
More from the making of the Party scene from Incubus.


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Here is more from the shooting of the party scene at the start of Incubus. We took our time shooting this part which is the start of the madness that follows. But what was so fun about this was that we were actually having a party with refreshments and drinks so the crowd could have a good time while we made the movie around them.

The final bit of this video really says it all. Francois was so excited to see the image of my evil clone approaching the camera and saying “drink” that he was a bit giddy.

Which, I should point out… is about 80% off. This deal won’t last long so nab it now…

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The Extended Cut of the “Incubus” opening scene.


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There were two different edits of the opening sequence of Incubus. This is the first version that Francois Sagat and Brian Mills decided was a bit too long and in the words of François, “too linear.” The opening sequence sets up the movie but it made sense to them to work it all in a different order and make it tighter. It meant that the film opens quite differently, which you can see on the newly re-designed Titanmen site NOW!!

The opening they went with everyone agrees it a much better choice. It fits the tone and style of the movie better and visually it explodes onto the screen in color and shapes and sound. The editors did an amazing job of using the hours and hours of footage and creating such a spectacle. But it’s also a lot shorter. François wanted to move it along fast and keep the pacing and excitement up.

This sequence features more shots of various characters at the party. The editors were mesmerized by seeing Spencer Reed and Jimmy Durano dance in their Slick-it-Up outfits. Only a couple shots made the final edit, but we thought it was worth sharing.

Oh, you also get a look at Trenton Ducati in his reddish Slick It Up hood.

There’s a very fun “Making Of” clip over on François’s blog.

Incubus finally has it’s first scene released tomorrow on

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From Joe Gage’s Inmates


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Another clip from Joe Gage’s mega-hit  movie Inmates. Joe’s movies are as legendary and eternal as Joe himself. Inmates is no exception. It’s going to be one we’re still jerking off to years from now.

Inmates is out on Titanmen’s VOD site.

You also get full, unlimited access to Titan’s full catalogue, streaming beautifully to your computer or mobile devices. So grab your iPad, excuse yourself to the men’s room and tell your co-workers you’ll be back in a few minutes. you can create your own favorite lists, watch all the scenes you want… unlimited…

Plus you get access to movies from other super-star directors like Dirk Yates, Michael Lucas and Chi-Chi Larue.

Click Here to watch the whole movie Inmates.

Check out the full gallery of stills from the movie after the jump…

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Immortalizing the Dean Flynn Dick


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OK, he’s one of the hottest men in the history of porn. I would do just about anything to just spend five minutes with him in a shower and yes, I have had a nice spank session to pretty much every scene he’s ever been in.

And I also have a mold of his cock that I display proudly on the wall behind my desk here at the Titan Office.

They just released the “Best of Dean Flynn” to DVD at the Titanmen Store plus collected it all perfectly in the Online Version on Titanmen’s Video On Demand site.


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The Marco Manhood Mold


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More video from the making of the Titanmen Realistic Dildo signature series.

Marco gets his beautiful, perfect uncut dick immortalized for all time. You can get his dildo and all the ones at the Titanmen Store.

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This is gonna SUCK


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Francois Sagat posted these on his blog a while back but I figured with his movie Incubus coming out very soon, it might be fun to post it here, too. These are all behind the scenes clips with Shay Michaels, Spencer Reed and Francois. 

The guys were shooting their three way together and while they had a break, they gave us some cock sucking lessons.

Nice to get some cock sucking advice from the men of Titanmen… you know those guys really know how to help a guy out.

You can check the guys all out in action over at Titanmen now.

Keep Reading After The Jump for Spencer Reed’s cock sucking advice….

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Inmates Trailer with Allen Silver, Hunter Marx, Troy Daniels and more…


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Joe Gage does it again. Just recently Dario Beck took a trip to Alcatraz and joked about his favorite prison porn movies. Inmates wasn’t out yet but I’m pretty sure it would have been on the list.

