Titanmen Set Report


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Last week before the Folsom Street Fair, the guys in production quietly put together a quick production run to take advantage of a few of our favorite men being in town… Porn Power Couple Jesse Jackman and Dirk Caber along with their friend Hunter Marx were all visiting for the festivities and it made sense with that much testosterone in stock to get the guys in front of a camera to see what would happen.

Paul Wilde directed a scene with Jesse and Dirk (their second together, the first being from the Titan Rough movie “Loud and Nasty“). But they were also able to add a couple of new faces to the mix… Landon Conrad is already a big star but he did his first two scenes for Titanmen, one with Jesse and the other with Hunter Marx.

And finally… Dirk Caber did a scene with a new guy named Jay that everyone on set said not only did a great job but he was handsome and had a body that has to be seen to be believed. No face pictures of him yet but there’s one of his back with a camera in his face. Dirk sure seems to like what he sees…

More info on all of these scenes later.

Stay Tuned.

Last modified: Sep 30, 2012

3 Responses to " Titanmen Set Report "

  1. Richard Duyn says:

    Landon and Jesse, two handsome men. So, a nice couple on screen I think…When there is a better photo (quality) of the two, let me know. Number 8248_img isn’t sharp (enough for my blog) 😉

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