Daily Distractions

Gay Comic Geek reviews Pounded


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We love him. Check out his Mancast Channel here.

And watch the whole movie Pounded at Titanmen.com

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Tour of the Titan Blogs


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The Titanmen production team are currently down in Los Angeles shooting again at the massive Oxballs Factory. Nick Prescott described it like a kinky toy store and apparently walked out with a huge armload of gear to use with his… buddies.

The men have been busy all week. Check out this gallery of pictures from the Twitter accounts of Paul Steele, Ethan Ayers, Nick Prescott, Matt Stevens, Jasun Mark and production assistant DiscoPup.

The above clip was posted over at director Jasun Mark’s Mancast page, but you can see more on Nick’s Blog and Gay Daily Hot News.

Shower-Shot-3-300x206 Jesse Jackman writes about how he “keeps it clean.”

A topic that most porn stars won’t talk about or discuss at any length, Jesse writes a very funny, informative and – dare I say – entertaining blog post about how to clean your butt before bottoming.

Francois Sagat posted a teaser clip from a music video by European pop star Veronika.

Jessy Ares posted a video from a Spitfire Leather  shot he did.

George Ce writes about his experience shooting “POUNDED” with Trenton Ducati.


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The Chocolate Asshole and more Titanmen Daily Distractions


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The Titanmen office, as you can probably imagine, is filled with the kind of men who… well, like Titanmen movies. From the IT and Art Department, the editors and even the guys in shipping. So you can just imagine what a bunch of messed up group emails find their way through the interoffice system here. Including…

Anus •  The Chocolate Asshole. Yes, because nothing is more apetizing that chowing down on a milk chocolate confection, other than chowing down on someone’s butthole.

Combine those two pleasures together and you get the “Chocolate Anus.” Which, according to their website is the “Anus That Made Britain Great” since 2004.

Want something a bit more extravagant and lasting to send “that message” to that “special someone”  Well they also have a solid silver asshole you can give someone as… a present of some sort.

A Bacon Doormat. Just so the guy you met on Scruff understands what he’s signed up for.


• Man sues after his lube reportedly ruins his dick. I’m kinda torn on this one. One one hand… I’m a huge fan of the penis. I love mine and I like to share it with my buddies. I also love the dicks of other guys which means that I like to throw “swap meets” where we all get together and give each other our dicks.  We call them “orgies.”  The point is that while anything that would wreck a dick is not something I support, I also have to wonder what kind of idiot would buy a “lubricating and desensitizing gel.” I mean… “lubricating” I get. But “desensitizing?” Doesn’t that kind of defeat the purpose?

• And to follow that up, how about one of my new favorite Tumblrs, Bearded Life?

• And now for a whole collection of “Dogs Who Just Cannot Handle It Right Now.”

• If You’ve Ever Wanted To Watch A Video of a Guy Getting His Balls Tattooed, Now’s Your Chance.

• Francois Sagat’s Tribal Rhythm, Baby.


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Titanmen Daily Distractions – what’s been wasting our time at the Titanmen Studio this week…


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void(0)Tumblr Blog of The Bearded Life.

Dogs who just can’t handle it right now.

A gallery of unfortunate ad placement.

Bacon-flavored condoms. Roll it on your… meat stick. Or… “Let’s Pork.”

Why you’re a “Faggot.” And other offensive words in picture form. (don’t worry, it’s work-safe and funny).


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Titanmen Daily Distractions


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6a00d8341c730253ef017c376308c3970b-800wi • Two adorable gay marine boyfriends talk about how they met. I love hearing when they say “we’re in different units.”

• Everyone needs a chocolate zombie bunny.

• When company logos go bad. We all know about the very-intentional dicks that were worked into the poster for The Little Mermaid. But take a look at these VERY bad and probably-unintentionally sexual company logos.

• Shay Michaels wins a free Brunch.  Does the “Happy Dance.”


 WTF is that in Celine’s hand?

enhanced-buzz-wide-3650-1362498264-5 • Turkish Oil Wrestling. That’s all you need to know.

• Hunter Marx and Johnny Parker doing a still photo shoot for Mr. S Leather before shooting a Titan Rough scene.

• Downright disturbing  “anatomical kitchen accessories” will make you a vegan or just stop eating.

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Titanmen Daily Distractions


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By far the coolest mobile home in existence. If living in a “trailer park” meant camping out in one of these every night, there would be no such thing as basements.

…And we’d ride THIS to work. A Steampunk-style motorcycle. Which is quite possibly the most amazing thing ever invented. Nothing would be more fun than zooming around the city on this wearing a top hat and goggles. And maybe a cape.

