Immortalizing the Dean Flynn Dick


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OK, he’s one of the hottest men in the history of porn. I would do just about anything to just spend five minutes with him in a shower and yes, I have had a nice spank session to pretty much every scene he’s ever been in.

And I also have a mold of his cock that I display proudly on the wall behind my desk here at the Titan Office.

They just released the “Best of Dean Flynn” to DVD at the Titanmen Store plus collected it all perfectly in the Online Version on Titanmen’s Video On Demand site.


Last modified: Dec 16, 2011

5 Responses to " Immortalizing the Dean Flynn Dick "

  1. Nathan says:

    I love dean Flynn

  2. bruno nau says:

    wow me encanta

  3. MANUELE says:

    quanto avrei voluto essere li con loro avrei succhiato cazzo e avrei goduto molto prendendolo nel mio culetto profondo amo dean Flynn

  4. alexis says:

    En mexico donde consigo sus videos

  5. Richard says:

    I need two of those because just one won’t be enough, I have loved him since the first time I saw him on film

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