Kick Sagat


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Earlier this month, our very good friend François Sagat let it be known that he had no plans to return to porn after going out with a HUGE hit in the back-to-back Incubus movies.

Incubus part 2 became a high point in an incredible career that you can see exclusively from Titanmen. Click Here to see the massive and stunning legacy that Francois left for his fans present and future.


He told us, however, that he wanted to leave people wanting more and that more we would GET.. just not more of the same.

Among the many projects he’s been telling us about is his first new project, KICK SAGAT, a T-shirt line that he and long-time collaborator Pierre-Henri dreamed up. If the name Pierre-Henri sounds familiar to you, he has already made an appearance on this blog in the behind-the-scenes documentary “Saturn’s Return” that followed Francois as he prepared to leave Paris to go shoot Incubus. Pierre-Henri appears in a scene where he and Francois try on the many different costumes designed for the movie.


Last modified: May 31, 2013

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