You Wanted More Cauke… Here He Is…


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cau2_posterframe_MatthewAlex_950x534After the smashing success of Titanmen’s Cauke For President released earlier this year, fans wanted to see more. They wanted to know what happened with Mark Rollins, the campaign manager played by David Benjamin so we told his story separately in Silverlake.

And now the story of Mike Cauke continues with Cauke For Free. Mike Cauke, disgraced former senator, is now working behind the scenes trying to get The FREE Act passed… a bill that would bring workplace equality protections for LGBT people.

The idea of doing a porn movie about workplace equality is certainly some untrodden ground. Written by Keith Webb, Jesse Jackman and Jasun Mark, the movie has a surprising amount of heart and an even more surprising amount of big dicks. Directed by Jasun Mark, the movie features the top-notch production style we’ve all come to expect from the Titanmen team.

Some top-notch performances from Titanmen Exclusives Matthew Bosch and Jesse Jackman lead the team, plus we get the Titanmen debuts of Jason Vario and Alex Mecum. Returning stars Alex Graham and mega-star Bruce Beckham fill out the cast of this 5-scene, 3-hour epic.

Download the whole movie at Titanmen.

Last modified: Nov 1, 2016

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