The Chocolate Asshole and more Titanmen Daily Distractions


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The Titanmen office, as you can probably imagine, is filled with the kind of men who… well, like Titanmen movies. From the IT and Art Department, the editors and even the guys in shipping. So you can just imagine what a bunch of messed up group emails find their way through the interoffice system here. Including…

Anus •  The Chocolate Asshole. Yes, because nothing is more apetizing that chowing down on a milk chocolate confection, other than chowing down on someone’s butthole.

Combine those two pleasures together and you get the “Chocolate Anus.” Which, according to their website is the “Anus That Made Britain Great” since 2004.

Want something a bit more extravagant and lasting to send “that message” to that “special someone”  Well they also have a solid silver asshole you can give someone as… a present of some sort.

A Bacon Doormat. Just so the guy you met on Scruff understands what he’s signed up for.


• Man sues after his lube reportedly ruins his dick. I’m kinda torn on this one. One one hand… I’m a huge fan of the penis. I love mine and I like to share it with my buddies. I also love the dicks of other guys which means that I like to throw “swap meets” where we all get together and give each other our dicks.  We call them “orgies.”  The point is that while anything that would wreck a dick is not something I support, I also have to wonder what kind of idiot would buy a “lubricating and desensitizing gel.” I mean… “lubricating” I get. But “desensitizing?” Doesn’t that kind of defeat the purpose?

• And to follow that up, how about one of my new favorite Tumblrs, Bearded Life?

• And now for a whole collection of “Dogs Who Just Cannot Handle It Right Now.”

• If You’ve Ever Wanted To Watch A Video of a Guy Getting His Balls Tattooed, Now’s Your Chance.

• Francois Sagat’s Tribal Rhythm, Baby.


Last modified: Jun 5, 2013

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