Titanmen Daily Distractions


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Why do men have nipples?

The Dick Mitten. And all I can think of is “It kinda looks like Michigan.”

John Barrowman, King of the Gay Gaymers, Gay Comic Geeks and Gay Sci-Fi Fans poses in Superhero undies. If you don’t know who John Barrowman is, just watch this clip from the BBC show Torchwood. Quite possibly the hottest gay kiss in Sci-Fi history. And yes…he’s gay. So yay.

Manly, Weaponized… notebooks. For the student in your life who just has everything and wants to blow that shit up.

Positively hilarious anti-porn video. What’s up with the two guys who suddenly look down? Are they praying, hanging their heads in shame or just comparing dick size?

Now that the newly renovated Titanmen office is done and in full operation, I have decided that I want a Blob Office. Imagine being able to live, work and um… I guess cryo-sleep in a big, white jellybean-like house.

Buck Angel,transman,  friend to many here at Titanmen AND former Titanmen star (featured in Brian Mill’s ground-breaking Cirque Noir) has launched his own dating site. He also wrote a pretty good article about it for Huffington Post.

Rehab kit for Social Media Addicts. OK, so it’s more of a parody than anything. But I can imagine how fun it would be to just walk around to stick “LIKE” stickers on everything.

Considering the amount of espresso consumed here at the Titanmen office (I have an espresso maker on my desk), this is probably less of a fun accessory and more of a business expense write off.

Last modified: Sep 4, 2012

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