Titanmen Mega Sale at the DVD Store


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This is one of the best deals ever from the Titanmen DVD store. Mix and Match DVD collections, catch up with the movies you wanted to see and fill in the blanks in your back catalogue.

Getting a 50% OFF discount on our newest DVD/BluRay/Digital Copy sets is huge. I could make suggestions of my own favorite movies from the collection like Copperhead Canyon, Chainsaw, Impulse, Fixation, and of course Jury Duty. But I’m sure you’ll get a great set for yourself.

Then less than $8 for 12 DVDs from our classic titles. Again.. I can suggest a lot like Reserve Duty, Special Delivery, Farm Fresh, Countryside,  Surprise Package and a bunch of the Manplay titles (my favorites are Prowl 1 & 2 and Hardwork 22). But at that price… you can judge a few movies by their covers.

This sale lasts all weekend… Enjoy…



Last modified: Nov 23, 2011

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