Production Run Shout Outs


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We had an amazing production run last week. I’m still recovering from that… early mornings, long days, late nights… Non-stop hard work from everyone… my crew Darius Union and Jeff Park along with Titanmen VP Keith Webb, my stars Jesse Jackman, Nick Prescott, Dallas Steele and a very special visit by Dirk Caber.

We also had a super-special new performer who you’re going to love, and we’ll tell you about him soon.

But I wanted to give a few personal shout outs.

Dirk… You and I apparently met in 2008 when I was working for another studio and I tried to talk you into becoming a porn star. I guess at the time you didn’t think I was serious, but while I don’t remember this interaction, I clearly knew class when I saw it. I’ve been working in porn for well over a decade.. more than ¼ of my life and you’ve shown me just how great porn stars can be. 100% reliable, fun, funny, supportive of your scene partners, you always show up in peak shape, never complain even when I’m putting you through all sorts of challenges. Your scenes are always a joy. So are you. Thanks so much for agreeing to just… show up without much notice and spend a whole day running around in the 110° heat, diving into the pool for 20 takes, burning your feet while doing push ups in the gravel and just smiling thought it all. You’re also a good friend and part of the family.

Jesse… you and I have always kinda been Titanmen frat brothers because we started the same week. I’ve lost track of how many scenes we’ve done together and I’ve SO enjoyed watching you go from slightly nervous porn newbie jerking off François Sagat underwater at midnight to one of the biggest gay porn stars ever. People will remember you for generations as one of the big guys and I’m so proud that I’ve had the luck to be the one yelling “action” for about half of those scenes. Sorry we put you through so much this weekend (especially waking up at 4AM to run in the desert) although it seems you had as much fun as we did.

Dallas… that scene… you know the one… is going to be a Titanmen classic that I’ll brag about directing for years, but without you and your experience, it would never have come across as well as it did. What could have been a torturous project shooting 45 pages of dialogue ended up being a fantastic single-take joy that took about 30 minutes and we all ended in semi tears with how you and Jesse let down the curtains and showed us what you’re both made of.

Nick… When you called and said your flight was delayed 18 hours and you wouldn’t arrive until 6 hours after we’d planned to start shooting… I should have been in a panic. We usually like to have guys arrive the evening before, have 12 hours to relax and settle and sleep and be ready for a long day of shooting. But I knew you’d walk off the plane, onto the set and be ready to go. I knew you’d be able to join a total newbie in his first scene, make that magic happen and finish the scene in under no time. And I was right. You’re more dependable than my bike and I sit on that and ride 100MPH on the L.A. Freeway. I mean 65. I go 65. You can’t prove a thing.

Darius… your experience directing and film making is an inspiration to me and everyone on set. Even when I’m quietly losing my shit on the inside and getting frustrated, you just ground me back and help me keep going. It’s because I have such a great right hand man that we’ve been able to kick things up a notch. I can’t wait for people to see what we’re doing.

Jeff… Every day I have someone contact me and ask if they can be my production assistant. I always tell them that the one I have is exactly what I need. You started with us not that long ago with very little experience and very little knowledge about how things were done. You didn’t even know what I meant when I said “I need three 1Ks placed at thirds with 201s and 224s with fill boxes spacing them,” but now… you know exactly what I mean and just make it happen. And your irritating laugh that always comes at inappropriate times keeps everyone in a good mood. So don’t stop. And don’t get bothered by the fact that I don’t laugh. That’s my secret… I’m always angry.

Keith… I’m still a bit amazed that of all the very able people for this job… you chose me. I can’t thank you enough for that. Or the support, the cheerleading and advocating for me. For making me take the job when I told you I didn’t think I could do it. These last few years have been so much fun, so much stress, so much work and I wake up every day with a smile on my face because it’s been worth every second.

I should also add that most porn studios provide food for performers in the form of bags of chips, string cheese, “peanut butter” that’s 80% hydrogenated palm oil… Maybe if they’re lucky, some sandwich meat and wonder bread. You make us BBQ short ribs, Carne Asada, Banana pudding from scratch and an endless list of gourmet meals. I know you enjoy cooking and setting up huge banquet spreads like that but it’s a lot of work that you don’t really have to do and you do for the guys and it makes the shoots go faster, better and stay fun when they’re all fed well and in good moods. I’m really looking forward to what we do next.

New Guy… We’ll introduce you to the world soon. They’re going to like you as much as the rest of us do already.

Last modified: Jul 30, 2015

2 Responses to " Production Run Shout Outs "

  1. Cyn Duby says:

    It sounds like a very hard and arduous shoot was made pleasant, nay fun and exciting, by your cast and crew. Isn’t that how work SHOULD be? I so can’t wait to see this, your newest movie, and “meet” the newcomer, watch my favorites, and see how you work your magic yet again behind the camera. Rainbow glitter to celebrate wrapping!

  2. […] Jasun wrote a really nice thank-you note to the entire crew over on the TitanMen blog; you should check it out if you haven’t already. Thanks, Jasun… I’m proud to be working with you […]

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