Daily Distractions

Titanmen Daily Distractions


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+100500 – Писька. Now available in English.

White Collar actor with the Windex-Blue eyes comes out. Sadly he comes out by pointing out that he’s already got a husband and kids. Denied again. And now he’s going to be on Glee.

The 8 Most Ill-Conceived Product Names of All-Time. Eek.

Vintage photos transformed into superhero portraits. I say we need MORE men in superhero costumes.

And while we’re on the subject of hot gay men in Superhero Costumes, Paul Charles the Gay Comic Geek talks about love.

And… I guess while we’re on the subject of comics, gay culture and Vintage stuff… here’s a Madonna comic handed out at concerts in 1987. Which is before some of the Titanmen stars were born. Yeah. I know.

I promise this isn’t QUITE as gross as it sounds.

What your favorite blog says about you. And if your favorite blog is this one, it says you’re probably masturbating right now. It’s ok, I’m masturbating right now and I’m sitting at my desk in full view of the guy in Tech Support.


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Tour of the Titan Blogs


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Unless you have little to no life outside jerking off to porn, reading Twitter, posting to Twitter, Re-Tweeting and reading blogs, you can’t keep up with everything. So here’s a quick look at what Titanmen stars, Titanmen Exclusives and Titanmen friends have been posting…

Jesse Jackman posted a very cool interview with PoundnStella along with some mega-hot pictures of himself in rubber, pictures of himself on a skiing vacation with his real-life boyfriend Dirk Caber, Hunter Marx and Ethan Anders (which apparently turned into a big fur pile) and a look at his new movies Surveillance and Command Performance.

Also, note his “I love to cuddle” shirt.
Francois Sagat relays his love of Big Balls. In this clip he posted on his blog, There are a couple of quick fuckups from the cutting room floor (including lube landing on a camera lens while getting one of Brian Mills’ famous ‘undercarriage shots’) and then a bit with David Anthony and Francois Sagat on the set of Incubus 2 keep themselves hard while the crew adjusts lights and camera positions. Francois seems VERY excited by the size of David’s balls.

David just seems enamored with Francois and wants to touch him all over.


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Titanmen Daily Distractions


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A sei-regular, mildly entertaining and egregiously time-wasting list of the inter-office emails that clutter up the inboxes at the Titan office. Most are Work Safe. But you’re reading this on Titanmen.net, so we’re guessing that “work safe” isn’t something you really  worry about.

Beard. We hear Tom Cruise has the same problem. As soon as he gets rid of one, another takes it’s place.

Yet another reason to buy a Maroon 5 record.

A very cool article about the Homoerotic, SuperHot Super Heros and comic book finally eroticizing the male figure.

Great Figures caught with their pants down. Just another funny collection of PhotoChopped images from Cracked Magazine.

The Makerbot Replicator. At first it seems like a cool little toy. Then the more you look at it, the more amazing you realize that this thing is. Think of the things you could make if you had a 3D printer. Life Size Trenton Ducati Butt, for instance.

I’ve posted a LOT of bacon-flovored stuff here and it just keeps going. Now we have bacon flavored frosting.

For the love of The Tarantulas. And no, it’s not what you think. We have a motorcycle shop next to the Titan studio and a lot of us are lovers of motorcycles, so seeing this tribute to the Portland vintage motorcycle restoration place is pretty fun.


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Titanmen Daily Distractions


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An increasingly regular collection of the internal company-wide emails that fill in inboxes at the Titanmen office. Some are hot, some are not, some just just plain fucked up. But they DO keep us chatting longer by the coffee maker. Just remember that you’re on Titanmen.net. You’re already looking at a NSFW site. So most of these links probably are too.

