Introducing Jesse Jackman’s twin broth- er… wait, no that’s his dick. Ouch.


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When you first see the smile, it looks like a warm, cuddly… gentle giant smile from a guy who would just want to hug and kiss and keep you safe.

And then your eyes scan down and see the size of that thing and you realize that smile is just the his reaction to the inner monologue going on in his head as he plans to throw you down, give you the full brunt of Rod-Zilla there and laugh as you take it all.


If you would like to see him put that monster into action, you can click here to see a clip from Jesse’s new movie Command Performance or you can check out the gallery of stills showing him taking it all out on Roman Wright. Who knew when he was talking about it here that that laugh wasn’t the sweet and gentle laugh but a Bond Villain chortle?

But if you want to see him bent over and get what’s CLEARLY coming to him, see him getting topped by Hunter Marx in Surveillance. We made extra-sure that Hunter didn’t hold back.

Gallery of stills after the jump…

Last modified: Jan 27, 2012

One Response to " Introducing Jesse Jackman’s twin broth- er… wait, no that’s his dick. Ouch. "

  1. MG says:

    Can I just watch Roman Wright for hours? He’s the sexiest fucker ever… not to mention this new guy looks pretty great.

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