Allen Silver is one of the hottest “daddies” in porn but putting him in the “older” category is a shame; Even fans who generally like the bigger and more muscular Titanmen like Spencer Reed or the twenty-something cocky, tattooed boys like Junior Stellano or even the beefy snuggle toys like Hunter Marx all agree that Allen is deserving of a place among the best Titanmen stars.

But yeah, that perfect blend of gentle Dad and intense sexual animal is part of what makes him boner-inducing. And having him featured in another Titanmen movie is just another chance to see him paired up with some of the hottest men in porn.

Inmates is now playing only on Titanmen VOD or on a special DVD/BluRay/Digital Copy pack at the Titanmen Store.

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Titanmen Tattoos


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Spencer Reed showing us his ink work. Don’t have any tattoos myself yet but I love hearing about the stories behind people’s artwork. When something is going to be on you forever, you really have to be sure you want it there. You can see Spencer in action and see how those tattoos stretch here.

Trenton’s first movie isn’t out yet… look for him mid December in Francois Sagat’s Incubus.

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Brian Mills explains the concept of the first sex scene from Incubus


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OK, so the obvious question… WTF is that on his head? Well, it’s the head cam that François wore while shooting three scenes in Incubus. Brian was using it to test how it looked and worked before they shot any of the principal footage. The effect is incredible, although the biggest problem, apparently, is that it’s large enough to cast a shadow that had to be digitally removed from the video.

But hearing Brian explain his take on the movie and it’s meaning is a fascinating insight into what’s becoming the most anticipated porn movie of the year.

Brian Mills has directed some of the biggest hits for Titanmen. Click Here to check out his filmography. On Incubus, he acted as Co-Director and mentor to François.

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How To Fuck. (parts 1 & 2)


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Some more behind the scenes advice from the set of Francois Sagat’s Incubus. It will be coming out on Titanmen in under month… watch this space.

You can already see Shay and Spencer in action on Titanmen now!

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Francois Sagat – Making Incubus


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Francois Sagat’s Incubus: Pre-production documentary from Titan Men on Vimeo.

Francois Sagat just posted this extremely enjoyable documentary about the preproduction of his movie “Incubus” which is due out next month on Titanmen.

Gilles Bindi’s revealing look at François Sagat as he prepares to enter a new stage in his life, moving from performer to director, writer and producer. Shot primarily in Paris as he contemplates his place in the adult industry, his own sexual personal development and what’s motivated him to make changes in his life, François allows a rare peek into the enigmatic artist’s world. Featuring his co-director and mentor Brian Mills, Francois is preparing for the production of the first feature he’ll helm, “Incubus.” We get to see the inter-continental pre-production meetings as well as get a glimpse of the costumes from designers like Slick It Up, Charlie Le Mindu (most recently known for his designs for Lady Gaga) and Sagat himself. A fascinating look at a fascinating figure, one we rarely get to see in such casual and un-scripted settings.

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I’m having trouble coming up with a clever golf-related sexual innuedno.


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I mean… saying something like “THAT’s a hole in one” is about as good as I can come up with. Other contenders were “How long was the putter” and “David gives Leo a Birdy.”

See? There’s just not much to start this with other than “Titan shoots a lot of their movies in the perpetually beautiful and sunny Palm Springs, I wonder why it took so long to make a golf-themed porn movie.” David Anthony brings his movie-star idol good looks to Brian Mills’ “Blind Spot” where he sinks the putt (ok, that one wasn’t so bad) deep into Leo Forte’s… um… green sand trap butt. Fuck it, I tried.

I figure even without clever golf/fucking puns, a dick as big as David’s sliding into home base (note to Brian Mills… baseball scene next?) is all I really needed to give me a nice pick-me-up for the weekend. Check out the full action still gallery after the jump…

Click Here to watch Blind Spot and over 400 other Titanmen movies.

