Director’s Blog: Tex and Micah in the scene that wasn’t supposed to be made.


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OK so… I have a confession.

I’m a very disorganized person. I fuck shit up a LOT. I get the big picture right but there’s always some detail that gets left behind and forgotten. I forget to book a flight or forget to pick someone up at the airport… I leave my notebook with my shot lists at my house… I forget to pick up food/condoms/lube/baby wipes…. you name it.

It usually does’t totally throw things into chaos… we’re usually able to make things work.

And it sometimes leads to happy accidents. Like in the case of this scene with Tex and Micah that wasn’t supposed to happen.

The original plan for Bad Cop 2 was that it was going to be like the first Bad Cop. Three unrelated scenes with men in police uniforms fucking. It worked for us last time and people wanted more. However… when I woke up on the day we were supposed to be shooting scene one with Dallas Steele and Tex Davidson, I realized that I hadn’t heard from Tex. I’d confirmed the day and time with him, but I hadn’t confirmed the location and hadn’t spoken with him in a couple weeks (since we’d shot his scene with Hunter Marx for Swap).

I started to panic. We were supposed to be on set in under two hours and he wasn’t picking up his phone and wasn’t returning texts. The usually reliable Tex wasn’t reachable.

Fast forward to 15 minutes before shoot time and I had Dallas on set wondering who he was going to perform with and… we had to scramble. Dakota Rivers had already performed in the movie with Jeremy Spreadums, but he was the only person I could get on the phone who was in town and able to shoot… so Dakota was now going to be in TWO scenes in the movie (watch for the Dakota/Dallas scene coming next week).

I finally heard from Tex later in the day. He hadn’t heard from me so had thought he had the day wrong and had taken some personal training clients which is why his phone was off… Anyway… it gave me an idea. Instead of three unrelated scenes, Dakota and Dallas would be watching two of the men get into some action on a security camera… and those two men would end up being Tex and Micah Brandt… we shot the scene the next day in the same location (although in the opposite corner of the room). And we now had a theme for the movie.

Micah and Tex had GREAT chemistry… Micah loves a big dick and the two of them spent most of their time off camera cuddling on the couch and laughing while we adjusted lights and cameras.

That “Twerk On The Dick” moment wasn’t planned. I had planned a riding position into the scene (I love seeing a nice round ass riding a big dick like that), but when he climbed on and started to shake his ass like that, I knew we had a magic moment.

After each position, we had to pull back all the lights and gear so I could shoot the “security camera footage” with a different camera. The footage with Dallas and Dakota would be dropped in when I was editing.

OH… final story from the set… when shooting the last position, Tex had a bottle of lube at his feet that he needed (when your dick is that big, lube is required). Nobody noticed that it got knocked over and by the time we finished shooting, half of the bottle of silicone lube had leaked out all over the smooth concrete floor.

THIS is when I demonstrated my knowledge that the best way to remove silicone lube is nail polish remover. Everybody loves a happy ending, right?

You can see the whole movie at Titanmen. Download DRM-free OR stream to your computer or mobile device in crystal-clear HD.

Last modified: Oct 2, 2017

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