Today is the LAST DAY for the Titanmen 60% off Sale… more about that at the end of this post…
It’s finally here.
Such amazing men all in one movie. And I think I finally “get” it. This is Francois Sagat’s statement on Francois Sagat. Which probably sounds as confusing as watching the entire movie. But FUCK is it worth it.

Francois Sagat directs the second (and he says final) installment of Incubus, this time seemingly giving his word on what being a porn star does to a person. At times Francois is in the middle of a huge party, surrounded by lights and action and sound and people, the next moment he’s naked and alone, lost in an empty dessert alone. At times he quietly watches a private romantic tryst at night by a pool, other times, he’s bound in ropes, put on display and taunted by his own image. Suspended up in the air one minute after being pulled under water and drowned, Francois is both the victim and the assailant.
But none of the narrative ever gets in the way of the hardcore action and the sex scenes are incredible. Multiple cum shots, the muscles and hair and sweat and piss flying… don’t think this isn’t one of the best porn movies ever made.
And that was just part one.

Part 2 opens with Francois modeling for still pictures. The scene is beautiful until he gently whispers “I want to kill you” into the ear of Junior Stellano. Francois looks like the man we’ve all jerked off over a thousand times but looking into the mirror, he sees himself become a monster. Seeing that the professional photo shoot has become a photographer having sex with his models, it will finally dawn on you just where Francois has been going with this series and just what he’s been saying…
The polished camera work and editing in this opening sequence is jaw-dropping and TP Deaux, the guy who put it all together and wrote the score, has actually managed to put on screen what most of us have long-assumed was going on inside Francois’s head.
A trip through the disjoined mind of Francois brings us to a sun-drenched location, this time Jesse Jackman (who’s been blogging a lot about this scene and posting some really great video from the production), in a lavish, expensive poolside location. A big man, surrounded by grapes and wine, the scene conjures up images of gluttony, excess and alcoholic abandon. Excessive everything. Christopher Daniels seems to magically appear out of the pool (a few BTS clips explains that the simple shot of him walking out of the pool took a lot of planing and practice, you’ll understand when you see it). Francois takes the voyeur role again, this time watching from the bushes as the men drink, eat and piss all over each other and fuck.
While the two men are in full-on fucking mode, the sky opens up and it begins to rain and thunder and downpour. This was just dumb luck, it gives the scene an energy you’d expect to see in something like The Immortals or Clash of the Titans, but Brian Mills and Jesse have both told the story of how the thunder and lightning storm was totally real and not expected. Francois said it was the gods on top of the mountain giving their approval of the action. It’s hard to disagree with him, Jesse Jackman is one of the most stunning men you can imagine. Huge and solid muscle with a dick that defies description. He gets fucked into submission by Christopher Daniels.
But the final scene is where Francois earns the Oscar and seems to give his final word. In one of the most convincing CGI/Blue Screen/Body Double scenes I’ve seen, Francois wrestles with himself, both tops and bottoms for himself and finally wins the battle against himself that he’s been fighting since the opening scene.
I won’t give away the final moments but Francois wraps his statement on the adult industry and his notoriously conflicted relationship with his own fame together with amazing men, amazing imagery and a team that brought this idea to life. But it’s just the kind of thing you’d expect from Francois.
Incubus is out on DVD (you can join the Titanmen DVD club and get not only their new movies released every month but also a membership to the Video on Demand site and have full access to every movie in the huge Titanmen Online Catalogue).
Today is the last day for the Titanmen 60% off sale… get 180 days for $69 or a full 365 for $120. And that’s a lot of masturbation. Plus, and I guess I won’t be giving anything away, you’re not going to want to miss the movies that Titan has coming out this year…
Don’t miss the big gallery of stills after the jump…
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