Titanmen Daily Distractions


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A semi-Regular collection of the group emails, inter-office jokes and water cooler conversation pieces from the Titanmen office. Our office is just like yours other than we get in trouble for NOT looking at porn all day at our desks.

• What we can learn from Ostrich penises.
Yummy, yummy BRAINS!
• Generally, to get called a “bear” you have to weigh a bit more than this. And 9 servings? Fuck that, I’ll eat him all in one sitting.
The Fully-Functional, Tron motorcycle replica. This is quite possibly the coolest thing in history. I just wish Titan could make a movie using one of these. I’d cast Trenton Ducati as Tron, Allen Silver as Kevin Flynn, Jayden Grey as Sam Flynn and Dean Flynn as Clu.
• NFL Lineback Scott Fujita for marriage equality.
• Only slightly less cool than the Tron Legacy motorcycle, Star Wars leather motorcycle riding gear.
• I hope all of my presents this year come wrapped in Stackable Cheeseburger Wrapping Paper. I wonder if they make a Tofu version for our Vegan friends. (hey, we live in San Francisco… you always gotta think about the vegans or they’ll beat you with a carrot.)
The 2011 Auto-Correct Awards.
• Exposing Texas’ heatwave with the most amazing melting crayon sculptures.

Last modified: Dec 21, 2011

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