Fosse Meets Folsom In This Awesome Video


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Bob Fosse meets Tom of Finland in this fetishy dancer number in celebration of the 2015 Folsom Street Fair.

Folsom Street Fair 2015 is Sunday, September 27, 11am – 6pm on Folsom Street between 8th and 13th streets in San Francisco, CA.

San Francisco has long pushed culture boundaries, radical self-expression and sexual freedom. Today awash in stories of the changing face of the city and its quickly eroding creative communities, “Folsom Street” joyously celebrates the rich history of diversity that pushes the limits of raw sexuality that make this city the exciting cultural haven that it has always been.

Directed by Aron Kantor and featuring Broadway performer Colin Cunliffe, notorious nightlife promoter Mario Diaz, gender-queer drag queen Grace Towers, and a variety of San Francisco dancers and performers, the film serves as both a metaphor for the Folsom Street Fair and an example of the possibilities of queer community effort and activism.

Directed and Produced by Aron Kantor
Choreography by Danny Dolan
Original Music by Tim Kvasnovsky
Cinematography by Joe Picard

Last modified: Aug 18, 2015

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