Daily Distractions

Titanmen Store XXXMas Mega Sale!


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Get a whopping 25% Off All Instock Items at the Titanmen Store. Including DVDs, Toys, Lube, Cock-Rings… everything.

Click Here to go to the Titanmen Store.

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Quit While You’re Behind: Titanmen V Peter LaBarbera


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No but intended, but THIS is pretty rich. And sweet.

The Titanmen Twitter Account… whose edgy and downright bitchy writer (NOT me, I promise) has many times caught the attention of porn stars, movie stars and the British Free Press has yet again gotten the panties of an extreme right-wing nut… in this case, Pete “Porno Pete” Labarbera.

Peter’s best known for his antics taking cameras to Folsom Street West with a video camera to shoot all the perversion around him… which we’re TOTALLY sure was just for educational purposes.

But today… Peter ran afoul of Titanmen… and… the end result was… delicious.

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Some Laughs From The Set of Titanmen’s Big Brother


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This is just a short clip of the full “Making Big Brother” that members of Titanmen.com will see.

No, this isn’t a parody of either a hidden camera reality show OR a George Orwell book. This is just a collection of scenes where an older guy helps out and mentors a younger guy… and then someone gets a dick in their butt.

Everybody likes a happy ending.

But while making gay porn movies, as you can imagine, there’s a lot of laughing, smiling, joking and horsing around.

Members of Titanmen.com not only get new scenes every week along with classic scenes and movies from other producers every week to watch, we also give you cumshot compilations and a “Making Of” montage showing the funniest and most fun stuff that happened on set.

Joining Titanmen doesn’t just get you full and unlimited access to the newest scenes (you’ll never run out of movies to watch), it gives you COMPLETE access to the Entire Titanmen On-line Catalogue. That’s OVER 20 YEARS of the hottest gay porn ever made… from the top directors like Bruce CamBrian MillsTony BuffJoe GagePaul WildeFrancois Sagat and Jasun Mark.

Members can stream in crystal-clear HD to their computer or mobile devices… so when the mood strikes, you have a complete Titanmen DVD catalogue in your back pocket.

Prefer to download? Members can download their favorite scenes DRM-free.

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Director’s Blog: Making Bad Cop with Dallas and Dakota


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WHAT a great scene. It kinda felt like we bowled a perfect set. There were so many strange things that not only lead up to this scene but how this scene pretty much put the button on the end of this movie.

This scene was supposed to feature Tex Davidson instead of Dakota but thanks to my own poor communication and planning (read more about that here), I had to call Dakota that morning and hire a car to go get him. He arrived on set literally at 10:30 and we were shooting by 10:45.

We laughed a lot. We were kinda time-tight so we just kept going. Almost non-stop. We wanted to show Dallas’ chest and his huge dick…. so all the positions we did showed off really well.

This was shot in the same location where we shot Bad Cop 1… a fun story. Bad Cop was one of the first movies I directed for Titan.  In the original Bad Cop movie, a friend of mine told me “I always wanted to be in porn… can you put me in somewhere?”

No. Not really… so instead of casting him, I got a print of a picture that I had taken of him years before when he was running for IML, and stuck it up on the wall… to my utter surprise, 5 years later, it was still stuck there on the wall in that basement where we were shooting. So… I left it there.

Joining Titanmen doesn’t just get you full and unlimited access to the newest scenes (multiple releases weekly give you an endless supply of new stuff to watch), it gives you COMPLETE access to the Entire Titanmen On-line Catalogue. That’s OVER 20 YEARS of the hottest gay porn ever made… from the top directors like Bruce CamBrian MillsTony BuffJoe GagePaul WildeFrancois Sagat and Jasun Mark.

Members can stream in crystal-clear HD to their computer or mobile devices… so when the mood strikes, you have a complete Titanmen DVD catalogue in your back pocket.

Prefer to download? Members can download their favorite scenes DRM-free.

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Titanmen Daily Distractions: A list of the viral videos, emails, memes and news stories making the rounds at the Titan office.


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It’s been a while since I did one of these. We’ve got some catching up to do…

• October 3rd is “Mean Girls Day.” I’m still hoping that one day they’ll do a sequel (the direct-to-video Mean Girls 2 doesn’t count) with the “girls” all grown up at 40.

•  World’s Strongest Man Eddie Hall shares VERY revealing throwback video

•Zac Efron wants to film a same-sex love scene – but with who? Finding out that Zac is actually gay was enough of a shake.. but now he wants to do a same-sex love scene with Dwayne Johnson. Which… I mean… Maybe we can hook him up with Jason Vario instead?