Pizza Boomerang. What. The. Fuck. No really… What. The Fuck?
Ever wonder what horrible things happened after the credits rolled in your favorite movies? Although I always used to think that about Endor.
Gay Stormtrooper Love. Not sure what it is that gay men love so much about Storm Troopers but just about every one of us here at the office admits to jerking off at least once while thinking of the one who yelled “OPEN THE BLAST DOORS OPEN THE BLAST DOORS!!”
Finding Myself: 100+ Years of Gay Couples: Part One 1875-1955 Kinda sweet, really. Can’t wait for Part Two which is bound to have some very regrettable 70s clothes and hair.
Randy Phillips does more shirtless workout videos like any good, hot, young, gay military man/role model should.
The Disastrous Results of ending DADT. We used to just roll our eyes at people who said that ending DADT would mean that all the military personnel would start sucking each other off in minutes. Seems that we were wrong.
Titan Alumnus and Trans Superhero Buck Angel tells us all to go down to the mall, find a table with girl scouts and BUY THOSE COOKIES!!
In just 30 days, he can make you a man. With abs. Our favorite active duty gay hunk has figured out that we wanna see some skin.

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Daily Distractions


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A semi-regular rundown of the mass internal emails sent from the Titanmen staff to the Titanmen staff.

Today in “Toys that made us gay.” Shirtless, leather and denim-wearing, cowboy hat-sportin’ masturbating trucker “action figures.”

The President of the United States, Barack Obama sings “Born This Way.”  ALL kinds of awesome.

The absolutely amazing opening of “Girl With The Dragon Tattoo” and how they made it.

Speaking of tattoos, while they turn many of us on, getting one on his dick gave this guy a permanent boner.

Do not upset a Dr. Who fan. He’ll hit you with his Tardis Purse.

A new… carnivorous plant? See, even the PLANTS aren’t vegan.

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Titanmen Daily Distractions


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A semi-regular list of those annoying group emails that circulate around office. Just ours are a bit heavier on hot men and dick jokes than we’d guess the ones circulating around the office at Hallmark.

Luke Lucky Huff. The hot, gay, sadly partnered up but still hot professional motorcycle racer. In gear.

Hollywood Hates Gay Sex. Which we find ironic considering how much time we’ve spent sucking dick there.

His Airman, My Marine. Such a cute couple but we but that with those uniforms, those two boys get into some action that would put Paul Wilde’s Rough series to shame. (bonus points for the “why did I get married?” DVD left seemingly intentionally in view)

What we can learn from Ostrich Penises. I mean, really, is there NOTHING they can’t do?

He came out in one of the most touching, tear-jerking “son comes out to dad” videos ever. Now, he’s working out shirtless for us. And taking us grocery shopping. He says he eats “two or three bananas a day.” Win.

The Secrets That We Don’t Want Straight People To Know. to be fair, I didn’t know some of them. I’ve never heard of Robyn but when I told Jesse Jackman that, he back-handed me.

“Top Chef” Contestant Ty-Lör Boring is the Real Naked Chef

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Titanmen Daily Distractions


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A semi-Regular collection of the group emails, inter-office jokes and water cooler conversation pieces from the Titanmen office. Our office is just like yours other than we get in trouble for NOT looking at porn all day at our desks.

• What we can learn from Ostrich penises.
Yummy, yummy BRAINS!
• Generally, to get called a “bear” you have to weigh a bit more than this. And 9 servings? Fuck that, I’ll eat him all in one sitting.
The Fully-Functional, Tron motorcycle replica. This is quite possibly the coolest thing in history. I just wish Titan could make a movie using one of these. I’d cast Trenton Ducati as Tron, Allen Silver as Kevin Flynn, Jayden Grey as Sam Flynn and Dean Flynn as Clu.
• NFL Lineback Scott Fujita for marriage equality.
• Only slightly less cool than the Tron Legacy motorcycle, Star Wars leather motorcycle riding gear.
• I hope all of my presents this year come wrapped in Stackable Cheeseburger Wrapping Paper. I wonder if they make a Tofu version for our Vegan friends. (hey, we live in San Francisco… you always gotta think about the vegans or they’ll beat you with a carrot.)
The 2011 Auto-Correct Awards.
• Exposing Texas’ heatwave with the most amazing melting crayon sculptures.

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Keeping Up With The Titanmen


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You can’t read all the blogs all the time. So here’s what the Titanmen have been up to on their respective blogs…

Jesse Jackman shows us where the bad man hurt him. He also talks about the man who started out a regular fuck buddy and then became a best friend and something about playing hockey.

