Jesse Jackman Tag Archive

Dirk And Jesse shoot another home sex tape


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In This case, I guess it’s not “home” as much as on vacation. But Jesse Jackman and Dirk Caber have been posting a lot of very fun video they shot while on vacation in Key West over at their Mancast page.

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Stills from Jesse and Josh’s scene from Morning Wood.


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You saw the video earlier this week.

Here’s the amazingly hot stills from this scene starring the two hot, hairy muscle daddies.

You can see the whole movie Morning Wood at Titanmen.

It’s also currently On Sale on DVD at the Titanmen DVD Store.


























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Gay Comic Geek reviews Sweat


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Our buddy Gay Comic Geek reviews Sweat.

We always love to hear Paul’s opinion on our movies and his style is not only informative and insightful, it’s also funny and a blast to watch.

Yes…we’re hoping that one day he ends up in front of our cameras, too.

Check out more from Gay Comic Geek at his Mancast Channel, his Blog or on Twitter.

You can see the whole movie Sweat at

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Titanmen do the Cock-In-A-Sock


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Putting aside jokes about how men can only get involved in a fund or awareness-raising campaign if they’re selfies on Facebook, this is one we can get behind. Or Below.

Raising awareness about men’s cancers while showing off what you’ve got… Here’s some Titanmen doing the Sock On Cock.

For more info on the “Sock on Cock” campaign… check out their Facebook Page here.

So here are Jesse Jackman and Dirk Caber, George Ce,  Hunter Marx, Alex Graham, Tony Orion and Hans Berlin.

If any more Titanmen send me pics, I’ll add them to the collection…

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Making the Bacchus Scene


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LOTS of requests for more video of François Sagat directing… here’s some fun with Jesse Jackman.

Watching a scene like the Bacchus scene and how it was made demonstrates just how much work and attention to detail and special effects. It was also nice that the gods of thunder and rain cooperated and gave us the perfect touch of a storm while we were shooting.

If you haven’t seen this clip of Brian Mills being interviewed about Francois’s transition from star to director while Francois is tied up in ropes to be suspended for the Video Demon scene, check it out.

More than just everyone doing their own jobs, the set was abuzz with people coming up with ideas on the fly, suggesting things, figuring out how to make them happen and joining in the whole creation of Incubus.

But to diminish the role of Francois in all of this would be a crime. He’s a creative genius and just watching this movie shows that from start to finish. And we’re very proud of Incubus.

You can get both DVDs on sale at Titanmen’s DVD store here.

Or join and stream all movies – the entire Titanmen online catalogue – in crystal clear HD.

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Gay Comic Geek reviews Dick Danger


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We always love it when Gay Comic Geek reviews one of our movies. He’s always funny and adorable and hot as a pistol. He also loves Titanmen movies and his Mancast Channel is always full of stuff to watch.

You can see the whole movie Dick Danger at Titanmen where you can stream not just Dick Danger but the entire Titanmen Online Catalogue, download your favorite scenes and create favorite lists so no more searching for those scenes you go back to over and over again.

And with streaming available to mobile devices, you can watch videos any time, anywhere. With thousands of fun clips like interviews, out takes, making-of features, cumshot collections and yes.. almost 19 years worth of the best gay porn ever made.

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Dick Danger is GO…


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A little over a year ago, the guys from production returned from shooting a scene that they were very excited about. Starring Titanmen Exclusive Hunter Marx and Jake Genesis, they said it was “kind of like a gangster comic book.”

Over the next few months, the internet started to buzz with rumors from the set. A few leaked Twitter pictures, stars talking about the running “wallaby” joke and how the sneak peek they’d seen of the work in progress looked “like no porn movie they’d seen before.” Descriptions like “graphic novel,” or “comic book” or “70s TV show.” But it was clear… the new Titanmen movie Jasun Mark had directed was going to be fun, have a top-notch cast and be hot. Very hot.


Titanmen exclusive Jesse Jackman posted a few stills from the finished movie, stars Rogan Richards and Scott Hunter posted about their fun on set. Even hunky Tom Wolfe returned to Titanmen after a long absence to play the title role of Dick.

Director Jasun Mark blogged about how he’s spent months perfecting the post-production techniques to create the saturated, vibrant colors and comic book textures but never losing the “real” look of the skin and hair and sweat. You feel like you can reach out and touch them.

