Titanmen Daily Distractions


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A semi-regular rundown of the inter-office emails, text message and WhatTheFuckedness from the Titanmen office, studio and friends.

Yes, it’s a “candy unicorn horn.”  We’ll go with that. But I’m willing to bet that guy has a SWEET asshole.

Cracked Magazine slam-dunks the “Million Moms” all the while praising the gay marriage story arc in Archie Comics. Yes. I said “Cracked Magazine, Gay Marriage and Archie Comics” all in one sentence. It’s not a surprise that the Cracked Magazine staff, made up mostly of brilliant hipster journalism and media students who weren’t quite ready to get a “real” job, are so pro-gay. But what IS surprising is that a the magazine that gave us the “Shut Up” series in the 70s* today gives us the best argued and point-by-point take down of the extreme right I’ve seen in a while.

I find him so hot that I have trouble watching the video. He’s… wow. Glad that he’s doing his videos in English now.

Jay Roberts Sings! sorta.

Someone stole a 500 pound Bee Hive. From a Restaurant.

When we shot Francois Sagat’s Incubus, we used a bunch of different kinds of camera, including the GoPro headcam for some of the underwater sequences, the party sequence and the sequences in the desert. But we didn’t do anything THIS amazing. Turn up your music. Go full screen. It’s a stunning video.

We try not to judge here at Titan because the movies of Paul Wilde  have taught us that it’s an argument we will lose. But wow… I hope this is an urban legend.

Further to stealing large things from restaurants, someone walked off with a giant piece of pizza. OK, it was actually a large pizza slice costume. But still. Skip to the last 20 seconds of the video if you don’t want your eyes to jump out of year head and roll away.

Last modified: Mar 14, 2012

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