Dario Beck talks about the kinds of movies that he’d like to make if he was given the chance to direct. Seeing how excited people are to see Francois Sagat’s Incubus, I vote we let Dario get behind the camera and see what he can do. Dario also posted about his recent trip to America and his audition for a Spanish Soap Opera where they didn’t cast him because they didn’t think he was “a real gay guy.”

Over on David Anthony’s blog, we get to see Doc Johnson coat David’s dick with pink goo in preparation for the David Anthony Dildo. You can get that dildo now at the Titanmen Store. And if you have one… David wants to see a picture of you with it.

Francois Sagat also has some fun stuff this week, also a repost of his video being cast for his own dildo. He also posted a picture of a Francois Sagat action figure, a chart of European Men’s cock sizes and the trailer for his new movie Incubus.

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Shower Like A Man


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Men are pigs. It’s why they’re so hot. This video is hilarious with the soundtrack and spank material without. It’s why communal showers at the gym are so much more fun. Long Live the YMCA.

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Titanmen Daily Distractions.


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A semi-regular list of the inter-office emails that fill up our morning email boxes and become water cooler conversation points. Yeah, we’re like most offices out there. Lots of guys sitting around behind computers doing work, drinking coffee and looking at porn.

The only difference of course is that our office you get written up for NOT looking at porn.

• The 7 dumbest things about the world’s smartest toilet. Just remember how the third Terminator movie ended (if you were unfortunate enough to see it). Always be nice to any computer with Artificial Intelligence. When they become self-aware… they will remember how you treated them. That goes for both Siri and Numi.
• Jesse Jackman talks about hooking up on Manhunt.
• 25 best autocorrect fails of the year. You SEE? Siri is ALREADY getting even with you for not thanking her for setting your alarm or telling you where Starbucks is!!
• We’re not quite sure what the message is here. But I think I know the plot of the next Omen movie.
• I must have a pair of these. Because I’m a shameless and unapologetic Apple Fanboi and I don’t care who knows it.
• Han Solo was my first love and now I can have him floating in a giant martini.
• Note to Brian Mills. Shooting a porn scene in one of these, situated in the middle of the desert somewhere or on a beach or a huge field would be SO hot if it ended with a voyeur walking up, jerking off and blowing his load on the outside wall.
• And while drinking my Han Solo martinis, I want to cut pizza with my Star Trek Enterprise  pizza cutter.
• Dude jerking off in public washroom. In front of people. On Camera.
• A rather beautiful video of the San Francisco Sky, 360 nights in a row, all playing at once. Watch this full screen and just relax. It’s fantastic.
• Out buddy Leo Forte has been named “ManHunt Cock Sucker of the Year!!”

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Titanmen Office Daily Distractions


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A semi-regular list of the inter-office emails that fill up our in-boxes here at the Titan office.

Stocking in the new Planking. You know all those absurd stock photos you see being used in bad websites, catalogues and informational fliers you get handed at the Home Show?
Turn any surface into a touch screen. Imagine turning parts of your body into one. And imagine the fetish porn Paul Wilde would make with one of THOSE.
Occupy Wallstreet Humor.
12 things EVERY homosexual wants for Christmas.
• Why can’t American gay marriage ads in America be even half this good?
• A rather beautiful video about what your gadgets do when you’re not at home.
• Who is Jon Galt? Don’t be silly, it’s this guy.

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Daily Distractions


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A semi-regular round-up of the inter-office emails jokes and random links that clog the inboxes at the Titanmen office.

TV’s almost-gay couples. Noteable exclusions are Luke and Bo Duke (they were cousins and lived in like… Mississippi or something… it was OK), Joey and Chandler (men that age don’t share bedrooms) and Norm and Cliff. We never actually saw “Vera” and Cliff’s mustache was a bit “70s Porn Star” even in the 80s. Besides, Norm was a great interior decorator and those big boys are GREAT cuddlers on those cold Boston nights.

•Wishmaster – The Misheard Lyrics.

Filthy Fetish Photography. OK, so it’s pretty tame by Titanmen standards but still pretty cool.

