentioned one more time along with guys whom have appeared in a bunch of Titanmen movies like Cavin Knight, Spencer Reed and Christopher Daniels.

We were also excited to see that regular Titanmen director Joe Gage got a nomination for his movie Dad Goes To College. Congrats to everyone. It’s been a great year for porn, especially here at Titanmen.

Cast your ballots here. Your last chance to vote is March 31, 2013 at 11:59pm ET.

Stay Tuned….

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Incubus 1 & 2 – XBiz Awards Movie of the Year!


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We couldn’t possibly be more proud of Francois Sagat and the entire team here at Titanmen who came together as a team to produce the Incubus movies. Francois came to Bruce Cam and Brian Mills in early 2011 with a few rough ideas for a movie that would become a massive effort on all parts of our studio.

From the numerous special effects that our video editing and production team needed to plan, the many bridge-scenes that had no sex but involved hours of planning and production, rope-tying specialists, makeup artists, costume designers, prosthetic horns, ariel cameras, night-vision, head cameras and as far as we can find, the first-ever porn movie which used a GoPro head-camera to shoot someone walking naked around a desert, stopping and taking a piss (watch video of the making of that scene).

Brian Mills and Bruce Cam joined in on the underwater wresting scene that incorporated 5 camera men (two of them underwater), two body doubles and thousands of watts of lights(watch the making of that scene). Logistically we had to plan out shooting a movie that used three locations plus our studio, shot in two cities and using a cast of 13 porn stars and 20 extras.

Then TP Deaux took over 100 hours of raw footage, a rough script and the ideas on paper and created a porn movie that looks like nothing anyone had ever seen. Jasun Mark shot the even more hours and hours of footage of the making of the whole epic so we got to see the process of putting it together.

Watching a scene like the Bacchus scene and how it was made demonstrates just how much work and attention to detail and special effects. It was also nice that the gods of thunder and rain cooperated and gave us the perfect touch of a storm while we were shooting.

If you haven’t seen this clip of Brian Mills being interviewed about Francois’s transition from star to director while Francois is tied up in ropes to be suspended for the Video Demon scene, check it out.

More than just everyone doing their own jobs, the set was abuzz with people coming up with ideas on the fly, suggesting things, figuring out how to make them happen and joining in the whole creation of Incubus.

But to diminish the role of Francois in all of this would be a crime. He’s a creative genius and just watching this movie shows that from start to finish. And we’re very proud of Incubus.

You can get both DVDs on sale at Titanmen’s DVD store here.

Or join and stream all movies – the entire Titanmen online catalogue – in crystal clear HD.

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Brian Mills Head Cam part 2


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More from the Brian Mills Head Cam Production Diary.

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Looking up at Francois fucking. You’d have a hard time holding the camera still, too.


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People often ask about the shot from underneath when fucking in a porn movie. It’s always one of the hardest shots to get… here’s a complete, unedited clip.. you can hear the camera operator telling Francois to move his leg, Titanmen director Brian Mills yelling out to repeat lines to make sure they’re recorded. And yet… the guys keep on fucking…

This is some unedited footage from Incubus. The kind of thing that just gets incorporated into the movie. But this clip has been circulating the office for a couple weeks and considering how many times I’ve had to um… excuse myself and watch it on my iPad in the supply closet, AND considering how popular Francois is here, I figured this would be something that you’d all want to see.

Watch the whole movie at Titanmen.

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Brian Mills Head Cam.


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Titanmen director Brian Mills had a lot of fun with the new head cam he’d gotten to shoot parts of Incubus with Francois Sagat.

So he spent a couple days wearing it on his head to do some work and show people what he saw and did while shooting a porn movie. What he captures is… a mind-blowing and fascinating look into the making of Francois Sagat’s incredible movie.

You can watch both movies in the Incubus series at Titanmen.

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Jesse Jackman sees his Ass. I think that’s six more weeks of HOT.


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It’s been a year since Jesse Jackman joined us here at Titanmen. And almost a year since I did. So we’re kinda bonded that way.

It’s been great to see him have so much fun performing in his movies, falling in love with Dirk Caber and going around having fun meeting people in pubic, putting on shows and showing you all of it on his blog and his Mancast channel. And there will be more… oh yes… there will be more…

Click Here to see Jesse’s movies at Titanmen.

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How To Take An Ass Shot with Francois Sagat


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Taking a picture of an ass isn’t just pointing and shooting, there’s an art to it. And the more beautiful the ass, the more care and thought you have to give to it.

This is a clip we haven’t seen before from the still shoots for Francois Sagat’s movie Incubus.

You can see the finished movie here. WELL worth it.


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“Fluffing” isn’t a job, it’s more of a “Perk.”


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Yesterday Jesse Jackman posted an article on his blog, complete with an accompanying video clip, about how he’s asked ALL the time how one gets a job as a “fluffer.” It’s a bit of a running joke in the porn industry how we hold open auditions for that job every Thursday afternoon (or it’s a running joke in my own office cubicle, anyway).

Francois Sagat also posted a short clip from that still shoot on his blog, chatting with Jesse and Christopher on set and over on Jasun Mark’s blog, there’s a rather hilarious clip of director Brian Mills telling the story of the shoot that seems more like Kafka.

But here’s what they were all REALLY here to do, which is have their promo shots for Incubus 2 taken, along with some “male bonding” that results from having to be hard and needing some… help.

