kris Anderson Tag Archive

On set shooting “Pissed And Probed.”


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I got sent these gems by one of the crew who worked on the new Titanmen Rough movie Pissed and Probed. While the movies are dark and rough and powerful, the guys always tell me they have a blast on set together shooting the scenes.

I can imagine the kind of vibe on set is… pretty inspiring.

Click here to see the whole movie at Titanmen…

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Things that make you go VROOM


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The above scene pretty much sums it up. From Paul Wilde’s new Titanmen Rough movie “Pissed And Probed.”

Two hot men getting dirty on top of a big, loud motorcycle… pissing, fucking and I assume making the seat a bit harder to stay on. All that lube has to go somewhere.

Click here for the whole “Pissed And Probed” movie and all the fun at Titanmen…

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