Titanmen Daily Distractions…


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A less-than-regular list of the viral videos, jokes, funny asides and time-wasting links that are making their way around the Titanmen Office…


  1. Michael Sam finally gets to play. While American teams spent a bit too much time hand-wringing about having a gay man see their dicks in the shower, Canadians have been saying “Send him up here, we just want good players.” Michael Sam signed a two-year contract to the Montreal Alouettes and will start playing this summer. You can buy his Jersey here.
  2. Detroit Tigers release a “Gay Pride” baseball shirt. So you now have two different options when buying your Pride Day shirt if you want to advertise your love of sports.
  3. McSweeny’s does a hilarious “Update on How To Solve A Problem Like Maria.” “On the other hand, I must admit Maria makes me uncomfortable. Once, she mentioned that brown-paper packages tied up with string were among her favorite things. That doesn’t seem normal, does it? Plus, her five-octave range is positively unnerving.”
  4. Gay Comic Geek’s “Best Superhero Show Of The Season.” We still want to see him without his pants and getting some action with Jesse Jackman.
  5. Accio Neville’s Pants. MatthewYes, that Matthew Lewis. We watched him grow up from the chubby, buck-toothed, awkward but loyal friend to the hunky, brave, only-one-willing-to-talk-back-to-Voldermort hero Neville Longbottom of the Harry Potter series. While the books kept it a secret that Neville was the real hero of the series until the final moments of the book, Matthew had trouble keeping his budding handsomeness and once the series ended, he didn’t even try. Now appearing on the cover of the gay British magazine Attitude in his underwear, Matthew even had a funny twitter interaction with Potter author JK Rowling which kinda has to be seen…
    Screenshot 2015-05-22 13.40.31
  6. Dirk Caber’s GoFundMe campaign to buy a piano has topped $10,000

Last modified: May 22, 2015

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