This coffee ‘gives men an erection with every cup.’ Before you run out and buy Stiff Bull herbal coffee, there are a lot of health warnings to read… but if you wanna wake up more than just yourself in the morning, this might be a fun way to do it.

• SF Chronicle does an article about the baffling new trend of “Rolled Ice-cream.” Which looks like tree bark. The Titanmen crew and stars have all continued their dedication to Red Velvet Cake Halo Top (which is a kind of low-calorie ice-cream which allows you to eat a whole tub and only consume about 250 calories).

• RIP Tom Petty. Here he is singing with Stevie Nicks..

• Today in Fake News: FBI seizes 3000 contraband penises at the home of a morgue employee.

• Watch in awe as “Bad Ass Mother Fucker” Rick Astley joins The Foo Fighters on stage for a cover of “Never Gonna Give You Up.”

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Bruce Beckham sees his own asshole. That means 6 weeks of hot or something…


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Here’s a cute, if not oddly-framed out-take from the Bruce Beckham/Alex Mecum scene in Beards.

The Titanmen crew usually uses two cameras for the main sex action in a scene to get the best coverage. You can see the dick being inserted and then editors are able to show you the real facial reaction of the bottom. It makes the viewing hotter and more real… but it ALSO gives us these rare moments of comedy.

In this clip, Alex Mecum was getting ready to fuck Bruce… Bruce got into position and then saw both his own face AND his own asshole on the monitors. And hilarity ensued.

Here’s the trailer from the finished scene

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19 Things You Missed In The David Benjamin/Bennet Anthony Scene in Silverlake


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All of the reviews of the new Titanmen scene from Silverlake mention the stunning opening sequence and skillful camera work by director Jasun Mark. Watch it here…


And with the amazing fucking going on in the foreground once they make it back to Bennet’s converted garage apartment, it was easy to overlook the spartan decor in the room. However, a few eagle-eyed fans started to point out a few things  they saw.. here’s a list of the 19 Things You (Probably) Missed In The David Benjamin/Bennet Anthony Scene in Silverlake.

  1. Photograph of Jasun in a scuba diving suit.
  2. Photograph of his dog HAlford
  3. Titanmen Lube bottles
  4. A Lake-Crossing Swimming Trophy
  5. Jasun’s 2014 Grabby Award for “Best Still Photography.”
  6. Picture from “Pissed And Probed” with Collin Stone and Adam Herst
  7. Jasun wearing Micky Mouse Ears
  8. Lance Navarro’s back tattoo
  9. Titan Man Stany Falcone
  10. Josh West fluffing Jesse Jackman
  11. Dario Beck on the Hollywood Walk of Fame
  12. Comic Books featured in Grind
  13. Dario Beck on Dean Martin’s Star
  14. Jesse Jackman being fluffed by Josh West. Again.
  15. Jasun shows off his Hogwarts Tattoo
  16. Jasun’s Wedding Announcement Picture
  17. Tattoo with Francois Sagat
  18. Jesse Jackman fluffing Josh West.
  19. Taxi-Topper prop from the movie Campus Pizza

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Making OUT. Scene One: Director’s Blog


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outt_slider_911x330_3While I was still buried neck-deep in piecing together Cauke For President, shooting/recording the extra scenes, bumpers, graphics, fake campaign commercials, celebrity cameos and extra footage to complete the movie, Keith Webb told me that he and Jesse Jackman were hard at work on an idea that we’d thrown around for a while. A movie about a gay baseball player coming out.

I was intrigued. While Cauke For President tells the story of a closeted gay politician who attacks the gay community in public while covertly sucking dick in private, Out was about a gay man who privately was quite open with friends and family about his sexual orientation but wouldn’t publicly discuss it.


The contrast between the two characters was what excited me the most. While Mike Cauke is a smarmy jerk who gets outed in a humiliating revenge-porn video by a Manhunt hookup (and then becomes a story of personal revolution and redemption), AJ Benson is an honorable athlete who takes control of the story and comes out in a nationally-televised interview.

Unlike Cauke For President, I had virtually nothing to do with the story and script. Keith and Jesse based the character on Jesse’s real-life experience as a gay athlete and when I read it, I was drawn to the likability of the characters. How real it all felt. How emotional it was in all the right places and how it never strayed away from the goal of getting your audience turned on. Porn often ends with the asshole getting what’s coming to him, but I’ve always liked watching good guys winning in the end.

We shot the two book-ending scenes with Jesse, Nick Prescott and Dallas Steele last July in Palm Springs. It was swelteringly hot (which worked for the setting of AJ’s spring training home in Arizona) and as part of a grueling production run that had us waking up at 4 A.M. to get sunrise footage… we were all earning our stripes.