You wanna blow your straight buddies? Well show them this… A study by the University of Montana Sexual & Liberal Studies, Straight men who regularly get blown by gay men have lower prostate and testicular cancer. I didn’t bother to confirm that this is a parody but it sure doesn’t look like one when you first see is. Which means it will fool your best friend after a couple of beers and really, that’s all you need anyway, right?

A Montana TV Station was hacked to broadcast a (fake) news emergency broadcast of a zombie apocalypse. Which kinda rocks in many, many ways.

Titanmen Exclusive Hunter Marx and Dirk Caber took some time off from shooting a Titan Rough scene to model for the new Mr. S Leather catalogue wearing some amazing neoprene wrestling singlets.

Dirk Caber’s boyfriend and Titanmen Exclusive Jesse Jackman also posted this fun video with his friend (and co-star of an upcoming Titan feature) Rogan Richards that features some head-shaving.

Apparently there IS something in the water

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Francois Sagat Sings… again…


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T-Rex’ “20TH CENTURY BOY” (JeanLuc Verna Vs Francois Sagat) by ” I Apologize” . from sagat on Vimeo.

Many of you will remember the gloriously melancholic and artful song and video Hades that Francois Sagat and Sylvia Gobbel recorded and released last year.

Since he actually proved to have a very good singing voice, a few people suggested that either it wasn’t Francois’s voice they were hearing or that it was “auto-tuned.”

Well here he is proving that in fact… Francois Sagat CAN sing and he can carry it off live. Performing on stage with the French band I Apologize, here he is lending a chorus to the T Rex classic “20th Century Boy.”

Francois posted on his blog that they did three songs in total and that there was a concert video shot (what you’re seeing above is a fan-shot clip from the audience) and that a better video and recording would surface later.

And if you want to see Francois perform in last years “Movie Of The Year,” check him out in Incubus.

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Titanmen Daily Distractions


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An occasionally regular (more accurately periodical) collection of the fucked up, messed up, jizzed up and just plain hilarious inter-office emails from the Titanmen office.

 • Titanmen got our second shout-out on The Colbert Rapport, this time it was the Joe Gage classic Campus Pizza that got the quick moment on the screen.  Check for it at about 12:50. We must have a fan over there.
• Would you like some… “Balls Of Steel?”
• The only way to make a birthday cake cooler is to put green army men candles on it.
• A custom Pez dispenser. If you happen to want to eat candy out of your own throat.

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Titanmen Daily Distractions


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An increasingly less regular collection of the best group emails floating around the Titanmen office intranet.

While shooting scenes with Titanmen exclusive Aymeric Deville plus Titanmen friends Wilfried Knight, Adam Russo, Shay Michaels and Lance Navarro, Titanmen director of production Paul Wilde took the guys on a field trip to Mr. S Leather in San Francisco’s SoMa district. A good time was had by all… (more video of the trip at Mancast)

Think Geek continues their line of bacon products. This time with the irresistible Talking Bacon Plush Toy. You’ve got a friend in meat.

The internet has ended with it’s ultimate goal…an educational Wiki Page with nothing but different GIF videos of different techniques for male masturbation. Try them all, one is just right for you.

In the interest of keeping Nickleback off of Titanmen, I’ll just link to this “bad video and song will eventually bite you in the ass” parody “Look At this Instagram.”

15 Facts you should know about your Penis.

More Disastrous Results of ending DADT. The Four-Military-Man Piggy Back.

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Gay Comic Geek reviews Joe Gage’s Chainsaw


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If you haven’t checked out Gay Comic Geek’s videos, see his whole X-rated reviews at his Mancast Channel.

Also check out his blog. On top of being adorable and funny and brilliant, he’s also one of the more fascinating guys I’ve found on the internet.

And if you want to see Joe Gage’s Chainsaw, you can buy it on DVD here or see in at Titanmen.com here.

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Tour of the Titanmen Blogs


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• Dario Beck writes about his recent trip to a furniture store that he found while shopping for furnishings for his new apartment in Barcelona. Seems that while the couch was comfortable, the lamp looked like it might be fun to sit on, too.

• David Anthony has been having a great time with his Mancast channel, mostly posting videos of himself working naked in his garage or his kitchen but last week he posted a VERY hot video of himself jerking off and blowing a big load.

• The Always-Busy-With-Something Jesse Jackman wants to get fucked in your bedroom.

• Speaking of Jesse, He’s also posted this fun video of Dirk Caber sleeping. Which is strangely hot.

• But most fun this week on Jesse’s blog was all the candid shots that he posted from his recent run of scenes with Casey Williams and Anthony London.

• New performer Liam Magnuson has only shot a couple of scenes and none have been released yet, but he’s already got a growing fanbase on Twitter who were excited to see this video over at Mancast with he and Devin Adam blowing each other to while having their still pictures taken.

