Trenton Ducati goes Shopping


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While we were hanging out earlier this year in Palm Springs shooting scenes for Hot Wired, Trenton Ducati had a day off so he headed into town and did some looking around at Gear. I just got sent these gems and WOW… Trenton sure has no problem dropping his pants and showing everyone in eyesight just what he’s got.

The funniest thing (there’s video of this coming later) was that the men at the store at first kept trying to pretend they weren’t looking at this tattooed hunk walking naked around the store but guys kept bumping into things. Which… I’d have done myself.

Before long, people just stood around watching and Trenton was more than happy to put on a bit of a show for everyone.

He also had a chance to show off some of the Titanmen Toys that you can get at our very own Online store here.

But if you want to see Trenton in action… he’s both top and bottom and loves it both ways and you can see him at his best at the Titanmen Website. More pictures after the jump…

Last modified: Jul 23, 2012

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