What I wanted for this scene was to bring the feeling of “Spring Training” into view. I wanted blooming flowers, lush green grass, blue sky and the feeling of that fresh, clean desert air. But it still had to take place inside. The easy solution was to shoot with Nick and Jesse in front of open glass doors opened to the green back yard… That looks great to your naked eye… but to a camera, without the proper lighting, you’ll have a dark foreground and a totally blown-out, burned-up background. Your image will look horrible. We’ve all seen those poorly-lit movies where the guys are lit a bit too dark to see the action and the windows are just a bit wall of white. That wasn’t going to do.

I’d planned for this shot for a while. We brought every single light we had at our disposal and lit the guys brightly from every angle. I had lights on the floor, the ceiling, spots across the room, reflectors adding warmth and gels matching the blues outside. The end result is pretty stunning. The guys look perfect.. their skin tones are warm and natural… like healthy athletes… and the outside is bursting with a bright colour explosion of nature. The hedges and flowers and sky are all exactly the colour they needed to be. It took us a long time to light that shot, but it was worth it. I’ve always said that a porn movie should look so warm and bright and colorful that you feel like you could peel off your own shirt and join in the action. This setup is where the story actually starts… with Jesse/AJ getting  the text message that sets him on the path to have his coming-out interview with “Jim Weaver” (played perfectly by Dallas Steele… more on that in three weeks).

The film originally opened up with Nick’s face buried in Jesse’s crotch. The two men in baseball gear is a mega-hot image but when we had our first screening, Keith, (lead editor) James Sheridan and I all agreed that we needed to put who these guys were into context and explain to the audience that they were rumored to be a couple in the press. “Leave that to me, I’ll come up with something,” I said, and a day later… I had THIS…

This cute little 38-second bit brought in enough info to explain that Nick and Jesse were rumored to be gay and sexually involved, that the press was onto them… that they were, in fact, major league baseball stars and that the press was hounding Jesse’s character for a “quote.” Now when Jesse gets the text message while Nick is sucking his dick, it doesn’t come out of nowhere. (btw… that weird Japanese commercial… we’ll explain that one soon, trust me, it makes sense in the final movie).

Nick and Jesse have wanted to do a scene together for a long time and we at Titan have been trying to find the perfect scene for them. This was it. They both look stunning on the baseball gear and the hot, lazy summer day brought out the sexual energy in both of them. This scene is stunning… and has all the parts you expect from a Titan movie… hot, muscular men, natural sexual energy and beautifully shot action (if I don’t say so myself).

Here’s a rather fun little BTS montage…

Extra points to Keith for the SF Titans logos, uniforms hats, posters, baseball cards and promo material. This was another movie where the whole Titanmen team pitched in to make a hot script into a really hot, fun, entertaining movie.

You can watch the full movie at Titanmen.com

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Making Cauke: Scene Three “My Favorite Comfy Chair.”


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Scene 3 in our movie Cauke For President is where I think we all finally earned our stripes.

This is where “shit gets real” in the serialized story. The video covertly shot of Mike Cauke getting fucked (from scene 1) has been sent to Tex Davidson’s reporter character and he’s invited Senator Cauke’s campaign manager to give a quote about the video. David Benjamin’s acting skills were totally put to the test here. He manages to play the asshole political operative perfectly, and when forced to beg on his knees and then get fucked by Tex, he never breaks character. For Tex’s part, he does a great acting job, too.


This scene is a slam dunk. David and Tex knocked it out of the park with this one. They exhausted us all on set.

BUT… I gotta say that the crew really pulled this one out. We shot this at my own house in Silver Lake, a neighborhood located between Hollywood and downtown Los Angeles. We wanted a location that was big enough to shoot in and had an open enough layout for all the gear and crew and action, but it had to look like a home office. My house fit the bill, but we hadn’t really planned on the heat. Shot late in the summer, Los Angeles was in the middle of a massive heat wave. With the lights, all the crew and performers and only being able to leave air-conditioning on while we weren’t shooting… it got hot. REALLY hot. At one point it was over 100° inside. David resorted to sticking his head in my freezer between takes and we went through a LOT of water.
This was also the last time we had to use Tungsten lights. After seeing how the heat drained everyone, Keith bought us a nice new set of LED lights.
Keith Webb managed to keep the guys motivated by running down to the corner store and returning with bags of popsicles and ice cream.
OH and if you look closely, you can see my rather large collection of skull shaped vodka and tequila bottles in the background.

