Who’s Afraid Of Vagina Wolf? Music video directed by our own Jasun Mark


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In a pretty wild departure from his day job, our fearless director Jasun Mark took time from his schedule recently to direct this rather gorgeous music video for his fellow Canadian and iconic lesbian rock star Carole Pope.

Here in America you may remember Carole as the lead singer of the New Wave rock band Rough Trade and their sole hit single in America “All Touch,” although if you’re a fan of Queer As Folk, you’ll also remember her dance song “High School Confidential” which was a cover of her own song (that was one of the many hits she and Rough Trade racked up in their native Canada in the 80s).

This new song is a very Shirley Bassey-like torch song from the Lesbian romantic comedy “Who’s Afraid Of Vagina Wolf.”

Last modified: Sep 16, 2015

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