Dallas Steele is a 6’3″, 220 lb retired news anchor whose body resembles a Tom of Finland sexual super hero. The scruffy daddy pornstar has more going for him than his nine-inch cut dick and muscles though, he’s been nominated for two regional Emmys for his work as a newscaster and likes a man who knows more about the world than how good his ass looks. Catch his latest scene in Blue Collar Ballers with Dirk Caber.
Trent: What is the inspiration behind your porn name?
Dallas Steele: When I first decided to go into porn, I agonized over what stage name to use. After talking with a small group of close friends, I came up with five possibilities- all of them amalgamations of cities, big and small, in Texas. I had a contest on Facebook where more than 2000 friends and followers voted. “Dallas Steele” was by far the top vote getter. The conclusion was that it combined my home of almost 20 years with strength of the word “steel.” To me, porn names are supposed to be a bit cliche and funny, so combining my city “Dallas” and the suggestion of a solid erection “Steele,” is all in good fun.

Trent: Why did you choose to work with TitanMen?
Dallas Steele: There are a handful of legendary companies in gay male porn and Titan is one of them. Titan is a powerful brand that represents intense masculinity, sexuality, and style. Anyone can rent a cheap motel room, get some horny men together, and get them to fuck on camera. And while I appreciate that there is market for that, I also feel that men, despite our primal nature, want something more. We want the whole fantasy of the coach and the student jock, we want to see the car mechanic seduce his customer, we want to see the dynamics of the situations we’ve all lusted for, but have never actually acted on- at least most of us.
Titan’s production is tasteful, well illuminated, well photographed, and intensely sexual, without feeling sleazy and low end. The editing is crisp, well paced and gives thoughtful consideration to what the viewer wants to see. The trailers are so well done, I’m often tempted to show my parents I’m so proud. I am honored to be a Titan Man.

Trent: What was working with Dirk Caber like? Give us the dirty details!
Dallas Steele: At the time, it was only the second occasion I had ever had sex in a commercial production. Knowing Dirk Caber was a big star and I was the “newbie,” I was very intimidated and nervous (though he says he had no clue all that was going on inside my head). Our scene was intense and the passion you see in it was real. This flip-flop scene was my first time bottoming on camera. We even continued in between takes many times. And later that night, we even did more “exploring” on our own away from the cameras.
More recently, in another upcoming Titan production you’ll see next year, I got to work with Dirk’s real-life husband Jesse Jackman. Jesse is a big man. I’m a big man. That posed some interesting challenges for both of us and for the production crew. The two of us together are more than 500lbs. I think our scene is probably one of my best yet. As a bottom and as a top, Jesse is amazing- all that muscle and the curved cock that hits all the right spots!
Let me add that Dirk and Jesse have become two of my very best friends in the business. They are class acts from start to finish. I would do well to emulate them and their conduct as performers.

Trent: You’re a personal trainer, what does your work out routine look like? How many hours to spend in the gym?
Dallas Steele: I spend about 16 hours per week training myself and my workout partner. Four days of lifting, three days of cardio and abs. I consider my cardio days to be “rest days,” but even that is pretty intense. I do HIT or High Intensity Intervals for 40 minutes per session, then 20 minutes of abs. My lifting split is chest/tris, back/biceps, shoulders/traps, and the legs have their own day.
Beyond the hours in the gym are the hours in the kitchen. I cook all of my food two days per week. All of it is weighed and measured. My proteins are fish, chicken and extra lean beef. My carbs are brown rice, sweet potato, Quinoa, and sometimes white potato. I do go out to eat on occasion, but try to keep my diet as clean as possible except for a cheat meal, maybe once every two weeks. I don’t smoke- cigarettes anyway. My biggest vice is probably the occasional vodka and diet 7Up.

Trent: What kind of things turn you on the most in another guy?
Dallas Steele: Breathing and a pulse… lol. One can’t be too choosy at my age. Seriously though, I like all kinds of guys of all ages and all races. I like guys in good shape, who don’t smoke, don’t use a ton of drugs, and most of all, have a good self-image without being full of themselves. Nothing turns me off more than a man who thinks he is somehow better than everyone else based on a six pack or a great ass. God has given all us gifts- some of them physical, some of them mental or emotional. I look hard to find those gifts in everyone I meet.
BTW- I do LOVE a great ass or a big cock or both. But before all of that, you better be able to have a conversation with some complete literate sentences. I expect you to know something about the world around you besides what swimsuit is hot this season. An educated, good looking man with a great body and great attitude is tops with me.

