Titanmen Production Updates..


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Yesterday, Titanmen released the new movie Resort and today in my email arrived a bunch of stills shot on set. Shot concurrently with scenes from other movies including the recent hits Wide Awake and On Tap, the long production run allowed the guys to spend a lot of time just hanging out by the pool, taking in the sights in nearby Palm Springs and according to production assistant David Richards, the crew introduced the cast to Xanadu, Flash Gordon and Sordid Lives.

IMG_3269Story goes that Dario Beck and Justin King particularly loved Sordid Lives and watched not only the movie but the entire TV series over the course of the shoot.

Coby White  took the guys out for a night of partying in Palm Springs. Coby appears in the new scene from Resort with Titanmen Exclusive Hunter Marx. We love having Coby on set not only  because of his adorable smile and how much fun he is but also because of the INCREDIBLE amount of precum that oozes from his dick.

Coby has been in three scenes… with Dario Beck in Extra Firm and with Conner Habib in Joe Gage’s One Thing Leads To Another and every time he’s on camera, the fans talk about that more than anything…


Tom Wolfe  (in his first Titanmen appearance since Swelter) and Hunter Marx both got quite familiar with new Titanmen Exclusive Nick Prescott. Nick spent a lot of his time getting to know the other Titanmen exclusives, and while no cameras caught the action, there were rumors of Nick “introducing” himself in a more private setting. HE’s come to the right place.

He also posted this pretty fun clip of himself and Wide Awake Co-star Justin King while they were cooling off in the pool on his own blog.

Jay Bentley and Tom Wolfe were cooling off in the pool one afternoon, director Jasun Mark swam down to the bottom of the pool with his GoPro camera and captured this stunning video collage that was incorporated into Wide Awake.

Submerged from Jasun mark on Vimeo.

And then of course there was THIS.

There’s a HUGE gallery of pics after the jump.


Last modified: Sep 18, 2013

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