• New Titanmen director Jasun Mark posted some very entertaining video with Race Cooper and Kyle Quinn over on his blog of fun they had while shooting promotional stills for the most recent Joe Gage movie “Special Reserve.”

Francois Sagat is many things. Fascinating, hot, enigmatic, hard working, funny and creative.

But he’s never boring.

His blog has become a place to find amazing behind-the-scenes video, engaging music and short glimpses into his life. He also posts some stunningly beautiful photographs of himself along with some fascinating commentary about what the pictures mean.

His most recent addition, “Le Miroir” is no exception.

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Titanmen Daily Distractions


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Why do men have nipples?

The Dick Mitten. And all I can think of is “It kinda looks like Michigan.”

John Barrowman, King of the Gay Gaymers, Gay Comic Geeks and Gay Sci-Fi Fans poses in Superhero undies. If you don’t know who John Barrowman is, just watch this clip from the BBC show Torchwood. Quite possibly the hottest gay kiss in Sci-Fi history. And yes…he’s gay. So yay.

Manly, Weaponized… notebooks. For the student in your life who just has everything and wants to blow that shit up.

Positively hilarious anti-porn video. What’s up with the two guys who suddenly look down? Are they praying, hanging their heads in shame or just comparing dick size?

Now that the newly renovated Titanmen office is done and in full operation, I have decided that I want a Blob Office. Imagine being able to live, work and um… I guess cryo-sleep in a big, white jellybean-like house.

Buck Angel,transman,  friend to many here at Titanmen AND former Titanmen star (featured in Brian Mill’s ground-breaking Cirque Noir) has launched his own dating site. He also wrote a pretty good article about it for Huffington Post.

Rehab kit for Social Media Addicts. OK, so it’s more of a parody than anything. But I can imagine how fun it would be to just walk around to stick “LIKE” stickers on everything.

Considering the amount of espresso consumed here at the Titanmen office (I have an espresso maker on my desk), this is probably less of a fun accessory and more of a business expense write off.

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Dear Men of the US Gymnastic Team,


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We’re very proud of you. Now please follow this link and fill out the um… profile. We’d like to get to know you better.

(or if you happen to look kinda like them… offer only open to the ones over 18 and you know who you are)

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Titanmen Daily Distractions


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The Holy Fuck I Must Have One tech gadget of the week… The Virtual Projected iPad Keyboard… it also works with an “android” but in the words of the bartender with no name from Tatooine, “we don’t serve their kind here.”

Man drives truck through a mall. Naked. Then gets out and tries on clothes. Which… I mean… you know you gotta get Aggressive at those Macy’s sales or the crowd’ll walk ALL over you.

Cookie Monster wants a Cookie, Maybe? (I promise that this is the last time I post a “Call Me Maybe” parody/cover/meme of some sort. Cookie Monster is an exception to most rules).

You know that jerk in your office that you Just Can’t Stand? Turns out he’s brain damaged. Hope that makes you feel better.

While I’m sure my cat would get a kick out of it, I’m not entirely sure that it’s such a great idea to teach him how to take out large animals.

Imagine how much fun you would have shooting video underwater on your cell phone. Or in the shower.. or.. hey… get the scuba gear, lay on the bottom of the ocean under Laguna Beach and shoot video of all the surfer guys… The possibilities are endless.

Bacon Lip Balm?

The Naked Crime Slideshow. If you’re going to break the law… why wear clothes?


It took 18 policemen to rescue this inflatable sex doll from drowning.

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Titanmen Daily Distractions


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A Semi-Regular collection of the inter-office emails, jokes, links and water-cooler conversations that happen around the Titanmen office.

Yeah, the song sounds like a direct rip-off of it was inspired by U2’s Zoo Station, but the rather clever video for Aikiu’s “Pieces Of Gold” uses vintage 80s gay porn in some rather cute and funny ways.

Olivia Newton-John playing her one and only North American concert date in San Francisco in September. We’re not so insecure in our masculinity that we won’t admit that we like the Notorious ONJ, but we’d like to point out that it’s mostly because of the video for Physical that featured a bunch of mega-hunks working out, working up and sweat and walking off together to go have sex in the steam room.

While it looks more like something from a Jetsons cartoon, the Tiger Stone Paving Machine is actually a real thing.

And if you’re lucky, someone else’s, too.

The 50 Most Important Gay Comic Books and Characters. This one is for the guys up in video editing who really love their fandom and geeky goodness.

Holy. Fuck.

I have decided that more than anything, I want a cardboard office.

5 Insane Explanations for Stuff Your Body Does Every Day

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