You know how in most offices when you get to your desk and open your morning email and among the actual emails you need to answer and inter-office notes there’s also those annoying group emails containing those Chicken Soup for the Soul “motivational” messages that usually include pictures of smiling kittens, cartoons about how dreadful it is to work in an office and invitations to someone’s daughter’s bridal shower?
Yeah, not here.
People often ask me what it’s like to work at a porn movie studio office. They picture loud dance music, follow spots, naked men gogo dancing on the copy machine… we have none of that. (Ok, Derreck from the art department once gogo danced on the copy machine but what happens at the Hallowe’en party stays at the Hallowe’en party).
But we do have some inter-office morning emails, here’s what’s been distracting us this week…

• George Michaels’ new man squeeze. Rather impressive that the guy who more than 25 years ago woke us up before we went went seems to have a reason to rise and shine.
• The guys in the video editing department have been hard at work editing François Sagat’s Incubus. They’re citing some amazing movies as inspiration but the one that’s got the whole office buzzing is Gaspar Noé’s Into The Void.
• No, that’s not a shot from the new Paul Wilde Titan Rough movie, that’s one of our favorite Hollywood lumps of muscle Tom Hardy as Bane in the new Batman movie.
• Every pig in the world needs a nice big bottle of Bacon Lube.
• Out gay hunk Tele releases a new single. And wow… that’s quite a body he’s got, gents.
• Bad News: one of our favorite haunts in Fire Island burned down. Good News: nobody hurt and we’ll have a brand-spanking new place to party in by the summer. We love breaking in new partying establishments.
In addition to his newly relaunched blog and new Twitter presence, François Sagat’s new Facebook page is all kinds of awesome.
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