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No need to wait, here’s all the full moons you could want.


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I know I posted the “Name That Butt” video a couple weeks ago. But Bruce Cam also happened to be there with his camera snapping pictures of the guys at the Folsom Street Fair booth. And any time you’re standing with your back to Bruce when he’s holding a camera, you’re going to see your butt on-line somewhere.

Check out the whole gallery after the jump.

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We’re an American… BANNED!!


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 Usually, you’d think that a “BFF” would be a good thing. However when it stands for “Bound, Flogged and Fisted,” it goes over the line but won’t go over the border. At least the Canadian one.

It seems that the delicate sensibilities of our friends to the direct north were a bit… ruffled by two of our Titan Rough movies, directed by our favorite killer teddy bear Paul Wilde. Bound, Flogged and Fisted and the Tony Buff co-directed Fist and Piss have been banned by Canadian border guards and copies of the two DVDs are not allowed into the country that invented the Pace Maker.

To be fair, Canada usually does have very liberal laws. They’ve had nationally recognized gay marriage for years and they’ve had gay military personnel for decades. You can even say “fuck” on regular broadcast TV up there after 9PM since all the good Canadian children have been shooed off to bed at 8.

The movies in question are part of the growing “Titan Rough” series that features extreme BDSM play, Water Sports, Fisting, Gear Play, Sounding and just about any other activity that might raise the eyebrows of those with more… vanilla tastes.

Here at Titan, we love it all. Anything that encourages men to get dirty and piggy and partake in a little male bondage bonding.

(still the greatest song in movie history.)


But don’t worry, my maple syrup-loving, Moose-eating and log-jamming lumberjacks to the north… they can stop physical copies from crossing the border but BOTH of these titles are available for viewing online from Titan VOD .  So you’ll be able to enjoy the wholesome entertainment of Titan Rough all in the privacy of your own home. Or… Igloo if you’re from Nunavut.

Xbiz has posted the full list of banned titles here…  Although I’m never an advocate of censorship and believe in free expression… just as a favor, please nobody EVER send me a screener copy of “The Texas Vibrator Massacre.”


Check out the gallery of stills from both of these movies after the jump.

If you think you can handle it…

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