Daily Distractions

Be careful what you put in your mouth.


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Not like this should come as any surprise, but make sure you know the quality of the fruits and meat you put in your mouth.

Fertility doctors from America’s Harvard University and the University of Murcia, Spain, analysed sperm from hundreds of men aged between 18 and 22. They found the guys who ate the junk food didn’t have little swimmers that could make it all the way to port.

Now for most of you reading this, that’s not THAT big an issue. As long as it can shoot out the end of old faithful and land on your buddy’s chest, all’s usually good.

But just in case you happen to have a lesbian friend who you still owe a favor to after she fixed your porch and rehung all your doors, better make sure that your scoop reaches all the way to the bottom of your own personal gene pool.

And can someone PLEASE tell me where I can get a part time job analyzing the sperm of a few hundred men between the ages of 18 and 22?

Read the whole story here.

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And if they get chucked out of the military, I’ll give them a job application myself.


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The Tumblr blog that has exploded into the public consciousness of any and all lovers of naked men (and tech-minded porn fans, of course) is called “Military Hunks” and it’s written by someone calling himself “Iraq Bobby.”

The blog claims to be of “Pics from Iraq, Private Collections of My own and Friends, My time in the Navy and as a Civilian Contractor for the DoD.”

He then adds “Thank God for Gay & Gay Friendly Soldiers, Marines, and Sailors! We Rock!”

This feels like a very good time to point out that if you happen to be a Super-Hot Stud with a hot body, big cock and a handsome face, you can always work some of that magic over in this direction and apply to be a Titanmen Model.


And after seeing that, I can only add “I ROCK HARD!” Although a few claimed the site mixed “real” military pictures with pictures of naked Good Ol’ Boys with tattoos, When seeing some of the guys clearly interacting with each other… they seem real enough to me.  Particularly of note are the descriptions of guys like “6’3” Tall, Deep Voice, HUGE dick, VERY Masculine, Great in Bed!!!” and “Every Inch a Soldier.”

You don’t hear me complaining.

Yes, officer… I surrender but I won’t cum quietly.




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