Water causes cock sucking, apparently. And here I thought it was Homo Milk.

Gay Kiss Photo Bomb. On Al Jazeera, too. I want the one on the left.

The HR Geiger bar at the HR Geiger Museum is all kinds of awesome. Although I’m going to suggest that you do NOT order a plate of hard boiled eggs. John Hurt did that once and he had a really bad day.

• Yes, you can make beer at home. And now that you can also order men online using the Manhunt mobile app, there is no reason for going to gay bars at all.

• Can you imagine the fetish gear that you could make with micro lattice gauze?

• With the Holiday season just around the corner and the economy sucking, here are some of the most awesome “Hard Times” gifts.

• The unexpected downside of the having the world’s largest penis.



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Titanmen Daily Distractions


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A semi-regular list of the company wide group emails that have been circulating at the Titanmen office.

Carbon Fiber Stormtroopers would make an incredible fetish gear for a flogging scene. Can you imagine seeing THAT coming at you meaning business when you’re already bound to the St. Andrew’s Cross?

• Bad Surfers are Funny.

• On the off chance that you will have grandchildren. THIS is why you may want to self-edit before posting to Facebook.

• Last week we heard about Bacon Lube. Now, we learn about Bacon candy canes. Imagine where you could stick THOSE to give a sweet surprise to a fuck buddy.

• Francois Sagat gives us this week’s Sound Cloud hit.

RIP Andrea True. She not only started out as a porn star and became a pop star, she also inspired Madonna’s “Sorry” video with that… outfit.


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Titanmen Office Daily Distractions


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Here are the things popping up on the inter-office emails today.


• Step One- aim your Batter Blaster into the face of Ryan Gosling. I didn’t read the whole thing but it ends up with you getting a mouthful of sweet, sticky syrup.

Spencer Reed‘s been DJing for years but he’s just started to post his mixes to Sound Cloud.

• 51 New Ways to say “The Violent Dirty Penis.”


• Note to Paul Wilde. If you were going to make a Super Hero Uniform porn movie, cast Paul Charles as the younger side kick who gets taken back to the cave and topped after foiling some ultra villain.

7 GLBT comics you should check out.

Michael Fassbender says he’ll go Full-Frontal. Michael, you can contact us at the above link, we have an idea you might fine enticing.

• Music from the last 16 years of the SoundCheck Out 100.

• Here comes the Red Again

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Titanmen Office Daily Distractions


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You know how in most offices when you get to your desk and open your morning email and among the actual emails you need to answer and inter-office notes there’s also those annoying group emails containing those Chicken Soup for the Soul “motivational” messages that usually include pictures of smiling kittens, cartoons about how dreadful it is to work in an office and invitations to someone’s daughter’s bridal shower?

Yeah, not here.

People often ask me what it’s like to work at a porn movie studio office. They picture loud dance music, follow spots, naked men gogo dancing on the copy machine… we have none of that. (Ok, Derreck from the art department once gogo danced on the copy machine but what happens at the Hallowe’en party stays at the Hallowe’en party).

But we do have some inter-office morning emails, here’s what’s been distracting us this week…

• George Michaels’ new man squeeze. Rather impressive that the guy who more than 25 years ago woke us up before we went went seems to have a reason to rise and shine.

• The guys in the video editing department have been hard at work editing François Sagat’s Incubus. They’re citing some amazing movies as inspiration but the one that’s got the whole office buzzing is Gaspar Noé’s Into The Void.

• No, that’s not a shot from the new Paul Wilde Titan Rough movie, that’s one of our favorite Hollywood lumps of muscle Tom Hardy as Bane in the new Batman movie.

• Every pig in the world needs a nice big bottle of Bacon Lube.

• Out gay hunk Tele releases a new single. And wow… that’s quite a body he’s got, gents.

• Bad News: one of our favorite haunts in Fire Island burned down. Good News: nobody hurt and we’ll have a brand-spanking new place to party in by the summer. We love breaking in new partying establishments.

In addition to his newly relaunched blog and new Twitter presence, François Sagat’s new Facebook page is all kinds of awesome.

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