Daily Distractions

Titanmen Daily Distractions


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Totally not Titan related but this random vacation video from Key West comes from Island House, the same place where you can meet Titanmen Exclusive Jesse Jackman and his real-life husband and Titanmen regular Dirk Caber for TROPICAL HEAT.

Here’s the new Holly Johnson single. You might remember him as the lead singer of Frankie Goes To Hollywood, the gay-ish band from the mid 80s that arrived like a nuclear bomb on the music scene with their electro-rock-glamtastic album Welcome To The Pleasure Dome that managed to be about Sex, Drugs, Politics, Love, Religion and still fit in a cover of ‘Do You Know The Way to San Jose.”

  1. An Eastern Transplant makes (some) sense of San Francisco weather.
  2. Animals dancing to Push It.
  3. Nick Prescott and Matt Stevens doing a very NSFW Photoshoot at Oxballs.
  4. quite possibly the most disturbing video any of us have ever see
  5. juneBeau-Ryan4-670x403Australian Rugby star goes naked to host a TV show.

This is one of the funniest videos I’ve ever seen.

If any of you are old enough to remember the 80s, you remember this – quite possibly the lowest moment in Rock and Roll History – when Mick Jagger and David Bowie teamed up to record their abysmally wretched cover of “Dancing In The Streets.” While the two are arguably two of the best and most fascinating singers in Rock history, their cover was so embarrassing to watch that it became like a rock music Two Girls One Cup. Somehow this was also a huge hit.

While I’d love to say that this was an isolated incident in two otherwise stellar careers, soon after Mick would record “State Of Shock” with Michael Jackson, arguably the worst pop song in history and David Bowie would go on to record “Never Let Me Down,” an album so cheesy-commercial and bafflingly bland that he still jokingly apologizes for it still.

Don’t worry, by the time the 80s were over, Mick and the stones were releasing Steel Wheels, their return to form album and David was releasing “Outside,” one of the most fascinating records of his career. Proving that there is no depth from which a truly talented person can recover.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Tony

Teenage Mutant Ninja Tony

Well at least we know how Dorothy got to Oz...

Well at least we know how Dorothy got to Oz…

That's what HE said...

That’s what HE said…

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Titanmen Daily Distractions


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A semi-regular collection of the group emails and water cooler chat from the Titanmen office…

Antonio Da Silva’s newest art/erotic video Dancers features 35 Portugese men dancing naked. Beautiful.

Regular Titanmen performer Adam Herst just got cast in the up-coming July production run. When he asked who his scene partners would be, director Jasun Mark sent him a picture of the new mystery Titan man and Adam was so turned on just by the cell phone selfies he saw that he replied with this sign of what’s to come when the guys finally get together.

Check out all of Adam’s Titanmen scenes here.


Insurance company All State released this rather touching promotional video for their GLBT outreach program. There was a time when companies would run far and wide to escape looking supportive of our community, and now they openly invite us in.

The even-more beautiful song is by gay pop singer Eli Leib. You can download the single for free at Allstate’s Page.

Here’s a few of the most recent TwitPics from Titanmen…

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Tony Orion naked on a trampoline with a boner. That’s all.


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Our editor, T.P. Deaux (who, if there were awards for editing in porn, would deserve at least half a dozen of them), worked up this animated gif of Brazillian hottie Tony Orion.

Bouncing on a trampoline.

With a raging hard-on.

You’re welcome.

And you can see Tony in full motion action, with scene partner Alessio Romero, in Titanmen’s newest movie “Night Heat.”

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Francois Sagat gets his Ass in a Cast


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I could watch this one forever. This is one of the funniest videos Iv’e seen for a while. It’s also freakishly hot.

He wrote about it on his blog here.

Francois getting a mold of his ass for the “realistic ass toy” you can buy here….

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Name That Butt Crack


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He’s hot, he’s blond, he’s got the cutest smile we’ve seen at Titanmen for a while.

See if you can guess who’s butt that is.

Answer after the jump…

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Gay Comic Geek reviews Worked Over.


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We LOVE Gay Comic Geek here at Titanmen. His reviews are always funny, always fun, always hot and his commentary is alway spot-on. Plus he’s always got a bit of inside info to share.

Here’s his review of Worked Over.

Remember that you can always get Titanmen for 80% Off when you get a Full Year of access for only $99.

OR get it On Sale on DVD at the Titanmen DVD Store.

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Gun Oil Wishes Gay Military Husbands a Happy Valentines Day.


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In related news, I have a boner.

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(does anyone know what that says?)


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(that’s Titanmen director Jasun Mark shooting Jesse Jackman topped by Josh West.)

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Because The Internet Isn’t The Internet Without Cat Pictures and Porn.


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Fluffy was not impressed.

That’s Dirk Caber and Felix Barca in the background. Not like fluffy gives a rat’s ass.

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Titanmen Daily Distractions…


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A semi-regular, semi-cohereant list of the pictures, links, jokes and video clips circulating around the Titanmen Offices.

Vegan Body Builder Frank Medrano. WOW… thats’…. like…. wow….

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Titanmen Production Diary


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Titanmen Exclusive Jesse Jackman and his real-life boyfriend Dirk Caber performed not one but TWO scenes together over the last production run. Both scenes featured the two men in a gym/sports gear setup but as a fun spin, both Titanmen directors Paul Wilde and Jasun Mark put their own spins on the pairing.

Jasun’s scene was part of what he’s calling his “As-yet-unnamed Workout/Gym movie” and Paul’s was shot for Titan Rough and he says it’s a “Rugby Gear Fetish Movie with Piss Play.”

Word from the set is that while the scenes feature the same men together, they both have a very different vibe and fans are going to love them both.

If you want to see Jesse and Dirk together now… they’ve already performed two scenes together… one for Titan Rough and one in Extra Firm.

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Today on set at Titanmen…


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Titanmen Exclusive Jess Jackman and his real-life husband Dirk Caber performed their third scene together today, completing an as-yet-unnamed “Gym Movie” directed by Jasun Mark.
Yesterday old friend Mack Manus initiated newcomer Christopher Wells on his first ever porn scene in a Titan Rough fisting movie. THAT’s quite the trial by fist…

More updates as we get them…




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Titanmen Office Daily Distractions.


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An increasingly strange collection of email jokes, links and WTF video clips that get passed from inbox to inbox here at the Titanmen office.

This WTF clip was posted to the Mancast channel of our buddy Gay Comic Geek. His reviews of movies (including a lot of Titanmen and Joe Gage features) have become favorites in the office. His very fun, slightly whacky and adorable style make everything fun to watch. But this video doesn’t feature him at all.. it’s actually his own video Christmas Card sent to him by two straight friends. We assume the theme comes from GCG’s huge collection of superhero action figures. We hope to see more of the guy…

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Titanmen Production Blog Day Three


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Moving to a new location for day 3, the guys set up in a loft apartment in Potrero Hill, shooting a scene with Matt Stevens and new Titanmen recruit Tyler Edwards.

Watch for that scene at Titanmen.com next year.

Clearly a great time was had by all, although word from the set is that “parking was a bitch.”  The joke from the production crew members I spoke to was ” if you have a job where you get to hang out with men that hot and shoot video of them fucking and the biggest problem you can think of is that it’s hard to find a place to park… you win.”

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All The Pictures Too Hot for the Titanmen Facebook Page.


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If you follow Titanmen on Facebook, you know that the guys have been posting a LOT of new pictures live from the set, giving updates on who and what and how and where…

Here’s some of the best pictures posted. PLUS all the ones that they couldn’t post.

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