Our Crabby… er… GRABBY Award nominations are… in… we think.


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Although I usually pride myself in not being “that” guy… the Tallulah Bankhead-like, bitchy and oh-so-over-everything porn blogger who can’t say anything nice about anyone and often makes up nasty things to say for kicks… I figure I might as well give myself just a moment to stare wonderingly at the Grabby Award Nominations announcement page that, aside from looking like it was designed in 1997 by someone with a dog-eared copy of “Basic HTML for Dummies,” lists pages and pages of nominees.


After closely looking at it while taking breaks to uncross my eyes and regain my balance, I think Titanmen has scored a bunch of nominations. And possibly two more, but we’re not sure. And we might have been snubbed… but again, we’re not sure. The “Best Porn Star Site” seems to be a list of pay sites that star a single guy, although Shane Frost was nominated for his blog and to further baffle porn fans, Race Cooper, Dean Monroe and Diesel Washington were all nominated for sites that don’t exist. So you have to wonder why Francois Sagat’s site that’s filled with hours of original video and content wasn’t listed before sites that…well, aren’t sites. (it should be noted that Race Cooper is probably actually nominated for his site Edger9, although that’s not actually a Porn Star Site)

We’re also a bit unsure of eligibility dates… Some of our nominations are for movies that were released in January of this year. And my buddy Morgan Black is one hot stud for sure, but his nomination for “Best Newcomer” award is a bit dubious considering he first appeared in 2010… in a scene with Cavin Knight… who is also nominated for “Best Newcomer.”

But we’re still glad, I should point out, that aside from a few head-scratching moments in reading the list that we’ve had 15 nominations and that doesn’t include mentions for some of our regular (but not exclusive) Titanmen performers who were tapped for “Best Newcomer” or “Best Manly Man” (and you gotta wonder why “Best Fembot” wasn’t a category, although it does conjure up some disturbing mental images of some porn twinks clawing each other’s eyes out back stage for the diamond tiara).

Anyway… here’s the list.




Dario Black  (they mean Dario Beck, I’m assuming)

Trenton Ducati

Hunter Marx

Manly Man

Hunter Max  (Hunter Marx, I think)


Aymeric Deville & Wilfried Knight – Full Fetish

Hunter Marx & Jesse Jackman – Surveillance


Brian Mills – Speechless


Hunter Marx, Jayden Grey & Jessie Colter – Speechless


Hunter Marx & Jesse Jackman – Surveillance

Best Group

Spencer Reed, Dario Beck, Christopher Daniels  & Trenton Ducati – Surveillance

Best Art Direction

Full Fetish

Best Box Cover



Best All Sex


Last modified: Mar 16, 2012

5 Responses to " Our Crabby… er… GRABBY Award nominations are… in… we think. "

  1. Junior Stellano says:

    Wondering who Junior Stagliano is?????? Nominated under Manly Man? Can any one Fill me in?

  2. Jeff Carter says:

    EDGER9 is not Race Cooper’s site. He was associated with us but is no longer.

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