OK so… let’s go back a few years. I was just granted my dream job. I was now director of production at Titanmen. I had worshiped Titanmen since their debut in the 90s, and even after working in porn for a few years, I’d never allowed myself to think I could get a job at Titan, let alone be given the Captain’s chair. And yet… there I was.
Except… I was now kind of on my own. The team I’d worked with for 3 years as 2nd director and camera man were gone. I had to hire a whole new crew, I had to find locations in Los Angeles, I had to cast the movies, write the scripts, plan shoots, buy plane tickets and book hotels… drive the stars from the airport… All that Jazz. The buck, which I was mostly responsible for before, was now landing directly in my lap. And this was my first movie at the helm.
I can’t give names, but instead of hiring a crew of unseasoned workers, I dipped into my pool of friends who worked for major studios. My buddy Darius Union had been a camera man on a LOT of movies you’ve seen (a couple of which may have won Oscars)…. Motorboot Robert was a line producer for a major Los Angeles new agency. These were guys who I knew had the chops, even if they’d never seen a naked man at work before.

Then I had to cast the movie. I called in some big hitters… Landon Conrad, George Ce, Alex Graham, Eric Nero, Tex Davidson… but I had to cast a teacher for the “coach fucks the quarterback” scene.
And while I was going through my rolodex ( had considered Dirk Caber, Spencer Reed, Will Swagger and Allen Silver), my best friend Tom Nero called me and said “So…. I dunno if this could happen, but I’m going to Thailand next summer, and I’d really love to make some cash to pay for it…. would you hire me for a Titan movie?”
My first reaction was “Tom…. I know you have a dick, but I never EVER want to see it.”
But then I thought… well… he was in two Joe Gage movies, Joe said he was “amazing and that cock is like a missile” and hey…. he’s my best friend so… sure… why not? I knew I could count on him.
So… there we go… and I shot Tom along with Alex Graham in my first movie as Director Of Production for Titanmen.
I walked onto the set (which was the same basement in a huge house in Atwater Village where we eventually shot both Bad Cop movies, parts of Jail Break and Muscle Daddies) and there was my best friend Tom.
I stood there in a bit of shock… He’s ripped and hairy ( I already knew that) and his dick is quite impressive.

So… we just pushed forward.
We got the acting part out of the way and then it was time for the making out, the dick sucking and the fucking to happen. THAT was kinda weird but hot to watch. Tom is hot… I’ll admit that. He’s handsome and his body is amazing and his dick is big with a huge mushroom head. He’s covered in hair and he’s got this amazing intensity that makes him a perfect porn daddy.
But I was still directing my best friend fucking Alex Graham.
And then… just because I was the one in charge… I said “I think we need to switch positions…. I think Tom needs to bottom here.”
He gave me a nervous look and then a “we’ll talk about this later” look. And then… he got up and got fucked. And I was the one yelling “FUCK HIM HARDER!”
Editing that scene was rough. I had to throw in a lot of sounds of a bunch of men in a gym playing basketball and a lot of sound editing… and I had to watch my best friend get his ass fucked. but in the end, we got a really hot scene.
That said… Tom told me “one of these days, I’m going to get you back for getting me to bottom and you’re going to limp for a week.”
So… looks like it’s my ass and he’ll get the last laugh. Oh well..
Wanna see the whole movie? It’s downloadable at Titanmen in crystal-clear HD and you can stream it in HD to your computer or mobile devices… it’s like having a complete and ever-updating Titanmen DVD catalogue in your back pocket any time you want to watch.
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