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Director’s Blog: Making Cauke Scene 2 with Adam Ramzi and Luke Adams


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Any time you’re making a movie, you have to constantly adjust, change, rearrange and add things… When we were making Cauke for President, we changed, added, rewrote and polished it non-stop for months from writing it to the final edit. Sometimes you have to think on your feet and improvise as you go along.
Each scene starts with an audio commentary from a morning “shock jock” radio station with the voice parts played by Don Mike and me. Instead of having the audio play over a screen shot of JoeMyGod like in the other three scenes, we instead had the radio show playing on the actual radio while David drove Luke to a neighborhood he said was “Full of Reagan Democrats.”

I had planned two specialty drone shots to give the opening sequence some visual punch, but like technology often does… the drone wasn’t cooperating. Hours trying to solve the issue and more time spent on the phone with tech support ascertained that… it wasn’t going to fly. Literally. The drone could shoot video but not fly.

But… since it COULD shoot video, it gave us an idea.

To those drone shots in the start of the scene, we had to… get creative.


I’m a diminutive 5-foot-6 but Keith Webb… he’s tall. So for the opening shot, he held the drone over his head and walked orbiting the car as it pulled up to the curb. For the following shot with Luke walking up to the house, he climbed to the top of the ladder and perched precariously over enough cactus to do some serious damage if he fell. I stood behind him controlling the up/down pan of the onboard camera and we got the shots we wanted.

Click Here to Watch The Trailer.

Since we shot the in-car footage with a Go-Pro stuck to the inside of the windshield, the audio wasn’t usable. That meant we had to record the dialogue and match it up with the video later in editing. I haven’t actually had to ADR a shot like that in a long time. But the end effect is worth it.
We had originally planned just three scenes for the movie with the added jerk off scene to open it. But we were so happy with what we had and had started to notice a lot of attention bubbling up about what we were doing. We had started the Mike Cauke Twitter and Instagram account, launched a website and people had taken some notice.

cauk_bts_AdamLuke_1304We decided we’d give them a bit more to enjoy. Which meant we added a whole extra scene.

Keith wrote the script for this one while I was busy working on editing and the comedic between-scene setups.

He came up with the idea of having a young, innocent campaign volunteer being seduced by a possible voter. The sex scene itself was actually a pretty easy one to shoot. Adam Ramzzi and Luke Adams were both bang-on in their scene that takes place on the front entryway to one of the Titan houses in Palm Springs. But trying to make it flow well with the rest of the movie was the important part. We chose to get David Benjamin to come and play a non-sexual cameo role in the same character he plays in scene 3 with Tex Davidson.

Luke plays the innocent young man perfectly and Adam plays the sexually aggressive potential voter exactly how we wanted it…

finally… just as an in-joke I added the line about how “I can’t vote, I’m Canadian.” That’s true, technically, but it’s also what I always tell canvassers who come to my door while I’m too busy making porn to hear a stump speech.

You can Click Here  to see the whole scene over at Titanmen.com.

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Making Cauke: Scene One (Director’s Blog)


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cauk_bts_iPhone_AdamLuke_1499It’s been in the works for nearly a year. Keith Webb and I independently had the same idea… making a gay porn movie that would skewer closeted gay conservative politicians who publicly vote against the rights of GBLT people while privately being gay.

We spent a while going back and forth on ideas… do we make this a straight-forward “porn parody” or do we make it more serious? Do we make it about a real-life politician or do we just make a composite character based on the MANY different guys who fit the profile?

cauk_bts_iPhone_TexDavid_1603We chose to create a fictional character and use aspects of many different people… there were a lot of stories ripe for the picking. We chose to have a few light-hearted moments but not to make a “comedy” at all. Neither Keith or I have ever been accused of being that funny.

Keith came up with the name “Mike Cauke.” It’s pronounced “Coke” but looks like “Cock.” It gave us a good running joke to help tie the scenes together and if you say “Mike Cauke” fast, it sounds like you’re saying “My Cock.” Yes, it’s a silly joke… that’s the point. Once we had that, it was just a matter of choosing a title. Again.. Keith came up with “Cauke For President” and we knew then just how much fun we were about to have.

Once we had our rough script put together, we had to concentrate on how to fine tune it all and pull it off. We needed our leading man. He needed to look like a wholesome young man. No tattoos, no piercings and have that midwestern corn-fed look. He had to be able to act enough to carry off the dialogue and he had to be a good porn performer BUT we wanted a totally unknown actor to play him.

cauk_bts_iPhone_DallasMatthew_1594We found our Senator Cauke in Matthew Bosch. A friend of Jesse Jackman and Dirk Caber who had recently mentioned to his friends that he was maybe interested in making porn. He had all the parts we needed… literally. Not only did he have the look of Wally Cleaver, he had a ripped body, a killer smile, a big round bubble butt… he also had a HUGE, thick uncut dick.


