Daily Distractions

Titanmen Daily Distractions


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Hot And Busted is the Tumblr Page with guys who are so cute, you forgive them for whatever they did to have those adorable mug shots taken. I mean some of them look a little shady but most of them look like the boys next door. And by that I mean… ugh… never mind.

Why Is The Penis Shaped Like That. The new book from Jesse Bering. I would have figured that “because it slides down my throat easier and when it’s uncut, it reduces friction more when sticking it… places” would have been a pretty obvious answer but the book is TOTALLY worth reading. Think if your biology professor was David Sedaris.

The four least-anticipated albums of last week. I had no idea any of those people were even still topside, let alone still cranking out the turd sausage. I think I once used my dad’s Asia album for a Frisbee.

Naked Man Accused of Jerking Off While Driving Down I-95 with Toy Pistol Us His Ass.

Gay Comic Geek’s review of “RideHard.”

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Titanmen Daily Distractions


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If Tattoos Actually told the Truth.

Barbie and Ken’s Loveless Marriage. And see, I had Ken living with GI Joe when I was a kid and they got along GREAT.

Want to make your own movies? Well cool. Here’s your starter kit. Go make come magic.

Bacon-flavored olive oil. Call it extra-virgin all you want, Wilbur, we all know what a pig you are.

The list of “What does America Make” seems to forget that Titanmen movies are made here in the Republic of California… which, since the offer to Canadians made to trade us for Alberta was rejected by the US, is still in America.

Game of Thrones Furniture is… well, let’s face it… there’s a porn movie there.

The 7 worst things that pilots have done mid-flight. And none of them are “blow Jesse Jackman in the cockpit.”

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In Defense of Watching Porn at Work


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I often joke about how this is the first job I’ve had where I’d get in trouble for NOT looking at porn at work, for those of you not lucky enough to be me, here’s how you get away with looking at smut on your break at work.

And by the way… new favorite tube site over at Mancast.com where you should be watching porn RIGHT NOW.

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Titanmen Daily Distractions


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Man Candles. Hot, but I’m waiting for “Pit Funk,” “Crotch Sweat,” “Sweaty Jock”and “Stubble on the Crack” editions.

• In reality, there are MANY candles made with men in mind. For instance, if you’re a witch and want to really fuck with someone, apparently if you do some magic to the thing to the left, say the right words and burn it… someone’s dick falls off. I won’t tell you what the spell actually is because I’m sure there are a few guys out there who are a bit jealous that I have a Mason jar on my desk with the pubes of Francois Sagat, Dario Beck and our UPS Delivery Man. (yeah, I love brown).

• Get Stroked in the morning. “Aw, Dad.”

Oh dear.

• Apparently “Greased Lighting” wasn’t just what he called his car.

• Shiri, the mechanical butt. Using a “rigid urethane skeleton, life-size model pelvis, and a silicon Gluteus Maximus Actuator (GMA)”,  a company called Takahashi has created SHIRI — not to be confused with my iPhone personal assistant, Siri. Not that having a mechanical ass wouldn’t have some… point.

• But when it comes to mechanical asses, I’d much rather have the Francois Sagat one.

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Titanmen Daily Distractions


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Yes, in the Titanmen Employee Handbook there actually is a note pointing out that internal email is not to be used to forward jokes or political articles, links to “funny” things or those annoying “uplifting, feel-good, motivational poems.”

The only one they hold us to is the last one. Which is good. I fucking hate those things. Here’s a list of some of the things that have been clogging the inter-office emails at the Titanmen Office this week…

Republican Dildos. Because we all wake up with a big tent from time to time.

Which goes along with this odd info graphic that makes the pubic support for marriage equality kinda look like a dick.

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Tour of the Titan Blogs (with Francois Sagat, Jesse Ares and Jesse Jackman)


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Francois Sagat showed his warped sense of humor when he came up with a bunch of tasteless and hilarious puns about his asshole and the new Francois Sagat molded butt toy.

Even funnier was how he admitted that he had to get help translating one of them into English.

Although I do try to maintain at least a bit of a professional distance from the guys and I do love think of them as friends, all I can think of when I look at that is “that is the most inviting hole I’ve ever seen in my whole life and I honestly want to dive into that Mofo face first and not ever come back up.

Click Here to read about it on his blog.

Real-life boyfriends and Real-Live Porn Stars Jesse Jackman and Dirk Caber posted these dual fucking clips on their blogs yesterday. And there really aren’t many words you can use to describe them other than “I need a cum rag.”

On Jesse’s blog, it’s a video of Jesse fucking Dirk.

And then on Dirk’s blog, it’s a video of Dirk fucking him back.

If you don’t read Jesse Jackman’s blog, I could do a whole regular blog post about his blog posts. They’ve included pictures of he and his friends on vacation… and by “vacation,” I mean, a whole bunch of hot studs renting a house and fucking.

He’s also included some fascinating behind-the-scnes looks at making porn movies like getting his “Francois Sagat Body Double” makeup done by Francois Sagat,  some really great video shot on set and even some “casual nudity” of him shopping for rubber and leather and then changing naked in front of everyone while talking about something totally different.