And now we have it. And it’s everything we heard. Dick Danger has that old-school feel but explodes from the screen with bright, vibrant color. Slickly shot like a comic book but it never forgets that first and foremost… this is a Titanmen movie starring 6 of the hottest stars to heat up the screen.


Click Here to download it DRM-free from Titanmen or stream it in crystal-clear HD to your computer or mobile devices. Get Full and Unlimited Access to the entire Titanmen online catalogue. That’s 19 YEARS of Titanmen. Some of the hottest gay adult movies from the best directors in the business.

Or get it On Sale on DVD here.

And check out more stills after the jump…

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Titanmen Daily Distractions…


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A semi-regular, semi-cohereant list of the pictures, links, jokes and video clips circulating around the Titanmen Offices.

Vegan Body Builder Frank Medrano. WOW… thats’…. like…. wow….

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Titanmen Production Diary


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Titanmen Exclusive Jesse Jackman and his real-life boyfriend Dirk Caber performed not one but TWO scenes together over the last production run. Both scenes featured the two men in a gym/sports gear setup but as a fun spin, both Titanmen directors Paul Wilde and Jasun Mark put their own spins on the pairing.

Jasun’s scene was part of what he’s calling his “As-yet-unnamed Workout/Gym movie” and Paul’s was shot for Titan Rough and he says it’s a “Rugby Gear Fetish Movie with Piss Play.”

Word from the set is that while the scenes feature the same men together, they both have a very different vibe and fans are going to love them both.

If you want to see Jesse and Dirk together now… they’ve already performed two scenes together… one for Titan Rough and one in Extra Firm.

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Today on set at Titanmen…


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Titanmen Exclusive Jess Jackman and his real-life husband Dirk Caber performed their third scene together today, completing an as-yet-unnamed “Gym Movie” directed by Jasun Mark.
Yesterday old friend Mack Manus initiated newcomer Christopher Wells on his first ever porn scene in a Titan Rough fisting movie. THAT’s quite the trial by fist…

More updates as we get them…




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The XBiz Nominations Are In… Vote Here


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Titanmen is VERY excited that yet again, we’ve been honored in multiple categories at the XBiz Awards.

We’ve always been very proud to be recognized by our peers in the industry and for a short time, you can also weigh in on the nominations and vote for as Gay Site Of The Year or George Ce, Jesse Jackman or Hunter Marx for Gay Performer Of The Year.

cact_scene03_001Jesse Jackman

pndd_scene01_001George Ce

rsrt_scene01_001Hunter Marx




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Making The Interrogation


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The scene itself is a dark, edgy, Film Noir styled interrogation scene with the two masculine muscle hunks Jessy Ares and Jesse Jackman.

But Here are some fun behind-the-scenes shots of the guys having some fun while shooting the movie. And of course, the above video with Jessy Ares showing off his lederhosen, like ANY self-respecting man from Bavaria must have…

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Jesse, Jessy and Joe Gage


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Joe Gage broke from his usual blue collar, working class, middle America style for this scene with Titanmen Exclusives Jesse Jackman and Jessy Ares and turned to a 50s War Time Film Noir style, not unlike Kubrick’s The Killing.

cact_scene03_011Jessy Ares plays a cold interrogator trying to best the steel-skinned Jesse Jackman as he questions him tied to a chair, then unties him and tops him.

The two men were asking to do a scene together for a long time. So Joe wanted to give them just the kind of build up that they needed to close the deal.

This scene from his collection “Caught In The Act” is now streaming at in crystal clear HD along with the entire Titanmen Online Collection. Join Now for the amazing price of $99 for a Full Year. That’s 80% OFF, a savings of $260.


Prefer the DVD? That’s On Sale over at the Titanmen DVD store…

HOT gallery of stills after the jump.. Continue Reading

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A Side Of Dirk Caber You May Not Have Seen…


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Titanmen exclusive Jesse Jackman posted this video of his real-life boyfriend and On-Screen scene partner Dirk Caber showing off his skills as a pianist.

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Gay Comic Geek reviews Pounded


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We love him. Check out his Mancast Channel here.

And watch the whole movie Pounded at

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