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HardWork – Stephen Colbert’s favorite gay porn movie.


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Last week I wrote that a recent commentary by comedian Stephen Colbert on his news parody show* had mentioned the Classic Titanmen movie “Hardwork.”

And that spawned a LOT of interest in the movie, which has been hard to track down on DVD for quite a while. But when people took one look at that bold look on the face of mega-star Tober Brandt, the email boxes here started to fill with requests to see the movie.

And since we here at Titanmen NEVER want to leave you with a case of blue balls, we re-released it this past weekend to Titanmen’s website. Hardwork had been digitally remastered and was in line to be rolled out along with a lot of classic Titanmen movies that had only been available on DVD… many hadn’t been available in any form for a long time.

Another recent classic that was given the remaster treatment was the similarly-themed Road to Redneck Hollow which also features Tober Brandt alongside iconic Titanmen star Dean Flynn.

Now you get it streaming in crystal clear video that’s cleaned up and looks amazing. And with men like that, you want to see every hair and drop of sweat.

Hardwork’s most famous scene shows Tober Brandt being topped by Chuck Scott. The Blue Collar Men Fucking theme is what backdrops this collection from Brian Mills and all three scenes are favorites if you like those dirty-under-the-nails and rough-skin-on-the-hands types.

So here it is in all it’s glory… The Titanmen Classic Hardwork. Which you can say also helps Stephen Colbert wank out his “angry white man sperm.”  Which I’d be oddly interested in seeing. I love those pent-up, raging sexually types.

(*although it’s on the comedy network, there are reportedly people who actually think it’s a real news show)
Click Here to see it at Titanmen.

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