When you can make videos of yourself shopping that are this much fun… you deserve a mention.

Finally.. the new edition of the Jesse Ares blog made a splash with a bunch of video clips. Jessy Ares is curently touring around Europe performing songs from his album and signing copies of the porn movie that helps launch it, Command Performance.

See Jessy in two recent Titanmen hits Command Performance and Incubus.

And you can see more video clips on his blog.

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Titanmen Daily Distractions


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You can’t watch the whole internet at the same time. I know this because I tried and suffered an internal…. thing. Forget the name for it but I grew a third eye and scared people. This is a collection of the best inter-office email jokes, pictures and time-wasting stuff that clogs the inboxes at the Titanmen office…

Make It With a Fireman. Ok the shirtless bit is totally needless but… I have no problem with needless nudity.

After years of being shocking, fascinating and hard to look away from, ChiChi LaRue upsets the tender sensitivities of the Queerty readers by using the “F” word.

President of the United States takes a page from Canadian Politicians (who routinely show up on Canadian news comedy shows to play themselves) and shows up on Jimmy Kimmel to “Slow Jam the News.” Next Week, Mitt Romney plans to show up on Leno and wheel out the Wurlitzer.

Another beautiful television commercial for marriage equality. Again, it’s done for a foreign country. Again, it’s about a million times better than the lame-ass anti-Prop8 commercials run in California during the 2008 election.

Michael Lucas writes a touching piece about friend and former porn star Roman Ragazzi. I have to agree seeing the same 5 people posting the same nasty comments about gay porn stars on 20 different blogs and news sites gets to be a bit much. Since getting my first job in porn working here at Titan, I’ve learned that just about all the pre-conceived notions about porn performers are wrong. Most of the guys I’ve met are smart and funny and see porn as a fun hobby or a means to an end. Let’s try to treat the men who’ve entertained us with a bit of respect and love. Or at least cheer them on in their lives.

While countless bloggers and columnists for New York Times and Huffington Post lose their shit and scold young gay men about how Judy Garland has lost her “gay icon” status among gay men, over on his blog Gay Daily Hot, Jasun Mark managed to put some cultural history and perspective on why Judy Garland was a “gay icon,” why she remained considered one for so long and why she no longer is by many men born since 1969.


Conan O’Brien gets away with a this vaguely cringe-worhty gay porn parody of Batman. Not just because we all jerked off to Batman when we were younger and last month when it was on Cinemax but also because his history of gay jokes has been pretty positive. Had Leno released this same clip, there would be another “My gayest look for Leno” campaign.

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Titanmen Daily Distractions


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A semi-regular, semi-irregular and occasionally work-safe list of the inter-office emails from the Titan office. Although if you’re worried about “work safe,” WTF are you doing on the Titanmen blog?

Joe Gage posts a bunch of pictures from his recent series of shoots with Titanmen. Jokes about how Hunter Marx now makes his first appearance in TWO Gage movies by aiming a gun at someone he’s about to have sex with.

Saying “Fuck” is not only fun… it’s apparently  good for you.

Texting on the Dance Floor.

Gerard Butler FINALLY joins Manhunt!!  I’m so stoked about this… I’ve wanted him since I first saw 300 and that he’s finally a member of Manhunt I have a chance to… oh… wait… Manhunt is a movie that has nothing to do with gay hookup sites or songs from Flashdance. Balls.

Instructional videos that nobody could possibly find useful. I actually remember the TV commercial for the James Cockburn one. huh… I said “cock burn.”

Some guy gets his balls tattooed. If you happen to know the Vimeo channel this was originally posted on… please let me know.

The Gay Comic Geek reviews Demonic Sex.

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Titanmen Daily Distractions


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Dwarf Tossing will remain illegal in Florida. Even more baffling is that it’s legal anywhere else.

A bunch of grown-up 80s child stars are CCOCKS. What makes this rock even harder is that Susan Olsen AKA Cindy Brady wants to do a 70s version called CCUNT (Child Celebrities Understanding Need (for) Tolerance).

Damn Right it’s better than yours. George Takei still manages to keep us laughing at 74. He’s also turned into everyone’s favorite senior funny daddy that everyone wishes was their gay uncle George. Can you imagine how much more fun family gatherings would be with two drinks and Uncle George next to you telling it like it is?

5 seemingly random factors that control your memory. I can’t remember how I found this article.

My new favorite GoTo site when I need a laugh. Poorly Dressed is… wow.

The short answer is “no.” The long answer is “FUCK no.”

11 Sex Toys seemingly meant to ruin sex forever.

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Titanmen Daily Distractions


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Yankees already leading the league in newly discovered homoerotic photos.

We all need a cum rag but wouldn’t you like a nice Dick Towel to go along with it?

Francois Sagat tells the story of his new single Hades. Yes. Francois is not only a porn director and star, artist, dancer, fashion designer and baffling cultural phenomenon, he’s now also a musician.

Many of us would love to get Jesse Jackman’s pole. And this week he polls his blog readers about who should get his “pole.”