Trent: Is there someone special in your life?
Dallas Steele: There is indeed someone special in my life. His name is DJ and he’s from a small town in the Texas panhandle. He’s an amazing boy. At 31, he’s a man, but given our age difference, he will always be my “boy,” and he loves that. By “boy,” that doesn’t mean he is entirely submissive (he tops too), but that is his dynamic in the scope of our relationship. He has an amazing ass and loves getting fucked. More importantly, I’ve never known someone with a more kind, loving heart. He too loves showing off his body and has an active Twitter account (@boysteele) and Instagram (@dj.13). So far, he hasn’t done any porn, but never say never.
Before DJ, I was partnered for 11 years to a wonderful man, who died August 12, 2014 from an accidental overdose. I came home from bartending and found him in our home. Losing Kelly was without any doubt the worst thing that has ever happened in my life. Not a day goes by that I still don’t think of him or wish he were still here. My very first shoot, eight months after his death, was a solo for COLT Studios. Kelly used to tell me all the time that he wanted to have sex with a COLT man just once. In fact, he DID have sex with a COLT man. He just didn’t know at the time. And on the morning of the shoot, I went off on my own for a second and I told Kelly this day was for him.

Trent: What are your other passions in life besides fitness and sex?
Dallas Steele: I love to travel and read. I’ve been to Hawaii many times. My grandparents as well as my Aunt and Uncle lived on the Big Island for 20 years. I’ve been all over the Caribbean on more than 15 cruises in 10 years. My favorite cruises are Atlantis Events Vacations- all gay cruises. The combination of the all-gay environment, amazing parties, outstanding entertainment, and all the sex you can possibly handle- is unbeatable. I recently got to travel to Spain for a shoot with another high-end studio, “Men At Play.” It was my first time traveling to Europe. I had an amazing time. Top of my list is London, Paris, and Berlin. Hopefully someday I’ll have the money to get there.
I also love to read- mostly non-fiction or biographies. It has been my experience that truth IS in fact stranger than fiction. I could tell stories from my own life that are unlike anything you’ll ever read in any book.

Trent: Tell us something we would never had guessed about you.
Dallas Steele: I was fat as a teenager. At 15, I was 5’10, weighed 240lbs and had a 40 inch waist. In junior high and high school, I got teased so severely about my weight, I started cutting classes and was eventually kicked out of school. I tried to kill myself but failed, eventually being returned to a continuing high school for misfits of the world. Paired with the drug abusing teens and pregnant girls, I did quite well because we all knew we didn’t fit in. A teacher at the school suggested I take my GED and move on to college- so I did and I finished two years ahead of the losers that had so aggressively teased me. But during that time, I also realized I could do something about my weight. I started walking 30 minutes per day, 3 times per week, then running, then I started changing my diet. Within one year, I had lost 60lbs! It would be another three years before I discovered lifting, but once I picked-up the weight and saw what it could do for me, I was hooked. I’ve now been working out every single day, including holidays and weekends, for 23 years. I’ve missed a total of 42 days of illness and injury.

The second surprise: I spent 23 years as a television news anchor/reporter in four states and five cities! My longest run was in Dallas where I worked for the CBS affiliate and was nominated for two regional Emmys. I left the business in 2013 after my boss in SW Florida told me that research had shown “people here just don’t like you.” Add to that, the immense pressure of daily ratings where your job is virtually on the line every single day. TV news as we know it is dying, and the old school model is trying to divide a financial pie that has shrank by 75% in just 15 years. As someone who “paid his dues” for two decades, I wasn’t willing to go back to doing every job I did in a small market for less money. I get asked daily by porn fans if I miss TV news. I miss telling great stories, I miss the rush of sharing breaking news and I miss getting to know viewers. What I don’t miss is the schizophrenic management at every station that can’t decide from day to day what they want, and as a result are constantly blaming the talent and trying to make the talent be something they aren’t. The irony is, if they left the talent the fuck alone to be who we are, viewers would be a lot happier. Most anchors are so beat down, even they don’t have a clue anymore about who they really are.
Catch More Of Dallas Steele:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TxJockDaddy
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jim.walker.50115
Instagram: https://instagram.com/txjockdaddy/
Blog: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/txjockdaddy
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