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Francois Sagat’s Incubus – and a SUPER SPECIAL join from price at Titanmen!


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It’s finally here.

After months of production, industry rumors and a closely-guarded set in the desert of the Cochella Valley in Southern California, François Sagat’s Incubus is out. The jaw-dropping visuals and compelling imagery seen in the leaked shots fascinated and baffled people, starting countless conversations of just what François was up to this time. Featuring a mega-star cast including Hunter Marx, Spencer Reed, David Anthony, Junior Stellano, Jessy Ares, Shay Michaels, Jimmy Durano and Shay Michaels, Incubus was shot as two parts as the direct oral debut of Francois Sagat. It’s artistic, it’s compelling but above all else, it’s a full-on gay hardcore porn movie starring one of the most iconic porn stars ever.

And news gets better than Titan is also launching a totally redesigned site where members can get access to the complete Titanmen catalogue, streaming beautifully in HD on your computer and mobile devices. I just watched the whole first scene (which clocks in at a full 53 minutes and features 6 cum shots from 3 men!) on my iPad and I think it’s my new best friend.

And I’ll even better that.

Right now, you can join Titanmen’s site for a whopping 80% off. $99 for a full year of unlimited streaming of the entire catalogue of Titanmen, plus more movies by huge directors like Michael Lucas and Chichi Larue.

Incubus also features the first-time appearances of Jessie Jackman and Trenton Ducati, both of whom have already gained large followings before their first scenes are even released. Fans won’t be disappointed to finally see them in action.

Here at I’ve been posting lots of “making of” and “behind the scenes” video from the set and now that it’s out I’ll have a LOT more to post. You can also see a lot of bonus video on the blogs of Francois Sagat, David Anthony, and Jesse Jackman.

Check out the full gallery after the jump…

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Jesse Ares (aka Arestirado) sings “Striptease”


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I mentioned recently that while he was in town for Folsom weekend and shooting scenes for his movie “Command Performance,” Jesse Ares walked naked through the streets of San Francisco with Hunter Marx and Aymeric Deville shooting a video for his song “Porn Star.”

Seems he can’t keep his pants on while singing. I can live with that.

(thanks to Queermenow for pointing me to this…)

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The Extended Cut of the “Incubus” opening scene.


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There were two different edits of the opening sequence of Incubus. This is the first version that Francois Sagat and Brian Mills decided was a bit too long and in the words of François, “too linear.” The opening sequence sets up the movie but it made sense to them to work it all in a different order and make it tighter. It meant that the film opens quite differently, which you can see on the newly re-designed Titanmen site NOW!!

The opening they went with everyone agrees it a much better choice. It fits the tone and style of the movie better and visually it explodes onto the screen in color and shapes and sound. The editors did an amazing job of using the hours and hours of footage and creating such a spectacle. But it’s also a lot shorter. François wanted to move it along fast and keep the pacing and excitement up.

This sequence features more shots of various characters at the party. The editors were mesmerized by seeing Spencer Reed and Jimmy Durano dance in their Slick-it-Up outfits. Only a couple shots made the final edit, but we thought it was worth sharing.

Oh, you also get a look at Trenton Ducati in his reddish Slick It Up hood.

There’s a very fun “Making Of” clip over on François’s blog.

Incubus finally has it’s first scene released tomorrow on

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Titanmen Daily Distractions


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A semi-Regular collection of the group emails, inter-office jokes and water cooler conversation pieces from the Titanmen office. Our office is just like yours other than we get in trouble for NOT looking at porn all day at our desks.