The movie Incubus 2 is still available on DVD, OR you can streaming it in beautiful HD along with the entire Titanmen online catalogue at

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The long-awaited Jesse Jackman/Christopher Daniels scene from Incubus 2


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Almost from the start of shooting, rumors about “the scene with the grapes and the rain storm” were circulating around the adult industry. The performers themselves – Christopher Daniels and a then-unknown Jesse Jackman – had shot the scene that started in the blistering sun and was interrupted (but not stopped) when a freak thunder and lightning storm (almost unheard of in Palm Springs where half the movie was shot) opened up and dumped on the cast and crew.

Francois Sagat took it as a sign that the gods up in the mountains above the set approved of the action and he kept going.

(watch a behind-the-scenes featurette on the making of this scene here)

The end result is the stunning visual assault of colour and light and sound and a sexual energy that explodes out of your screen. Jesse Jackman is a massive, muscular hunk, sucked, pissed on and fucked by the god Bacchus who (in a rather amazing visual effect) rises out of a huge pool full of red wine. It looks like the gay porn version of Wrath of the Titans. A bit ironic when you consider what studio Francois trusted to bring his vision to life.

But don’t let the surrounding mystique distract you from what is a mega-hot sex scene with four big cumshots, big cocks, big muscles and shows just why Jesse Jackman has gone from a totally unknown performer to one of the biggest names and Multiple Grabby Award nominee in a few short months.

Watch a clip from this scene here.

Watch a trailer for the full Incubus 2: The Final Chapter here.

More pictures from this scene after the jump…

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The First Look… Incubus 2: The Final Chapter


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Today is the LAST DAY for the Titanmen 60% off Sale… more about that at the end of this post…

It’s finally here.

Such amazing men all in one movie. And I think I finally “get” it. This is Francois Sagat’s statement on Francois Sagat. Which probably sounds as confusing as watching the entire movie. But FUCK is it worth it.

Francois Sagat directs the second (and he says final) installment of Incubus, this time seemingly giving his word on what being a porn star does to a person. At times Francois is in the middle of a huge party, surrounded by lights and action and sound and people, the next moment he’s naked and alone, lost in an empty dessert alone. At times he quietly watches a private romantic tryst at night by a pool, other times, he’s bound in ropes, put on display and taunted by his own image. Suspended up in the air one minute after being pulled under water and drowned, Francois is both the victim and the assailant.

But none of the narrative ever gets in the way of the hardcore action and the sex scenes are incredible. Multiple cum shots, the muscles and hair and sweat and piss flying… don’t think this isn’t one of the best porn movies ever made.

And that was just part one.

Part 2 opens with Francois modeling for still pictures. The scene is beautiful until he gently whispers “I want to kill you” into the ear of Junior Stellano. Francois looks like the man we’ve all jerked off over a thousand times but looking into the mirror, he sees himself become a monster. Seeing that the professional photo shoot has become a photographer having sex with his models, it will finally dawn on you just where Francois has been going with this series and just what he’s been saying…

The polished camera work and editing in this opening sequence is jaw-dropping and TP Deaux, the guy who put it all together and wrote the score, has actually managed to put on screen what most of us have long-assumed was going on inside Francois’s head.

A trip through the disjoined mind of Francois brings us to a sun-drenched location, this time Jesse Jackman (who’s been blogging a lot about this scene and posting some really great video from the production), in a lavish, expensive poolside location. A big man, surrounded by grapes and wine, the scene conjures up images of gluttony, excess and alcoholic abandon. Excessive everything. Christopher Daniels seems to magically appear out of the pool (a few BTS clips explains that the simple shot of him walking out of the pool took a lot of planing and practice, you’ll understand when you see it). Francois takes the voyeur role again, this time watching from the bushes as the men drink, eat and piss all over each other and fuck.

While the two men are in full-on fucking mode, the sky opens up and it begins to rain and thunder and downpour. This was just dumb luck, it gives the scene an energy you’d expect to see in something like The Immortals or Clash of the Titans, but Brian Mills and Jesse have both told the story of how the thunder and lightning storm was totally real and not expected. Francois said it was the gods on top of the mountain giving their approval of the action. It’s hard to disagree with him, Jesse Jackman is one of the most stunning men you can imagine. Huge and solid muscle with a dick that defies description. He gets fucked into submission by Christopher Daniels.

But the final scene is where Francois earns the Oscar and seems to give his final word. In one of the most convincing CGI/Blue Screen/Body Double scenes I’ve seen, Francois wrestles with himself, both tops and bottoms for himself and finally wins the battle against himself that he’s been fighting since the opening scene.

I won’t give away the final moments but Francois wraps his statement on the adult industry and his notoriously conflicted relationship with his own fame together with amazing men, amazing imagery and a team that brought this idea to life. But it’s just the kind of thing you’d expect from Francois.

Incubus is out on DVD (you can join the Titanmen DVD club and get not only their new movies released every month but also a membership to the Video on Demand site and have full access to every movie in the huge Titanmen Online Catalogue).

Today is the last day for the Titanmen 60% off sale… get 180 days for $69 or a full 365 for $120. And that’s a lot of masturbation. Plus, and I guess I won’t be giving anything away, you’re not going to want to miss the movies that Titan has coming out this year…

Don’t miss the big gallery of stills after the jump…

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Editing Incubus 2 with Jesse Jackman


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Incubus 2: The Final Chapter will be taking up the story where part 1 ended… with Francois waking up to see he’s been manipulated by his evil side into murdering Hunter Marx in a sex club.

Above you’ll see Jesse Jackman getting a look at the final editing and polishing job done to the video and all the effects and tricks added. You’ll see just how much care and work went into this movie.

And Jesse looks SO handsome in his button down shirt and glasses.

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