Spencer, Francois and Shay still shoot


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Another Behind-The-Scenes clip from the set of Francois Sagat’s Incubus which is coming out on Titanmen in early December. This is from a three-way scene between Francois, Shay Michaels and Spencer Reed shot in a semi constructed house in the Cochella Valley near Palm Springs. The costumes look wild and were apparently designed by François and created with Slick It Up, a company that François has worked with many times.

You can see a new clip like this every day over on Francois’s blog  at FrancoisSagat.com.

Can’t wait to see the final movie, here at the Titan office, the buzz has been unstoppable. People are really excited by what they’re doing.. saying that it’s going to be a fantastic movie, not only extremely hot with amazing sex scenes but also something that’s going to be visually stunning too. From the few peeks I’ve had, I have to say I agree..

You can see all three of these men in action at Titanmen right now. What I love about our site is not only how top-notch the catalogue is but how well it works on computers, tablets, iPhones, Androids, iPads and LapTops. And when you get the best movies directed by the best directors like Joe Gage, Bruce Cam, Brian Mills, Paul Wilde and even movies from the industry’s biggest stars like ChiChi La Rue, Michael Lucas and Dirk Yates, you’ve got the best deal possible for any gay porn site.


Last modified: Oct 30, 2013

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