• What we can learn from Ostrich penises.
Yummy, yummy BRAINS!
• Generally, to get called a “bear” you have to weigh a bit more than this. And 9 servings? Fuck that, I’ll eat him all in one sitting.
The Fully-Functional, Tron motorcycle replica. This is quite possibly the coolest thing in history. I just wish Titan could make a movie using one of these. I’d cast Trenton Ducati as Tron, Allen Silver as Kevin Flynn, Jayden Grey as Sam Flynn and Dean Flynn as Clu.
• NFL Lineback Scott Fujita for marriage equality.
• Only slightly less cool than the Tron Legacy motorcycle, Star Wars leather motorcycle riding gear.
• I hope all of my presents this year come wrapped in Stackable Cheeseburger Wrapping Paper. I wonder if they make a Tofu version for our Vegan friends. (hey, we live in San Francisco… you always gotta think about the vegans or they’ll beat you with a carrot.)
The 2011 Auto-Correct Awards.
• Exposing Texas’ heatwave with the most amazing melting crayon sculptures.

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From Joe Gage’s Inmates


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Another clip from Joe Gage’s mega-hit  movie Inmates. Joe’s movies are as legendary and eternal as Joe himself. Inmates is no exception. It’s going to be one we’re still jerking off to years from now.

Inmates is out on Titanmen’s VOD site.

You also get full, unlimited access to Titan’s full catalogue, streaming beautifully to your computer or mobile devices. So grab your iPad, excuse yourself to the men’s room and tell your co-workers you’ll be back in a few minutes. you can create your own favorite lists, watch all the scenes you want… unlimited…

Plus you get access to movies from other super-star directors like Dirk Yates, Michael Lucas and Chi-Chi Larue.

Click Here to watch the whole movie Inmates.

Check out the full gallery of stills from the movie after the jump…

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Immortalizing the Dean Flynn Dick


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OK, he’s one of the hottest men in the history of porn. I would do just about anything to just spend five minutes with him in a shower and yes, I have had a nice spank session to pretty much every scene he’s ever been in.

And I also have a mold of his cock that I display proudly on the wall behind my desk here at the Titan Office.

They just released the “Best of Dean Flynn” to DVD at the Titanmen Store plus collected it all perfectly in the Online Version on Titanmen’s Video On Demand site.


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Porn Star, Baby! Titanmen Jessy Ares releases his debut album!


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Arestirado | Las Vegas by Arestirado

Back while we were wrapping up production on Francois Sagat’s Incubus and having some fun at the Folsom Street Fair, we were also shooting footage for another Titanmen movie centered around one of our most popular stars, Jessy Ares. Command Performance is a movie about recording his album and performing it on stage for a happy crowd at the Folsom Street Fair.

You can see clips from all of Jesse’s Titan movies here.

There were a few reports of “a bunch of guys walking around the Castro naked and singing a song with people shooting video of them or something.”

Well, I can now openly admit that was Jessy along with Aymeric Deville and Hunter Marx shooting a video for the song “Porn Star” which is also on the album.

It’s totally true, too. Jesse, Hunter and Aymeric were walking through the Castro in San Francisco singing the song and when a large crowd showed up with their cell phones, the three guys whipped off their pants and showed it ALL right out in public.

Yes, you can get away with that in SF.

I’ll have that for you as soon as I can.

Here’s his first song “Vegas” which is a great track. You can get the album on iTunes here.

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Tristan and Devin


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Shooting “Head Trip” on location. More to come…

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The Marco Manhood Mold


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More video from the making of the Titanmen Realistic Dildo signature series.

Marco gets his beautiful, perfect uncut dick immortalized for all time. You can get his dildo and all the ones at the Titanmen Store.

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This is gonna SUCK


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Francois Sagat posted these on his blog a while back but I figured with his movie Incubus coming out very soon, it might be fun to post it here, too. These are all behind the scenes clips with Shay Michaels, Spencer Reed and Francois. 

The guys were shooting their three way together and while they had a break, they gave us some cock sucking lessons.

Nice to get some cock sucking advice from the men of Titanmen… you know those guys really know how to help a guy out.

You can check the guys all out in action over at Titanmen now.

Keep Reading After The Jump for Spencer Reed’s cock sucking advice….

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Keeping Up With The Titanmen


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You can’t read all the blogs all the time. So here’s what the Titanmen have been up to on their respective blogs…

Jesse Jackman shows us where the bad man hurt him. He also talks about the man who started out a regular fuck buddy and then became a best friend and something about playing hockey.