Weeks of rewrites, location choices, more rewrites, buying new gear and planning specialty shots with new cameras and gear… and we were ready to go. Nick Prescott was chosen as his first-ever scene partner not only because he’s hot and fun and we knew the two would hit it off… but because Nick is a great “first scene partner.” He’s patient and encouraging to new guys and we knew we could rely on him to help Matthew hit it out of the park the first time. There was a lot of pressure on Matthew here… his first movie was going to be a pretty big event and the movie would open with a solo jerk off scene followed by a bottoming scene and would require some actual acting. He’d be on the cover of the movie, featured in two scenes and we were planning a pretty big news blitz. He had to have a good supporting cast and crew to pull it off. We did. He did. The resulting scene with Nick and Matthew is about as perfect as it could get.

cauk_bts_NickMatthew_1656No porn shoot goes off without a hitch and this wasn’t any different. Nick’s plane was delayed 24 hours and he sat in an airport for a full day waiting to make it to Palm Springs where we were shooting two of the scenes. We chose not to recast but instead spend half of the first day alone with Matthew… taking still shots, getting all of the B-roll of him doing his solo jerk off, jogging through the streets of Palm Springs for the story set-up… even doing his mock campaign ads.

Nick arrived at 3PM after traveling and sitting in airports for 30 hours… he walked in the door, grabbed a small bite to eat, hopped in the shower and was naked, hard and in front of a rolling camera by 3:30. THAT is how much of a reliable rock Nick Prescott is. Even with all of that, Nick took the bull by the horn, became best buddies with Matthew in no time, gave him all the tips and tricks and helped him through his first-scene jitters and before dinner was served, we had a top-notch, bang-on porn scene shot that we’re ALL proud of.

Watch/download the movie at Titanmen.

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Gay Comic Geek reviews Cauke For President. (and totally raves about it)


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He’s SO adorable.

When Jasun Mark and Keith Webb were writing and casting Cauke For President last summer, the script they had written called for a news anchor, radio “shock jocks” and a video blogger to open the film with a montage of news clips and commentary helping the audience understand who Mike Cauke was. The idea of having former real-life news caster Dallas Steele play one of those parts but they decided instead to cast Dallas in one of the sexual roles which meant the non-sexual parts needed to be cast.

AFER Spokesman, podcaster, blogger and liberal commentator Matt Baume was brought in to play himself. The “Shock Jocks” were played by Jasun Mark and former Randy Blue live show host Don Mike and the video blogger part was given to the one and only Gay Comic Geek. We’ve been trying to get Paul to bring his “Gay Comic Geek” persona to Titanmen for a long time… glad we finally found the perfect cameo role for him.

Paul really nails this one. Even without the story, the sex scenes are hot as hell and the men all deliver. Matthew Bosch is absolutely amazing in his debut role. He knows just how to open to the camera, act his role and emote in all the right ways. But the story, while never taking way from the action, is fun to watch unspool while you watch. We here at Titan are all very proud of this one.

Click Here to see the whole movie at Titanmen.

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Up Tibor’s Hole. Today’s Random Cell Phone Clip


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Today while trying to organize or at least catalogue the mess of drives piling up on my desk. I find a huge drive full of… stuff. Including many fun clips, especially this fun clip of Tibor Wolf putting on a ball stretcher and then shoving a testicle-shaped butt plug up his ass.

Most remarkable thing is that this three-minute clip is all one take.

With a Cameo by Allen Silver.

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Football Jocks Accidentally Show Off Their Cash and Prizes In Locker Room Interview


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After The Bengals won their game with the Bills, NFL Network ‘s Albert Breer interviewed Adam ‘Pacman’ Jones in the Bengals locker room while several muscular hunky naked football players were casually walking around with their naked asses and dicks on display.  If you like naked jocks today is your lucky day!


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The Best Way To Troll Anti-Gay Bigots


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Anyone who has ever been to a pride parade knows them:  the inevitable evangelical assholes on the sidelines reminding colorful festival goers that they are hell-bound. Most people simply ignore them, others get in their faces to confront the homophobic bullies. One guy in Chester, England named Dean Paton got it just right with his comedic approach though. Dean Paton shared his video on Vimeo of him unveiling an enormous sign of his own right next to those intolerant jerks. Check out the cute gleeful cop taking a personal snapshot of the joke at 1:15.

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