Director’s Blog: Making Cauke Scene 2 with Adam Ramzi and Luke Adams


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Any time you’re making a movie, you have to constantly adjust, change, rearrange and add things… When we were making Cauke for President, we changed, added, rewrote and polished it non-stop for months from writing it to the final edit. Sometimes you have to think on your feet and improvise as you go along.
Each scene starts with an audio commentary from a morning “shock jock” radio station with the voice parts played by Don Mike and me. Instead of having the audio play over a screen shot of JoeMyGod like in the other three scenes, we instead had the radio show playing on the actual radio while David drove Luke to a neighborhood he said was “Full of Reagan Democrats.”

I had planned two specialty drone shots to give the opening sequence some visual punch, but like technology often does… the drone wasn’t cooperating. Hours trying to solve the issue and more time spent on the phone with tech support ascertained that… it wasn’t going to fly. Literally. The drone could shoot video but not fly.

But… since it COULD shoot video, it gave us an idea.

To those drone shots in the start of the scene, we had to… get creative.


I’m a diminutive 5-foot-6 but Keith Webb… he’s tall. So for the opening shot, he held the drone over his head and walked orbiting the car as it pulled up to the curb. For the following shot with Luke walking up to the house, he climbed to the top of the ladder and perched precariously over enough cactus to do some serious damage if he fell. I stood behind him controlling the up/down pan of the onboard camera and we got the shots we wanted.

Click Here to Watch The Trailer.

Since we shot the in-car footage with a Go-Pro stuck to the inside of the windshield, the audio wasn’t usable. That meant we had to record the dialogue and match it up with the video later in editing. I haven’t actually had to ADR a shot like that in a long time. But the end effect is worth it.
We had originally planned just three scenes for the movie with the added jerk off scene to open it. But we were so happy with what we had and had started to notice a lot of attention bubbling up about what we were doing. We had started the Mike Cauke Twitter and Instagram account, launched a website and people had taken some notice.

cauk_bts_AdamLuke_1304We decided we’d give them a bit more to enjoy. Which meant we added a whole extra scene.

Keith wrote the script for this one while I was busy working on editing and the comedic between-scene setups.

He came up with the idea of having a young, innocent campaign volunteer being seduced by a possible voter. The sex scene itself was actually a pretty easy one to shoot. Adam Ramzzi and Luke Adams were both bang-on in their scene that takes place on the front entryway to one of the Titan houses in Palm Springs. But trying to make it flow well with the rest of the movie was the important part. We chose to get David Benjamin to come and play a non-sexual cameo role in the same character he plays in scene 3 with Tex Davidson.

Luke plays the innocent young man perfectly and Adam plays the sexually aggressive potential voter exactly how we wanted it…

finally… just as an in-joke I added the line about how “I can’t vote, I’m Canadian.” That’s true, technically, but it’s also what I always tell canvassers who come to my door while I’m too busy making porn to hear a stump speech.

You can Click Here  to see the whole scene over at

Last modified: Feb 29, 2016

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