Dario Beck talks about the kinds of movies that he’d like to make if he was given the chance to direct. Seeing how excited people are to see Francois Sagat’s Incubus, I vote we let Dario get behind the camera and see what he can do. Dario also posted about his recent trip to America and his audition for a Spanish Soap Opera where they didn’t cast him because they didn’t think he was “a real gay guy.”

Over on David Anthony’s blog, we get to see Doc Johnson coat David’s dick with pink goo in preparation for the David Anthony Dildo. You can get that dildo now at the Titanmen Store. And if you have one… David wants to see a picture of you with it.

Francois Sagat also has some fun stuff this week, also a repost of his video being cast for his own dildo. He also posted a picture of a Francois Sagat action figure, a chart of European Men’s cock sizes and the trailer for his new movie Incubus.

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Shower Like A Man


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Men are pigs. It’s why they’re so hot. This video is hilarious with the soundtrack and spank material without. It’s why communal showers at the gym are so much more fun. Long Live the YMCA.

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Finally… The Full, X-Rated Trailer for Francois Sagat’s Incubus.


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It’s finally ready and while Francois, Brian and Bruce put the finishing touches on it, we can now have a look at the full X-rated trailer for Francois Sagat’s “Incubus” which looks to be just the surreal, sexual, visually stunning and still mega-erotic tour-de-fouce you’d expect from Francois.

One of the things he said in his short documentary was that he wanted to make a movie that was challenging to the mind but didn’t want any of the visuals or imagery to get in the way of the fact that this is still a hot porn movie. He didn’t want to make an art film with sex, he wanted to make a porn movie that you can’t take your eyes off. And he’s been successful.

This clip also gives us a VERY long-awaited look at Titanmen Exclusive Trenton Ducati in his first-ever scene. He’s already got a huge fan base that can’t wait to see him in action. They finally get to have their first glimpse (and the recently-released clip of him being welcomed to the Titanmen family in traditional fashion by Shay Michaels doesn’t really count but it was still hot).

Incubus will be released world-wide to Titanmen’s VOD site very soon…

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Inmates – All Scenes


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With the release of the fifth and final scene from Joe Gage’s Inmates, 2011 now has another Titanmen Classic on our hands. This one is going to be a favorite for years to come… click the thumbs below to watch clips from each scene…


You can see the whole movie at now.

Check out the stills after the jump…

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Titanmen Daily Distractions.


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A semi-regular list of the inter-office emails that fill up our morning email boxes and become water cooler conversation points. Yeah, we’re like most offices out there. Lots of guys sitting around behind computers doing work, drinking coffee and looking at porn.

The only difference of course is that our office you get written up for NOT looking at porn.

• The 7 dumbest things about the world’s smartest toilet. Just remember how the third Terminator movie ended (if you were unfortunate enough to see it). Always be nice to any computer with Artificial Intelligence. When they become self-aware… they will remember how you treated them. That goes for both Siri and Numi.
• Jesse Jackman talks about hooking up on Manhunt.
• 25 best autocorrect fails of the year. You SEE? Siri is ALREADY getting even with you for not thanking her for setting your alarm or telling you where Starbucks is!!
• We’re not quite sure what the message is here. But I think I know the plot of the next Omen movie.
• I must have a pair of these. Because I’m a shameless and unapologetic Apple Fanboi and I don’t care who knows it.
• Han Solo was my first love and now I can have him floating in a giant martini.
• Note to Brian Mills. Shooting a porn scene in one of these, situated in the middle of the desert somewhere or on a beach or a huge field would be SO hot if it ended with a voyeur walking up, jerking off and blowing his load on the outside wall.
• And while drinking my Han Solo martinis, I want to cut pizza with my Star Trek Enterprise  pizza cutter.
• Dude jerking off in public washroom. In front of people. On Camera.
• A rather beautiful video of the San Francisco Sky, 360 nights in a row, all playing at once. Watch this full screen and just relax. It’s fantastic.
• Out buddy Leo Forte has been named “ManHunt Cock Sucker of the Year!!”

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