Titanmen Daily Distractions


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A semi-regular list of those annoying group emails that circulate around office. Just ours are a bit heavier on hot men and dick jokes than we’d guess the ones circulating around the office at Hallmark.

Luke Lucky Huff. The hot, gay, sadly partnered up but still hot professional motorcycle racer. In gear.

Hollywood Hates Gay Sex. Which we find ironic considering how much time we’ve spent sucking dick there.

His Airman, My Marine. Such a cute couple but we but that with those uniforms, those two boys get into some action that would put Paul Wilde’s Rough series to shame. (bonus points for the “why did I get married?” DVD left seemingly intentionally in view)

What we can learn from Ostrich Penises. I mean, really, is there NOTHING they can’t do?

He came out in one of the most touching, tear-jerking “son comes out to dad” videos ever. Now, he’s working out shirtless for us. And taking us grocery shopping. He says he eats “two or three bananas a day.” Win.

The Secrets That We Don’t Want Straight People To Know. to be fair, I didn’t know some of them. I’ve never heard of Robyn but when I told Jesse Jackman that, he back-handed me.

“Top Chef” Contestant Ty-Lör Boring is the Real Naked Chef

Last modified: Jan 11, 2012

2 Responses to " Titanmen Daily Distractions "

  1. Gaz says:

    “He came out in one of the most touching, tear-jerking “dad comes out to son” videos ever. Now, he’s working out shirtless for us. And taking us grocery shopping. He says he eats “two or three bananas a day.” Win.”

    err….should that not be …..”son comes out to dad” videos ever. was not aware his dad was gay!
    mind you, I’d have nothing against him & his dad having a little action going on – dad & son sex is hot – if it’s a real dad & son it’s even hotter (but only if son is over the legal age & consents, of course)
    brother with brother is hot too BTW 🙂

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