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And today on Wild Kingdom…


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I’m still relatively new to the whole Porn Industry, but people always ask me what it’s like on set at a porn shoot when they’re not shooting. I tell them that it’s actually a very professional environment, the guys read books, play the odd video game, maybe work out together. Nothing too crazy going on.

Clearly, I’m totally full of shit.

This, gentlemen (and ladies who like gay porn and yes, we know you’re out there), is what I like to call “down time” on a porn set. Shay Michaels and Spencer Reed had just finished shooting their scene for the up-coming movie “François Sagat’s Incubus” when Jimmy Durano and Trenton Ducati arrived to shoot their scene together.

Jimmy and Spencer decided to get… reacquainted with each other, the way that guys do in any industry, I’m sure (although I’ve never worked at a bank). Shay decided that there was only one way to welcome a new co-worker and that’s having him suck your dick. Such a friendly guy.

You know, I’m sure it’s no different at your place of work. Although my opinion on that might be the reason I got fired from my last job at the florist.

You can see all these guys in action at Titanmen. (although you’ll have to wait for about a month to see Trenton’s debut in “Incubus.” But as you can see… it’ll be worth the wait…

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Spencer, Francois and Shay still shoot


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Another Behind-The-Scenes clip from the set of Francois Sagat’s Incubus which is coming out on Titanmen in early December. This is from a three-way scene between Francois, Shay Michaels and Spencer Reed shot in a semi constructed house in the Cochella Valley near Palm Springs. The costumes look wild and were apparently designed by François and created with Slick It Up, a company that François has worked with many times.

You can see a new clip like this every day over on Francois’s blog  at

Can’t wait to see the final movie, here at the Titan office, the buzz has been unstoppable. People are really excited by what they’re doing.. saying that it’s going to be a fantastic movie, not only extremely hot with amazing sex scenes but also something that’s going to be visually stunning too. From the few peeks I’ve had, I have to say I agree..

You can see all three of these men in action at Titanmen right now. What I love about our site is not only how top-notch the catalogue is but how well it works on computers, tablets, iPhones, Androids, iPads and LapTops. And when you get the best movies directed by the best directors like Joe Gage, Bruce Cam, Brian Mills, Paul Wilde and even movies from the industry’s biggest stars like ChiChi La Rue, Michael Lucas and Dirk Yates, you’ve got the best deal possible for any gay porn site.


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The Triumphant Return of François Sagat


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When I recently posted a few videos from this year’s Folsom Street Fetish Fair people got a glimpse of new Titan Exclusive Jesse Jackman (who already has a large and growing fan base before his first scene is released) but what created the most buzz and explosion of internet rumors was the appearance of legendary Titan performer.

Some said he was retired from porn and only appeared as one last goodbye (false).

Some said he was returning to performing and some said that he was coming back as a director. Now we know that the answer is “both.” It’s been a Titan secret for a few months now and a few performers have whispered about their involvement in the project that was code-named “Sagat” for a while now but no real information has come to light.

Today, Titan Men announced that in December, they plan to release Part 1 of “François Sagat’s Incubus” which, from the look of the tester trailer is just the kind of wild, crazy and surreal movie we could expect from the enigmatic and fascinating mind of Mr. Sagat. As far as “what is this movie about” goes, the trailer itself seems to give us more questions than answers. I caught a quick glimpse of what looks like Aymeic Deville and hunter Marx kissing, a picture of what appears to be Francois wrestling with himself underwater, a shadow of someone alone in the desert, Francois suspended in the air being forced to watch a video screen and what looks like a giant, scary-ass rabbit.

The lead-off trailer is R-rated but Titan promises an X-rated clip soon along with daily “Behind The Scenes” and “Making Of” clips which will be released to François’ revamped and relaunched blog at

Keep watching this space and Mr. Sagat’s blog for more info as we near the release.

If you want to see Francois in action now, Titan Men is having a Hallowe’en Special Sale where you can get a full year of their unlimited VOD Streaming site for $99. That’s almost 80% off. Click Here to get in on that deal, it’s not going to last more than a few days.

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