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Titanmen Daily Distractions


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I know more than a few people who deserve this treatment. But I’m too nice to say whom.

J Crew model’s dick escapes from prison. I wonder what the story is about this. Was that just a joke by the Photoshop artist that didn’t get deleted? Was it a disgruntled employee Hell-bent on digital revenge? Was it maybe that the pants were just Photoshopped onto a bare body because no real body was available at said modeling agency?

Is it a Condom or is it an Android phone?

Yeah. I’m going to get into a pool with THOSE things.

Totally gross sodas. Still no “Lindsay Lohan” flavor. I’m sure it’s in the works.

This is fascinating. A human skull shape carved into old text books.

Home Porn Makers… the best iPhone apps for better photos and video. Not only will your Grindr pictures look better, you’ll be able to make images that beef up your online profiles, even shoot some pictures that look good on your wall. Gone are the days of bad Polaroids.

Archie isn’t the only comic book to have a gay character get married. Now the X-men have their own Mutant who loves the cock. And in this case, the man attached to it.

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Inspiration for a the new Spencer Reed/Carsten Andersson scene


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And the scene ended up just a bit different

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Titanmen Daily Distractions


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Can you imagine how much of a loser you’d have to be to use one of these?

Don’t worry if you missed snatching up your copy of the “Gay Interracial Marriage Issue” of Archie Comics. You can download the iPad app here, then buy the issue in digital form to keep forever and ever.While we’re on the subject of iPads, the new Titanmen website works amazingly well on an iPad, streaming in crystal-clear HD, allowing you unlimited access to Titanmen’s complete online catalogue that’s growing every day. AND if you also have an Apple TV, you can use AirPlay to stream the movies to your HDTV. It’s like having a complete Titanmen DVD collection that also fits in your cell phone just in case you get horny at work and want to watch Hunter Marx get (finally) his ass fucked by Spencer Reed.

You can also use that new iPad to read about Francois Sagat and Jesse Jackman in the new issue of the iPad-only magazine “Adult” which, on top of being one of the new wave of “Interactive Magazines” with scrolling photo galleries and video clips, is also 100% free.

Ive said before that all firemen are hot. But apparently they’re occasionally fabulous. Although many of us bristle at straight men who do drag as a way of getting cheap laughs, you do have to kinda laugh a bit at the way fireman #1 hikes up the dress to run and how the other one shows some serious bicep as he um… Aims that spray

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Titanmen Daily Distractions


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A semi-regular rundown of the inter-office emails, text message and WhatTheFuckedness from the Titanmen office, studio and friends.

Yes, it’s a “candy unicorn horn.”  We’ll go with that. But I’m willing to bet that guy has a SWEET asshole.

Cracked Magazine slam-dunks the “Million Moms” all the while praising the gay marriage story arc in Archie Comics. Yes. I said “Cracked Magazine, Gay Marriage and Archie Comics” all in one sentence. It’s not a surprise that the Cracked Magazine staff, made up mostly of brilliant hipster journalism and media students who weren’t quite ready to get a “real” job, are so pro-gay. But what IS surprising is that a the magazine that gave us the “Shut Up” series in the 70s* today gives us the best argued and point-by-point take down of the extreme right I’ve seen in a while.

I find him so hot that I have trouble watching the video. He’s… wow. Glad that he’s doing his videos in English now.

Jay Roberts Sings! sorta.

Someone stole a 500 pound Bee Hive. From a Restaurant.

When we shot Francois Sagat’s Incubus, we used a bunch of different kinds of camera, including the GoPro headcam for some of the underwater sequences, the party sequence and the sequences in the desert. But we didn’t do anything THIS amazing. Turn up your music. Go full screen. It’s a stunning video.

We try not to judge here at Titan because the movies of Paul Wilde  have taught us that it’s an argument we will lose. But wow… I hope this is an urban legend.

Further to stealing large things from restaurants, someone walked off with a giant piece of pizza. OK, it was actually a large pizza slice costume. But still. Skip to the last 20 seconds of the video if you don’t want your eyes to jump out of year head and roll away.

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Titanmen Daily Distractions


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A semi-regular list of the silly group emails circulating at the Titanmen office…

Britain’s Sheffield Hallam University Rugby Players making their “Jock” calendar. Words fail me.

While it’s not been a secret that there are gay pro athletes, this PSA done by the members of the NHL who could kick the asses of any NFL player is not only sweet, it’s touching and a bit motivational. Someone get me a puck.

The absence of the floral necklace and presence of all the facial hair makes this just a bit more “manly” but no less emotionally exciting than the already-famous “marine kissing his boyfriend” picture. And maybe a touch more hot with the visible lip lock.

The 7 Dumbest things about the world’s smartest Toilet. I’ve seen this one before and I maybe posted it before but I still laugh so loud I get a phone call from the studio downstairs every time I watch this. and I watch it with headphones so that REALLY scares the shit out of people in the office since they think I’m just… laughing randomly.

We’ve all wanted to see the Royal Jewels, right?

French Kissing Soccer Players. I mean… Kissing French Soccer Players. Oh who cares, it was hot.

Unusual Phobias that people actually have.

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