Titanmen do the Cock-In-A-Sock


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Putting aside jokes about how men can only get involved in a fund or awareness-raising campaign if they’re selfies on Facebook, this is one we can get behind. Or Below.

Raising awareness about men’s cancers while showing off what you’ve got… Here’s some Titanmen doing the Sock On Cock.

For more info on the “Sock on Cock” campaign… check out their Facebook Page here.

So here are Jesse Jackman and Dirk Caber, George Ce,  Hunter Marx, Alex Graham, Tony Orion and Hans Berlin.

If any more Titanmen send me pics, I’ll add them to the collection…

Last modified: Apr 5, 2014

2 Responses to " Titanmen do the Cock-In-A-Sock "

  1. Gaz says:

    sad really that the parts cancer is attacking have to be covered in this day and age…. sock on sock is good but I much prefer to say balls to cancer and SHOW what you have

  2. […] Finn Brooks has been posting new pictures as the guys send them in… check out the latest pics here.Titan Man Tony OrionTitanMen Exclusive Hunter MarxTitanMen Exclusive Hunter MarxTitan Man Hans […]

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