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Young Gay Men Learn ‘how to have enjoyable sex’ From Porn


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TitanFresh.comA study conducted by National AIDS Trust in the UK has discovered that young gay, bi, and trans men learn about enjoyable sex from gay porn.

As part of the Boys Who Like Boys report, research found young gay and bisexual men rated pornography as “helpful or very helpful” for information about enjoyable gay sex.

Three quarters of the respondents (75%) reported that they had not received any information, advice, or support about homosexual relationships, attraction, and sex. The 25% who had received information reported as being unhelpful or very unhelpful.

The participants in the study also reported that gay community/lifestyle magazines or bloggers as helpful when they were looking for information about pleasure and how to have enjoyable sex.

Deborah Gold, Chief Executive at NAT, said: “Pornography is often demonized but actually for young men who have sex with men it could be one of the only places they see gay sex portrayed as pleasurable. Often when gay sex is in the media, talked about at school or in a medical context, it is in terms of sexual health risk for examples STIs and HIV.”

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