Titanmen Daily Distractions


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You can’t watch the whole internet at the same time. I know this because I tried and suffered an internal…. thing. Forget the name for it but I grew a third eye and scared people. This is a collection of the best inter-office email jokes, pictures and time-wasting stuff that clogs the inboxes at the Titanmen office…

Make It With a Fireman. Ok the shirtless bit is totally needless but… I have no problem with needless nudity.

After years of being shocking, fascinating and hard to look away from, ChiChi LaRue upsets the tender sensitivities of the Queerty readers by using the “F” word.

President of the United States takes a page from Canadian Politicians (who routinely show up on Canadian news comedy shows to play themselves) and shows up on Jimmy Kimmel to “Slow Jam the News.” Next Week, Mitt Romney plans to show up on Leno and wheel out the Wurlitzer.

Another beautiful television commercial for marriage equality. Again, it’s done for a foreign country. Again, it’s about a million times better than the lame-ass anti-Prop8 commercials run in California during the 2008 election.

Michael Lucas writes a touching piece about friend and former porn star Roman Ragazzi. I have to agree seeing the same 5 people posting the same nasty comments about gay porn stars on 20 different blogs and news sites gets to be a bit much. Since getting my first job in porn working here at Titan, I’ve learned that just about all the pre-conceived notions about porn performers are wrong. Most of the guys I’ve met are smart and funny and see porn as a fun hobby or a means to an end. Let’s try to treat the men who’ve entertained us with a bit of respect and love. Or at least cheer them on in their lives.

While countless bloggers and columnists for New York Times and Huffington Post lose their shit and scold young gay men about how Judy Garland has lost her “gay icon” status among gay men, over on his blog Gay Daily Hot, Jasun Mark managed to put some cultural history and perspective on why Judy Garland was a “gay icon,” why she remained considered one for so long and why she no longer is by many men born since 1969.


Conan O’Brien gets away with a this vaguely cringe-worhty gay porn parody of Batman. Not just because we all jerked off to Batman when we were younger and last month when it was on Cinemax but also because his history of gay jokes has been pretty positive. Had Leno released this same clip, there would be another “My gayest look for Leno” campaign.

Last modified: Apr 25, 2012

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